Combat Frequency

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When adventuring in a location the second-to-last thing the game decides whether you will receive a combat or non-combat encounter (the final thing is which specific combat/noncombat you will receive). Each location has a preset percentage of yielding a combat encounter.

Choosing Combat or Noncombat

Every zone has some combat percentage, and this number is an integer (usually a multiple of 5). This number can be modified with +/- combat skills. The game rolls a 1D100, and if the rolled number is higher than the modified combat rate, you get a noncombat. If it's the same or lower, you get a combat.

Here's an example: in the haunted ballroom the combat rate is 80%. If you have -20% combats running then the rate is modified to 60%. The game rolls a 1D100 and it's 59. You get a combat. You adventure again and the roll is a 60, so you get a combat. You adventure one more time and the roll is 61, so you get a noncombat.

For how the game chooses which specific combat/noncombat you get, see Combat-Noncombat Selection

Adventure Modifiers / Forcing a Noncombat (Sneaks)

There are several mechanics in the game that allow you to force your next turn to be a noncombat if possible. These adventure modifiers will persist until an eligible noncombat is encountered:


  • Modifiers stack with each other; the net modification is computed through simple addition.
    • If modifiers are used to adjust combat frequency more than 25% in either direction, additional modifiers contribute only +1% for every +5%. Six effects that provide -5% combat, for example, will provide a total of -26%, not -30%. Additionally, combat frequency manipulation is hard capped at 35%. Underwater-only effects, however, are applied after these diminishing returns.
  • It is possible to use these modifiers to completely eliminate one type of encounter. For example, The Penultimate Fantasy Airship has an 80% combat rate. If you run +20% combat, you'll have a 100% combat rate, eliminating the Random Lack of an Encounter adventure and any Immateria that you don't have yet.
  • A location may have a 100% combat rate, but still have noncombats; to encounter these, you must use frequency modifiers.
  • Similarly, there are adventures which can only be encountered while increasing the rate of combat adventures; for example, Getting Clubbed in The Purple Light District and the ninja snowman assassin in the Lair of the Ninja Snowmen. The comedian combats in the all-combat zone The Laugh Floor appear more frequently with +combat.

Increases Combat Rate (+combat)

