From TheKolWiki
Flails are sort of like whips, but more powerful. They also have ranged and melee members, 1-handed and 2-handed members.
Heck, all you can say about them is that they aren't 3-handed or boost meat drops. or familar weight.
You <flail> your weapon wildly and bash <it> in the face for X damage. BARF! WHACK! WHACK!
You swing your <flail> and clock <it> with the meaningful end, cleaning <its> clock to the tune of X damage. ZOT! KAPOW! SOCKO!
You wrap the flexible part of your <flail> around <its> neck and squeeze X points' worth of breath out of <it>. BOOF! SPLAT! SPLAT!
You whirl your <flail> around, admiring the nice whistling sound it makes. Then you brain your opponent with it, admiring the nice thumping sound it makes, and the X damage it deals. KAPOW! SPLAT! WHACK!
You flail around aimlessly for a while, then begin flailing around with a purpose -- that purpose being the infliction of X damage on your foe. SPLAT! WHAM! BOINK!
Pages in category "Flails"
The following 30 pages are in this category, out of 30 total.
F cont.GHILPRS |
S cont.TUVW |