Cocktailcrafting Discoveries

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This is a list of all cocktailcrafting-made items in the game, listed by discovery type.

There are known cocktailcrafting recipes.

Amazing Ideas

Russian Ice Russian Ice
magical ice cubes + bottle of vodka

Blood Bag Beverages

bottle of Sanguiovese bottle of Sanguiovese
fermenting powder + blood bag
dusty bottle of blood dusty bottle of blood
dusty bottle of Marsala + blood bag
dusty bottle of blood dusty bottle of blood
dusty bottle of Merlot + blood bag
dusty bottle of blood dusty bottle of blood
dusty bottle of Muscat + blood bag
dusty bottle of blood dusty bottle of blood
dusty bottle of Pinot Noir + blood bag
dusty bottle of blood dusty bottle of blood
dusty bottle of Port + blood bag
dusty bottle of blood dusty bottle of blood
dusty bottle of Zinfandel + blood bag
mulled blood mulled blood
spices + blood bag
Red Russian Red Russian
glass of goat's milk + blood bag
vampagne vampagne
carbonated soy milk + blood bag
vampagne vampagne
Monstar energy beverage + blood bag


Dreadsylvanian cold-fashioned Dreadsylvanian cold-fashioned
eau de mort + cold cluster
Dreadsylvanian dank and stormy Dreadsylvanian dank and stormy
eau de mort + stench cluster
Dreadsylvanian grimlet Dreadsylvanian grimlet
eau de mort + spooky cluster
Dreadsylvanian hot toddy Dreadsylvanian hot toddy
eau de mort + hot cluster
Dreadsylvanian slithery nipple Dreadsylvanian slithery nipple
eau de mort + sleaze cluster


green drunki-bear green drunki-bear
bottle of vodka + giant green gummi bear
red drunki-bear red drunki-bear
bottle of vodka + giant red gummi bear
yellow drunki-bear yellow drunki-bear
bottle of vodka + giant yellow gummi bear

Cool Winery

Breakfast Blast wine cooler Breakfast Blast wine cooler
grapefruit + unflavored wine cooler
Cherrytastrophe wine cooler Cherrytastrophe wine cooler
cherry + unflavored wine cooler
Citrus Crush wine cooler Citrus Crush wine cooler
lemon + unflavored wine cooler
Orangemageddon wine cooler Orangemageddon wine cooler
orange + unflavored wine cooler
Radberry Rip wine cooler Radberry Rip wine cooler
strawberry + unflavored wine cooler

Crimbo Cocktails

Crimbow Rainbo Crimbow Rainbo
yule grog + red white and blue claret
red white and blue claret red white and blue claret
Crimbuccaneer whale oil + red and white claret
yule grog yule grog
military-grade peppermint oil + old-school pirate grog


bottle of gin bottle of gin
fermenting powder + juniper berries
bottle of rum bottle of rum
fermenting powder + brown sugar cane
bottle of sake bottle of sake
fermenting powder + white rice
bottle of tequila bottle of tequila
fermenting powder + cactus fruit
bottle of vodka bottle of vodka
fermenting powder + bowl of rye sprouts
bottle of whiskey bottle of whiskey
fermenting powder + cob of corn
boxed wine boxed wine
fermenting powder + bunch of square grapes

Eldritch Essentials

Requires Eldritch Intellect
eldritch elixir eldritch elixir
eldritch distillate + eldritch distillate

Evil Fruity Girl Drinks

Requires Advanced Cocktailcrafting
an evil little sump'm sump'm an evil little sump'm sump'm
martini + evil paper umbrella
evil ducha de oro evil ducha de oro
tequila sunrise + evil paper umbrella
evil horizontal tango evil horizontal tango
wine spritzer + evil paper umbrella
evil roll in the hay evil roll in the hay
whiskey and soda + evil paper umbrella


world's most unappetizing beverage world's most unappetizing beverage
can of depilatory cream + hair of the calf

