A Battlefield

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Not to be confused with The Battlefield (level 12 quest).

A Battlefield
A Battlefield
Zone Num 85
Location The Nearby Plains in the Distant Past
Unlocks After receiving the A Grave Situation adventure, ascended characters only
Recom Stat 30
Combat % 94.5-94.9%
ML 30
Terrain outdoor
Special Adventures
Lucky Prior to Always
Turtle Capital!
Ultra Rare The Temporal Bandit
refreshedit data
A Battlefield (a.k.a. The Cola Wars Battlefield) is located in The Nearby Plains in the Distant Past.

On November 21, 2005, the rift to the Nearby Plains in the Distant Past, and thus the Battlefield, were made unavailable to characters at levels other than level 4 or 5. Additionally, since August 8, 2006, the rift is only available to characters which have ascended. Also additionally, since January 24, 2007, the rift is only available to characters who have completed the first step of the Wizard of Ego quest (acquiring Fernswarthy's key).

There is no minimum mainstat recommendation for adventuring undisguised.

If wearing the Cloaca-Cola Uniform, A primary stat of 30 is suggested. If your main stat isn't high enough, you'll see the following message:

As you gaze across the battlefield, you see a soldier step on a cola grenade, vanishing in a red and blue (and sierra) mist. The horrors of war are somehow more horrible when sugary beverages are involved.
(It is recommended that you have at least 30 <mainstat> to adventure here.)

If wearing the Dyspepsi-Cola Uniform, A primary stat of 30 is suggested. If your main stat isn't high enough, you'll see the following message:

You see a Dyspepsi soldier take a grenade to the chest and erupt in a geyser of boiling acidic sugar-water. You may not be ready to come alive (and dead shortly thereafter) with the Dyspepsi generation.
(It is recommended that you have at least 30 <mainstat> to adventure here.)

If you attempt to adventure in this area via the "adventure again" or "last adventure" links after attaining level 6, you receive the message:

The temporal rift in the plains has closed.


The Effervescent Fray
The Effervescent Fray

Smells Like Team Spirit
Smells Like Team Spirit

What is it Good For?
What is it Good For?

A Turn of the Coat

Confusing the Issue
  • Substat Gain: Moxie*2 in Sarcasm (max 50)

The Real Thing

Book2.gif A Funny Thing Happened On the Way

Where Have All The Drunkards Gone?

In Cloaca-Cola Uniform

Combat Adventures

Dyspepsi-Cola General This monster is a Dude -- (edit metadata)

Dyspepsi-Cola Knight This monster is a Dude -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: Dyspepsi-Cola, Dyspepsi-Cola, Dyspepsi grenade
  • Meat Drop: None
  • Monster Level: 30 • Substat Gain: 7.5 • Moxie for No Hit*: 40
  • Monster Defense: 27
  • Hit Points: 35
  • Initiative: 50
  • Elemental Alignment: None

Dyspepsi-Cola Soldier This monster is a Dude -- (edit metadata)

Non-combat Adventures

Kneatly Knicking the Knapsack (Cloaca-Cola)

In Dyspepsi-Cola Uniform

Combat Adventures

Cloaca-Cola Catapult Engineer This monster is a Dude -- (edit metadata)

Cloaca-Cola Footsoldier This monster is a Dude -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: Cloaca-Cola, Cloaca-Cola, Cloaca grenade
  • Meat Drop: None
  • Monster Level: 30 • Substat Gain: 7.5 • Moxie for No Hit*: 40
  • Monster Defense: 27
  • Hit Points: 35
  • Initiative: 50
  • Elemental Alignment: None

Cloaca-Cola Soldier This monster is a Dude -- (edit metadata)

Non-combat Adventures

Kneatly Knicking the Knapsack (Dyspepsi-Cola)

Special, Uniform-Independent Adventures

Combat Adventures

Baiotal.gif The Temporal Bandit This monster is a Dude -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: Counterclockwise Watch
  • Meat Drop: None
  • Monster Level: 35 • Substat Gain: 8.75 • Moxie for No Hit*: 45
  • Monster Defense: 31
  • Hit Points: 35
  • Initiative: always
  • Elemental Alignment: None
  • Note: An ultra rare adventure.
  • Note: Occurs both in uniform and undisguised.

Non-combat Adventures

11leafclover.gif Prior to Always
  • Item Drops: Six-pack of New Cloaca-Cola
  • Note: Occurs both in uniform and undisguised.
  • Note: This adventure is triggered whenever you adventure here while feeling Lucky!.

Turtle.gif Capital!


  • This area refers to the so-called "Cola Wars" of the 1980s, in which the degree of competitive advertising between rivals Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola reached previously unheard-of heights.