Asdon Martin keyfob (on ring)

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Asdon Martin keyfob (on ring)
Asdon Martin keyfob (on ring)

This keyfob has all the normal functions of an electronic car keyfob -- unlock the doors, open the trunk, start the ignition, and so on. It also has some unique buttons though, like "CONVERT WORKSHED" and "SELF-DESTRUCT".

Probably you shouldn't carry it in the same pocket as your loose change.

Type: usable
Cannot be traded or discarded

(In-game plural: Asdon Martin keyfob (on ring)s)
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Item number: 9508
Description ID: 391247220
View in-game: view

Obtained From

LI-11 Motor Pool voucher

When Used

You push the "convert workshed" button on your keyfob, and your previous workshed appliances uninstall with a FWISH BZZZIPPP! noise. Then SWIZZZZZ KA-CHANK, several panels in the workshed walls flip around to reveal concealed computer screens. A device that looks a bit like a gas pump pops out of the corner with a SWISH-CHONK-KLANK, and finally there's a long VOOOOOOONNN combined with a chonketa chonketa chonketa as the floor slides away and an elevator platform lifts your new Asdon Martin into the shed.

...How did the agency install all this without you noticing?


  • Creates an Asdon Martin in Your Workshed.
  • As of a trivial update on Dec 22, 2022, it is automatically placed in your inventory for you at the beginning of your run, with the message:
    You grab your keys off the hook by the door to reality on your way in.
    Asdonfob.gifYou acquire an item: Asdon Martin keyfob (on ring)
  • Was previously named Asdon Martin keyfob. The addition of (on ring) was as a result of the 2023/12/14 podcast, in which it was pointed out that the Workshed change made it impossible to use the Asdon in G-Lover.


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