Extra-Fruity Girl Drinks

Requires Advanced Cocktailcrafting
Divine Divine
little paper umbrella + whiskey bittersweet
gimlet gimlet
little paper umbrella + gin and tonic
Gordon Bennett Gordon Bennett
little paper umbrella + mimosette
Mae West Mae West
magical ice cubes + rabbit punch
mandarina colada mandarina colada
magical ice cubes + zmobie
Mon Tiki Mon Tiki
coconut shell + caipifruta
Neuromancer Neuromancer
coconut shell + gibson
prussian cathouse prussian cathouse
magical ice cubes + parisian cathouse
tangarita tangarita
magical ice cubes + tequila sunset
teqiwila slammer teqiwila slammer
coconut shell + teqiwila
vodka stratocaster vodka stratocaster
coconut shell + vodka gibson
yellow brick road yellow brick road
little paper umbrella + vodka and tonic

Fancy Garnishes

skewered cherry skewered cherry
tiny plastic sword + cherry
skewered jumbo olive skewered jumbo olive
jumbo olive + tiny plastic sword
skewered lime skewered lime
lime + tiny plastic sword

Festive Crimbo Cocktails

Crimbojito Crimbojito
bottle of rum + peppermint twist
Gin Mint Gin Mint
bottle of gin + peppermint twist
Mint Yulep Mint Yulep
bottle of whiskey + peppermint twist
Sangria de Menthe Sangria de Menthe
boxed wine + peppermint twist
Tequiz Navidad Tequiz Navidad
bottle of tequila + peppermint twist
Vodka Matryoshka Vodka Matryoshka
bottle of vodka + peppermint twist

Fruity Girl Drinks

Requires Advanced Cocktailcrafting (except for pumpkin beer and the beaver punches)
a little sump'm sump'm a little sump'm sump'm
martini + little paper umbrella
beaver punch (cherry) beaver punch (cherry)
cherry + beavermouth
beaver punch (papaya) beaver punch (papaya)
papaya + beavermouth
beaver punch (peach) beaver punch (peach)
peach + beavermouth
blended frozen swill blended frozen swill
magical ice cubes + Typical Tavern swill
bungle in the jungle bungle in the jungle
little paper umbrella + banana daiquiri
calle de miel calle de miel
magical ice cubes + margarita
ducha de oro ducha de oro
little paper umbrella + tequila sunrise
fruity girl swill fruity girl swill
little paper umbrella + Typical Tavern swill
fuzzbump fuzzbump
whiskey sour + coconut shell
horizontal tango horizontal tango
little paper umbrella + wine spritzer
Murderer's Punch Murderer's Punch
orange + red rum
ocean motion ocean motion
coconut shell + monkey wrench
perpendicular hula perpendicular hula
strawberry daiquiri + magical ice cubes
pink pony pink pony
coconut shell + strawberry wine
pumpkin beer pumpkin beer
fermenting powder + pumpkin
rockin' wagon rockin' wagon
magical ice cubes + vodka martini
roll in the hay roll in the hay
little paper umbrella + whiskey and soda
slap and tickle slap and tickle
salty dog + magical ice cubes
slip 'n' slide slip 'n' slide
screwdriver + coconut shell
soft green echo eyedrop antidote martini soft green echo eyedrop antidote martini
soft green echo eyedrop antidote + rockin' wagon
tropical swill tropical swill
coconut shell + Typical Tavern swill

Haunted Recipes

haunted bottle of vodka haunted bottle of vodka
bottle of vodka + ghostly ectoplasm
haunted eggnog haunted eggnog
eggnog + ghostly ectoplasm
haunted gimlet haunted gimlet
gimlet + ghostly ectoplasm
haunted martini haunted martini
martini + ghostly ectoplasm
twice-haunted screwdriver twice-haunted screwdriver
haunted orange + haunted bottle of vodka

