Black market map

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black market map
black market map

This is a map given to you by a mysterious man in black. It supposedly leads to the Black Market, but you find it a little difficult to follow. Mostly because it's not actually moving, but also because it's confusing.

Type: usable
Cannot be traded or discarded
Quest Item

(In-game plural: black market maps)
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Item number: 2054
Description ID: 988612517
View in-game: view

Obtained From

Obsoleted Areas/Methods
The Black Forest
A Man in Black (one-time drop)

When Used

You try to follow the map, but you can't make head or tail of it. It keeps telling you to take paths through completely impenetrable foliage.

What was it that the man in black told you about the map? Something about "as the crow flies?"

You pull the map out of your sack, and your Blackbird immediately takes off into the air and starts cawing impatiently.

It heads off to the east, circling back briefly to indicate that it wants you to follow it.

With the Blackbird's guidance, you make your way through the confusing trails and darkened copses until you find, nestled deep within the woods, a tiny black hut with a sign over the door reading "The Black Market".

You pull the map out of your sack, and your Crow immediately takes off into the air and starts cawing impatiently.

It heads off to the east, circling back briefly to indicate that it wants you to follow it.

With the Crow's guidance, you make your way through the confusing trails and darkened copses until you find, nestled deep within the woods, a tiny black hut with a sign over the door reading "The Black Market".

You pull the map out of your sack, and your reassembled blackbird immediately takes off into the air and starts cawing impatiently.

It heads off to the east, circling back briefly to indicate that it wants you to follow it.

With the reassembled blackbird's guidance, you make your way through the confusing trails and darkened copses until you find, nestled deep within the woods, a tiny black hut with a sign over the door reading "The Black Market".



  • On February 2nd, 2012, the map no longer causes your Blackbird or Crow to fly away.
  • Prior to that, "The blackbird, its work done, flies off into the distance." was included when using it.
  • Retired on May 19, 2014.