Modifier Type Source Rate Avail. Duration Cost Prereq Notes
Song of Battle Effect Song of Battle (AoB skill) +20% Path 20 turns 10 MP Being an Avatar of Boris  
Taunt of Horus Effect Talisman of Horus +20% Path 10 turns 5 Ka coins Being Ed the Undying  
Waking the Dead Effect Summon Minion with Summon Horde (both ZM skills) +20% Path 10 turns 100 Meat Being a Zombie Master  
Coffeesphere Effect Coffeesphere (AoJ skill) +15% Path 20 turns 10 MP Being an Avatar of Jarlsberg  
Lion in Ambush Effect lion musk +15% HC/SC 20 turns Item loss   Tradeable, but only obtainable from access to the LT&T Office
Patent Aggression Effect patent aggression tonic +15% HC/SC 30 turns Item loss   Tradeable, but only obtainable from drops/skills in Avatar of West of Loathing
Unmuffled Effect Rev Engine with Extra-Loud Muffler +15% Path 10 turns 5 MP Being an Avatar of Sneaky Pete  
Blinking Belly Effect Firefly Abdomen (Nuclear Autumn skill) +10% Path 10 turns 30 MP Being in a Nuclear Autumn  
carpe Back Item Clan Floundry (Clan VIP Lounge) +10% HC/SC Always No other Clan Floundry item that day Access to Clan VIP Lounge
Driving Obnoxiously Effect Asdon Martin +10% HC/SC 30 turns 37 litres of fuel Asdon Martin in Your Workshed
Everything Must Go! Effect Violent pastilles (potion) +10% SC 10 turns Item loss    
latte lovers member's mug Off-Hand Item latte lovers club card +10% HC/SC Always   Hot wing ingredient unlocked
  • Must include a hot wing among its current ingredients for the enchantment to take effect
  • Enchantments can be customized at will
tunac Shirt Clan Floundry (Clan VIP Lounge) +10% HC/SC Always No other Clan Floundry item that day Access to Clan VIP Lounge
Very Attractive Effect Cargo Cultist Shorts pocket +10% HC/SC 20 turns    
  • Obtained from opening any of pockets 53, 154, 336, 552, 626
  • Can only open one pocket a day
Fresh Breath Effect August scepter Aug. 6th: Fresh Breath Day! +10% HC/SC 30 turns    
  • Moxie +20%
  • Moxie +10
Angry Effect Anger Glands (GN skill) +5% Path 20 turns 5 MP   Path-specific: Only usable in a Gelatinous Noob run
Ass-Stompers of Violence Accessory Shub-Jigguwatt, Elder God of Violence as a Seal Clubber +5% SC Always   125 Mus Cannot equip more than one
Brogre bucket hat Hat Buff Jimmy's Souvenir Shop +5% HC/SC Always 200 Beach Bucks 25 Mox  
Carlweather's Cantata of Confrontation Effect Carlweather's Cantata of Confrontation (skill) (AT buff) +5% HC/SC 5-20 turns 20 MP   Increased to 10% with the fiberglass fedora equipped
Celestial Saltiness Effect celestial au jus +5% HC/SC² 10 turns Item loss   Tradeable, but only obtainable from Jarlsberg's pan
cod cape Back Item Stench vampire +5% SC Always   200 Mox +25 Stench Damage
Color of the God Lobster Effect God Lobster +5% HC/SC 33 turns     Obtained by defeating the God Lobster with the God Lobster's Rod equipped.
Crown of Thrones or Buddy Bjorn, holding Grim Brother Hat or Back Item +5% SC       (Your Grim Brother can only be in one place at a time.)
Crunching Leaves Effect autumn-aton +5% HC/SC 20 turns Item Loss  
Dungeon Fist gauntlet Off-Hand Item Ticket Redemption Counter +5% SC Always 1000 Game Grid tickets 35 Muscle, having defeated Dungeon Fist!
folder (Ex-Files) Accessory Grass Elemental +5% Path³, SC       Only usable with a Folder Holder
Frown Effect Frown Muscles (GN skill) +5% Path 10 turns 5 MP   Path-specific: Only usable in a Gelatinous Noob run
giant turkey leg Weapon (3H) Renaissance Giant +5% HC/SC¹ Always   75 Mus  
High Colognic Effect musk turtle (potion) +5% HC/SC 15 turns Item loss    
Hippy Stench Effect reodorant or a handful of pine needles (both potions) +5% HC/SC 10 turns Item loss    
HOA zombie eyes Accessory Zombie Homeowners' Association (Hard Mode) +5% SC Always   100 Mys
Irritabili Tea Effect cuppa Irritabili tea +5% HC/SC 30 turns Item loss    
junkyard dog Food Hot Dog Stand (Clan VIP Lounge) +5% HC/SC 30 turns 3 fullness, the ability to eat any other fancy dog that day Access to Clan VIP Lounge
Kremlin's Greatest Briefcase Accessory suspicious package +5% HC/SC Always    
McHugeLarge right ski Accessory McHugeLarge duffel bag +5% HC/SC Always    
monster bait Accessory The Crackpot Mystic's Shed +5% HC/SC Always 20 red pixels, 15 white pixels   Cannot equip more than one
Musk of the Moose Effect Musk of the Moose (SC skill) +5% HC/SC 10 turns 10 MP    
pantogram pants Pants portable pantogram +5% HC/SC Always    
  • Obtained by choosing "some self-control" as Sacrifice (Middle)
  • Can be customized upon summoning via Pantagramming
portable cassette player Accessory Summon Confiscated Things +5% HC/SC Always    
  • +5 to Monster Level
  • Has An Obnoxious Mix Tape Stuck In It
  • Cannot equip more than one
Screaming! SCREAMING! AAAAAAAH! Effect Powerful Vocal Chords (GN skill) +5% Path 40 turns 5 MP   Path-specific: Only usable in a Gelatinous Noob run
Simply Irresistible Effect Irresistibility potion (potion) +5% SC 20 turns Item loss    
sombrero-mounted sparkler Hat Underground Fireworks Shop +5% HC/SC Always 500 meat
Spelunker's khakis Pants Spelunker's Guild prize sack +5% SC     35 mox
Towering Muscles Effect Clan Photo Booth - Get your photo taken - Holding up Fernswarthy's Tower (Clan VIP Lounge) +5% HC/SC Always Three photos per day Access to Clan VIP Lounge
Jumpsuited Hound Dog Familiar The Bounty Hunter Hunter's Shack +(weight/6)%, to a maximum of 5% HC/SC Always 100 filthy lucre  
"Remember the Trees" Shirt Shirt Tree hugging hippy protestor +5% HC/SC Always   10 Mus
Romantically Roused Effect Loathing Idol Microphone +5% HC/SC 30 turns 1 charge

¹ The giant turkey leg is easily obtainable in Hardcore, but will typically be unusable during the run due to its high muscle requirement. On Sunday, August 16th 2020, the giant turkey leg had the muscle requirement decreased from 200 to 75 so it can be equipped in run.
² The celestial au jus is available in Hardcore only if the player is under an Avatar of Jarlsberg challenge path restriction.
³ The Folder Holder is only available in Hardcore during a KOLHS run.