Hilarious Jokes

blended frozen swill with a fly in it blended frozen swill with a fly in it
magical ice cube with a fly in it + Typical Tavern swill
calle de miel with a fly in it calle de miel with a fly in it
margarita + magical ice cube with a fly in it
Mae West with a fly in it Mae West with a fly in it
magical ice cube with a fly in it + rabbit punch
mandarina colada with a fly in it mandarina colada with a fly in it
magical ice cube with a fly in it + zmobie
perpendicular hula with a fly in it perpendicular hula with a fly in it
strawberry daiquiri + magical ice cube with a fly in it
prussian cathouse with a fly in it prussian cathouse with a fly in it
magical ice cube with a fly in it + parisian cathouse
rockin' wagon with a fly in it rockin' wagon with a fly in it
vodka martini + magical ice cube with a fly in it
slap and tickle with a fly in it slap and tickle with a fly in it
salty dog + magical ice cube with a fly in it
stealth bomber stealth bomber
government + rocket fuel
tangarita with a fly in it tangarita with a fly in it
magical ice cube with a fly in it + tequila sunset

Infused Wines

Requires Superhuman Cocktailcrafting (except for mulled berry wine)
berry-infused sake berry-infused sake
bottle of Pete's Sake + sea lychee
citrus-infused sake citrus-infused sake
bottle of Pete's Sake + sea tangelo
melon-infused sake melon-infused sake
bottle of Pete's Sake + sea honeydew
mulled berry wine mulled berry wine
boxed wine + mulberry
salt plum sake salt plum sake
bottle of Pete's Sake + salt plum


bad rum and good cola bad rum and good cola
grolblin rum + sanctified cola
boilermaker boilermaker
bottle of whiskey + McMillicancuddy's Special Lager
carrot claret carrot claret
fermenting powder + carrot nose
fine wine fine wine
grapes + fermenting powder
plum wine plum wine
fermenting powder + plum
slap and slap again slap and slap again
pretty flower + slap and tickle

Miscellaneous Boozery

gamma nog gamma nog
fermenting powder + peppermint tailings
mushroom whiskey mushroom whiskey
fermenting powder + mushroom filet
nice warm beer nice warm beer
ice-cold Sir Schlitz + grubby wool beerwarmer
robin nog robin nog
fermenting powder + robin's egg

Mushroom Wines

blood-red mushroom wine blood-red mushroom wine
mushroom fermenting solution + Helvella Haemophilia mushroom
buzzing mushroom wine buzzing mushroom wine
mushroom fermenting solution + Stemonitis Staticus mushroom
complex mushroom wine complex mushroom wine
mushroom fermenting solution + Omphalotus Omphaloskepsis mushroom
cool mushroom wine cool mushroom wine
cool mushroom + mushroom fermenting solution
flaming mushroom wine flaming mushroom wine
flaming mushroom + mushroom fermenting solution
flat mushroom wine flat mushroom wine
warm mushroom + mushroom fermenting solution
gloomy mushroom wine gloomy mushroom wine
mushroom fermenting solution + gloomy black mushroom
icy mushroom wine icy mushroom wine
frozen mushroom + mushroom fermenting solution
knob mushroom wine knob mushroom wine
Knob mushroom + mushroom fermenting solution
knoll mushroom wine knoll mushroom wine
Knoll mushroom + mushroom fermenting solution
nega-mushroom wine nega-mushroom wine
mushroom fermenting solution + nega-mushroom
oily mushroom wine oily mushroom wine
mushroom fermenting solution + oily golden mushroom
overpowering mushroom wine overpowering mushroom wine
mushroom fermenting solution + Boletus Broletus mushroom
pointy mushroom wine pointy mushroom wine
pointy mushroom + mushroom fermenting solution
smooth mushroom wine smooth mushroom wine
mushroom fermenting solution + Gyromitra Dynomita mushroom
spooky mushroom wine spooky mushroom wine
spooky mushroom + mushroom fermenting solution
stinky mushroom wine stinky mushroom wine
stinky mushroom + mushroom fermenting solution
swirling mushroom wine swirling mushroom wine
mushroom fermenting solution + Tremella Tarantella mushroom

