Blue class ring

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blue class ring
blue class ring

This is one of the class rings worn by middle-ranked officers in the Brotherhood of One to indicate their superiority over the freshmen and sophomores. It's got a shiny blue gem in it, with some sort of ridiculous crest set under the stone.

Cannot be traded or discarded

(In-game plural: blue class rings)
View metadata
Item number: 2383
Description ID: 594897945
View in-game: view

Obtained From

The Battlefield (War Hippy Fatigues)
War Frat Elite Wartender


  • Can be traded in for 3 dimes at the wartime Hippy Camp.
  • As of July 2nd, 2009, this item, along with the other two rings, is no longer a Quest Item.


"2383" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.