Clumsiness bark

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clumsiness bark
clumsiness bark

From the Clumsiness Grove comes this piece of a tree,
It's clammy and moist to a noxious degree.
It does something special; I'll tell you so plainly,
Whoever's around it becomes quite ungainly.

Type: combat item
Cannot be discarded

Deals 10-20 Physical Damage and briefly stuns your foe

(In-game plural: pieces of clumsiness bark)
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Item number: 5445
Description ID: 459056964
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Clumsiness Grove
Sorrowful Hickory
Suffering Juniper
Tormented Baobab
Whimpering Willow
Woeful Magnolia

When Used

In the bat goes the bark, and because of this crammage,
he trips on his spats and takes one thousand damage!
  • Against The Thorax when he draws back his big fist:
You slip him the bark, just as spry as an elf,
and the Thorax hauls off and he punches himself!
"Did that do some damage? Well did it?" you ask?
It did. A whole thousand. Enough for the task?
You slip him the bark -- I'm not sure what you're proving --
it's hard to be clumsy when one isn't moving.
  • Against anyone else:
As you stick that ol' bark into just the right place,
he takes 10-20 damage and falls on his face.


  • When used against ordinary monsters, Staggers your opponent.


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