Pea Productions

peasco sour peasco sour
bottle of vodka + whirled peas

Perfect Cocktails

perfect cosmopolitan perfect cosmopolitan
bottle of vodka + perfect ice cube
perfect dark and stormy perfect dark and stormy
bottle of rum + perfect ice cube
perfect mimosa perfect mimosa
boxed wine + perfect ice cube
perfect negroni perfect negroni
bottle of gin + perfect ice cube
perfect old-fashioned perfect old-fashioned
bottle of whiskey + perfect ice cube
perfect paloma perfect paloma
bottle of tequila + perfect ice cube


bottle of drinkin' gas bottle of drinkin' gas
impure gasoline + tarnished bottlecap

Premium Cocktails

Requires Superhuman Cocktailcrafting
caipifruta caipifruta
bottle of Lieutenant Freeman + kiwi
chocotini chocotini
vodka martini + candy mountain oyster
gibson gibson
bottle of Calcutta Emerald + cocktail onion
gin and tonic gin and tonic
bottle of Calcutta Emerald + tonic water
mimosette mimosette
boxed champagne + kumquat
parisian cathouse parisian cathouse
boxed champagne + raspberry
rabbit punch rabbit punch
bottle of Domesticated Turkey + raspberry
teqiwila teqiwila
bottle of Jorge Sinsonte + kiwi
tequila sunset tequila sunset
bottle of Jorge Sinsonte + tangerine
vodka and tonic vodka and tonic
bottle of Definit + tonic water
vodka gibson vodka gibson
bottle of Definit + cocktail onion
whiskey bittersweet whiskey bittersweet
bottle of Domesticated Turkey + kumquat
zmobie zmobie
bottle of Lieutenant Freeman + tangerine

Premium Guzzlr Cocktails

Buttery Boy Buttery Boy
Dish of Clarified Butter + Guzzlr cocktail set
Ghiaccio Colada Ghiaccio Colada
cold wad + Guzzlr cocktail set
Nog-on-the-Cob Nog-on-the-Cob
robin's egg + Guzzlr cocktail set
Sourfinger Sourfinger
mangled finger + Guzzlr cocktail set
Steamboat Steamboat
miniature boiler + Guzzlr cocktail set

Robortender Recipes

Bloody Nora Bloody Nora
olive + low tide martini
Churchill Churchill
bottle of rum + limepatch
dirt julep dirt julep
lemon + soilzerac
double entendre double entendre
bottle of tequila + bottle of anís
drive-by shooting drive-by shooting
grapefruit + piscatini
eighth plague eighth plague
olive + literal grasshopper
elemental caipiroska elemental caipiroska
grapefruit + Siberian sunrise
extremely slippery nipple extremely slippery nipple
bottle of tequila + baby oil shooter
Feliz Navidad Feliz Navidad
orange + mentholated wine
Gnollish sangria Gnollish sangria
strawberry + Gnomish sagngria
Gnomish sagngria Gnomish sagngria
boxed wine + bottle of gregnadigne
great old fashioned great old fashioned
bottle of whiskey + lump of black ichor
gunner's daughter gunner's daughter
grapefruit + Churchill
hell in a bucket hell in a bucket
soda water + morning dew
literal grasshopper literal grasshopper
bottle of tequila + pickled grasshopper
London frog London frog
bottle of gin + slime shooter
low tide martini low tide martini
bottle of vodka + bottle of clam juice
mentholated wine mentholated wine
boxed wine + peppermint sprig
moreltini moreltini
olive + shroomtini
morning dew morning dew
bottle of rum + shot of granola liqueur
Mysterious Island iced tea Mysterious Island iced tea
soda water + extremely slippery nipple
Newark Newark
orange + whiskey squeeze
nothingtini nothingtini
bottle of gin + imaginary lemon
Phil Collins Phil Collins
soda water + nothingtini
Phlegethon Phlegethon
bottle of rum + bottle of novelty hot sauce
piscatini piscatini
boxed wine + fish head
R'lyeh R'lyeh
strawberry + great old fashioned
reverse Tantalus reverse Tantalus
orange + Phlegethon
shroomtini shroomtini
bottle of gin + cocktail mushroom
Siberian sunrise Siberian sunrise
bottle of vodka + elemental sugarcube
Simepore slime Simepore slime
strawberry + London frog
single entendre single entendre
lemon + double entendre
soilzerac soilzerac
bottle of whiskey + pile of dirt
vodka barracuda vodka barracuda
lemon + vodka stinger
vodka stinger vodka stinger
bottle of vodka + bottle of Crème de Fugu
whiskey squeeze whiskey squeeze
bottle of whiskey + can of cherry-flavored sterno


