Black Crayon Beetle

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Black Crayon Beetle
Monster ID 1191
Locations Anywhere, with an Artistic Goth Kid equipped (after fighting a bug-type monster)
Hit Points 75% of player's muscle
Attack Moxie (cap at 10 000)
Defense Muscle (cap at 10 000)
Initiative 0
Meat None
Phylum bug
Elements None
Resistance  ?
Monster Parts head, wing, thorax, abdomen
crayon shavings
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
Black Crayon Beetle You're fighting a Black Crayon Beetle

The humble beetle is rich in trenchant metaphor for our hopeless existence: there's the Deathwatch Beetle, that ticks away our futile seconds upon this earth. Then there's the Dung Beetle, clinging desperately to its ball of filth, blind to its true nature. And, of course, there's those freaky beetles with the rhinoceros horns, that remind us that sometimes nature is pretty awesome.

Hit Message(s):

It crawls all over you with its spindly little legs. Why are there little hairs on them? Oh, god, why? Ugh! Argh! Eek! (sleaze damage)

It flies up and chitters at you, thoroughly freaking you out. Ow! Ow! Argh! (spooky damage)

It bites you with its mandibles. The pain is hard to handible. Eek! Ooh! Oof!

It stings you with a black crayon stinger. Your bung gets an unexpected infusion of waxy pain. Oof! Oof! Argh!

Critical Hit Message:

It sinks its mandibles into your throat and solar plexus, and pumps you full of venom. Okay, it's really just black wax, but it hurts just like it would if it were poison. (CRITICAL HIT!) Argh! Argh! Ugh!

Miss Message(s):

It tries to crawl on you with its spindly little legs, but you shoo it away.

It tries to bite you with its mandibles, but you're not mandible-edible.

It chitters at you, but you tell it to knock off the chitter-chatter.

It tries to sting you with a black crayon stinger, but it's too blunt to sting. It should have tried a more tactful approach.

Fumble Message:

It tries to pump venom into you, but most modern crayons are non-toxic. Which, y'know, is handy if you didn't bring a snack to kindergarten. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Crayonshavings.gifYou acquire an item: crayon shavings (100% chance)*

Occurs anywhere, with an Artistic Goth Kid equipped (after fighting a bug-type monster).