Cerebral Culottes

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Cerebral Culottes
Cerebral Culottes

This is a pair of culottes woven from the very threads of ideas into the very fabric of thought. They're so very, very, very. And variable -- they're longer than shorts, shorter than pants, wider than bell-bottoms and narrower than a skirt. It's clear they come from somewhere where nothing is real, and there's nothing to get hung about.

Type: pants
Power: 90
Moxie Required: 30
Outfit: Encephalic Ensemble
  (3 items)

Selling Price: 100 Meat.

Mysticality +10

(In-game plural: Cerebral Culotteses, preciousss)
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Item number: 1616
Description ID: 325818946
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Bad Trip
Violet Fog
The Big Scary Place (Garment)
Mediocre Trip
Violet Fog
The Big Scary Place (Garment)
Great Trip
Violet Fog
The Big Scary Place (Garment)


  • "nothing is real, and there's nothing to get hung about" is a reference to the Beatles song, Strawberry Fields Forever.
  • "They're so very, very, very" is a reference to the movie Heathers, in which Heather Chandler often refers to things as being "very".
  • The item's plural form references Gollum's way of talking in J.R.R. Tolkien's book The Lord of the Rings.
  • "They're longer than shorts, shorter than pants" Is likely a reference to the Arj And Poopy cartoon[1]

See Also


Slash.gif Cerebral Cloche | Cerebral Crossbow | Cerebral Culottes


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