shot of blackberry schnapps shot of blackberry schnapps
fermenting powder + blackberry
shot of flower schnapps shot of flower schnapps
pretty flower + fermenting powder
shot of grapefruit schnapps shot of grapefruit schnapps
grapefruit + fermenting powder
shot of orange schnapps shot of orange schnapps
orange + fermenting powder
shot of peach schnapps shot of peach schnapps
fermenting powder + peach
shot of pear schnapps shot of pear schnapps
fermenting powder + pear
shot of tomato schnapps shot of tomato schnapps
tomato + fermenting powder


neg grog neg grog
bottle of rum + transparent nog

Simple Cocktails

banana daiquiri banana daiquiri
bottle of rum + banana
bloody mary bloody mary
bottle of vodka + tomato
dry martini dry martini
bottle of gin + jumbo olive
dry vodka martini dry vodka martini
bottle of vodka + jumbo olive
eggnog eggnog
ghuol egg + spiced rum
especially salty dog especially salty dog
salty dog + brine
extra-spicy bloody mary extra-spicy bloody mary
spices + bloody mary
grog grog
lime + bottle of rum
lumbering jack lumbering jack
bottle of whiskey + Blatantly Canadian
margarita margarita
lemon + bottle of tequila
martini martini
bottle of gin + olive
monkey wrench monkey wrench
grapefruit + bottle of rum
old-fashioned old-fashioned
bottle of whiskey + cherry
papaya sling papaya sling
bottle of gin + papaya
redrum redrum
cranberries + bottle of rum
rum and cola rum and cola
Dyspepsi-Cola + bottle of rum
rum and cola rum and cola
bottle of rum + Cloaca-Cola
salty dog salty dog
bottle of gin + grapefruit
sangria sangria
boxed wine + cherry
screwdriver screwdriver
bottle of vodka + orange
snakebite snakebite
cream stout + anise-flavored venom
spiced rum spiced rum
spices + bottle of rum
strawberry daiquiri strawberry daiquiri
strawberry + bottle of rum
strawberry wine strawberry wine
strawberry + boxed wine
tequila sunrise tequila sunrise
orange + bottle of tequila
tequila with training wheels tequila with training wheels
lime + bottle of tequila
vodka and cranberry vodka and cranberry
bottle of vodka + cranberries
vodka martini vodka martini
bottle of vodka + olive
whiskey and cola whiskey and cola
bottle of whiskey + Dyspepsi-Cola
whiskey and cola whiskey and cola
bottle of whiskey + Cloaca-Cola
whiskey and soda whiskey and soda
bottle of whiskey + soda water
whiskey sour whiskey sour
bottle of whiskey + lemon
white Canadian white Canadian
bottle of vodka + glass of goat's milk
White Hyborian White Hyborian
bottle of vodka + glass of baboon milk
wine spritzer wine spritzer
soda water + boxed wine


