Clockwork rings

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clockwork rings
clockwork rings

Generally, any clockwork rings if you hit it with another piece of metal. These are special in that they not only ring but are ring-shaped. Just don't look at them too long or you'll only have seven days to live.

Selling Price: 50 Meat.

(In-game plural: sets of clockwork rings)
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Item number: 1090
Description ID: 879600306
View in-game: view
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Flange.gif flange cog spring  
Flange.gif clockwork thingamajig flange sprocket
Equals.gif clockwork rings



  • The description of this item alludes to the 2002 film The Ring and/or the 1998 film Ringu in which characters die seven days after watching a videotape of possible supernatural origin.
  • The picture seems to resemble the ring transporter in the popular Stargate television franchise.


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