Irish Coffee, English Heart Irish Coffee, English Heart
handful of Smithereens + cup of lukewarm tea
Paint A Vulgar Pitcher Paint A Vulgar Pitcher
plain old beer + handful of Smithereens
Strikes Again Bigmouth Strikes Again Bigmouth
fermenting powder + handful of Smithereens

Specialty Beers

bloody beer bloody beer
ice-cold Sir Schlitz + tomato
bloody beer bloody beer
ice-cold Willer + tomato
green beer green beer
ten-leaf clover + ice-cold Sir Schlitz
green beer green beer
ten-leaf clover + ice-cold Willer
pebblebräu pebblebräu
floaty pebbles + ice-cold Sir Schlitz
pebblebräu pebblebräu
floaty pebbles + ice-cold Willer

Tiki Drinks

Requires Tiki Mixology
Cobra Bowl Cobra Bowl
bottle of super-extra-dark rhum + huge mint leaf
Electric Punch Electric Punch
bottle of extra-dark rhum + hibiscus petal
Island Hurricane Island Hurricane
bottle of super-extra-dark rhum + pineapple slab
Island Landslide Island Landslide
bottle of dark rhum + pineapple slab
Island Thunderstorm Island Thunderstorm
bottle of extra-dark rhum + pineapple slab
Scorpion Bowl Scorpion Bowl
bottle of dark rhum + huge mint leaf
Skull Punch Skull Punch
bottle of dark rhum + hibiscus petal
Smuggler's Punch Smuggler's Punch
bottle of super-extra-dark rhum + hibiscus petal
Turtle Bowl Turtle Bowl
bottle of extra-dark rhum + huge mint leaf

Tiny Plastic Sword Drinks

bodyslam bodyslam
skewered lime + tequila with training wheels
cherry bomb cherry bomb
skewered cherry + old-fashioned
dirty martini dirty martini
dry martini + skewered jumbo olive
grogtini grogtini
grog + skewered lime
sangria del diablo sangria del diablo
skewered cherry + sangria
vesper vesper
skewered jumbo olive + dry vodka martini

Underwater Cocktails

Salacious drinks require Salacious Cocktailcrafting
dew yoana lei dew yoana lei
sea honeydew + slug of rum
dew yoana salacious lei dew yoana salacious lei
dew yoana lei + seaode
lychee chuhai lychee chuhai
sea lychee + slug of shochu
salacious lychee chuhai salacious lychee chuhai
lychee chuhai + seaode
salacious screwdiver salacious screwdiver
screwdiver + seaode
screwdiver screwdiver
sea tangelo + slug of vodka

Yam Maykings

Requires Advanced Cocktailcrafting, except for the yam martini
Southern yam Southern yam
little paper umbrella + yam martini
sweet potato o' mine sweet potato o' mine
magical ice cubes + yam martini
sweet potato punch sweet potato punch
coconut shell + yam martini
yam martini yam martini
bottle of vodka + yam


flask of peppermint schnapps flask of peppermint schnapps
fermenting powder + flask of peppermint oil

In-game KoL Crafts
Cooking Cocktailcrafting
Advanced Saucecrafting · The Way of Sauce · Deep Saucery · Pastamastery · Transcendental Noodlecraft · Tempuramancy · Sushi-Rolling Advanced Cocktailcrafting · Superhuman Cocktailcrafting · Salacious Cocktailcrafting · Tiki Mixology · Nash Crosby's Still
Meatsmithing Crimbo
Armorcraftiness · Super-Advanced Meatsmithing · Grimacite Smithing Toymaking · Toolmaking · Spooky Toymaking · Assimilating · Crimborg Toymaking
Meat Pasting · Untinkering · Jewelrycrafting · Really Expensive Jewelrycrafting · Pixelcrafting · Star Combining · Weaving · Staffcrafting · Mushroom Breeding · Supertinkering · The Malus of Forethought
Meat-Pasting · Cooking · Meatsmithing · Cocktailcrafting · Jewelrycrafting · Miscellaneous