Decreases Combat Rate (-combat)

Modifier Type Source Rate Avail. Duration Cost Prereq Notes
Disquiet Riot Effect Zombie Slayer skill -20% Path 10 turns 5 "MP"   Path-specific: Skill only available in a Zombie Slayer run (though effect is wishable universally)
Shelter of Shed Effect Actually Ed the Undying skill -20% Path 10 turns 15 MP   Path-specific: Skill only available in an Actually Ed the Undying run
Song of Solitude Effect Avatar of Boris skill -20% Path 20/40 turns 15 MP   Path-specific: Skill only available in an Avatar of Boris run
A Rose by Any Other Material Effect squeaky toy rose -20% Path/SC 1 turn Item Loss  
Throwing Some Shade Effect shady shades -20% Path/SC 1 turn Item Loss  
Ashen Effect pile of ashes (potion) -15% Path 20 turns Potion   Path-specific: Quest potion only available in an Avatar of Sneaky Pete run, via the skill Incite Riot
Brooding Effect Brood (Avatar of Sneaky Pete skill) -15% Path 10 turns 20 MP   Path-specific: Skill only available in an Avatar of Sneaky Pete run
Camouflage Curtain Special Reassembly Station -15% Path Always 30 Scrap Robot Attachment Path-specific: Potentially replaces your weapon slot during a You, Robot run
Chocolatesphere Effect Avatar of Jarlsberg skill -15% Path 20 turns 10 MP   Path-specific: Skill only available in an Avatar of Jarlsberg run
Cloak of Shadows Effect Blood Cloak (Dark Gyffte skill) -15% Path 20 turns 10 HP Path-specific: Skill only available in a Dark Gyffte run
Muffled Effect Rev Engine (Avatar of Sneaky Pete skill), with an Extra-Quiet Muffler installed -15% Path 10 turns 5 MP   Path-specific: Skill only available in an Avatar of Sneaky Pete run
Patent Invisibility Effect patent invisibility tonic -15% Path/SC 30 turns Item Loss  
Team Sloth cap Hat The Pokémporium -15% Path Always 50 1,960 pokédollar bills   Path-specific: Only obtainable in a Pocket Familiars run (and persists through aftercore, but is lost on ascension)
Blessing of the Bird and/or Visit your Favorite Bird Effect Bird-a-Day calendar -3, -5%, -7%, -9%, or -11% HC/SC 10 turns 5 MP, cost doubling each cast Relevant Bird seed Effect strength is variable:
  • Monsters will be slightly less attracted to you (-3%)
  • Monsters will be less attracted to you (-5%)
  • Monsters will be more than a little less attracted to you (-7%)
  • Monsters will be quite a bit less attracted to you (-9%)
  • Monsters will be very much less attracted to you (-11%)
Visit your Favorite Bird Effect Bird-a-Day calendar -3, -5%, -7%, -9%, or -11% HC/SC 20 turns 50 MP Relevant Bird seed, once per day Effect strength is variable:
  • Monsters will be slightly less attracted to you (-3%)
  • Monsters will be less attracted to you (-5%)
  • Monsters will be more than a little less attracted to you (-7%)
  • Monsters will be quite a bit less attracted to you (-9%)
  • Monsters will be very much less attracted to you (-11%)
Bandit mask Special   -10% Path Always Mask slot   Path-specific: Only usable in an Disguises Delimit run
Barely Visible Effect Cargo Cultist Shorts pocket -10% HC/SC 20 turns    
  • Obtained from opening any of pockets 347, 470, 479, 564, 588
  • Can only open one pocket a day
bass clarinet Weapon (1H) Clan Floundry (Clan VIP Lounge) -10% HC/SC Always No other Clan Floundry item that day Access to Clan VIP Lounge
codpiece Accessory Clan Floundry (Clan VIP Lounge) -10% HC/SC Always No other Clan Floundry item that day Access to Clan VIP Lounge
Driving Stealthily Effect Asdon Martin -10% HC/SC 30 turns 37 litres of fuel Asdon Martin in Your Workshed
fish hatchet Weapon (1H) Clan Floundry (Clan VIP Lounge) -10% HC/SC Always No other Clan Floundry item that day Access to Clan VIP Lounge
In The Darkness Combat Skill Knife In The Darkness (Jazz Agent skill) -10% Path 10 turns 50 MP Jazz Agent
Inked Well Effect Squid Glands (Nuclear Autumn skill) -10% Path 10 turns 30 MP Being in a Nuclear Autumn  
Invisible Avatar Effect Powerful Glove -10% HC/SC 10 turns 5% Powerful Glove battery charge    
latte lovers member's mug Off-Hand Item latte lovers club card -10% HC/SC Always   Ink ingredient unlocked
  • Must include ink among its current ingredients for the enchantment to take effect
  • Enchantments can be customized at will
li'l eyeball costume Familiar equipment Fallout Shelter Medical Supply -10% Path Always 1000 meat Must have a Trick-or-Treating Tot in your Terranium
Ministrations in the Dark Effect EMD holo-record (potion) -10% Path 10 turns Item Loss Must have a Wrist-Boy in your inventory

Path-specific: Only usable in a Nuclear Autumn run

Predjudicetidigitation Effect worst candy -10% SC 10 turns Potion    
Shadow Waters Effect Like a Loded Stone (Adventure) -10% SC/HC 30 turns 1 Adventure
1 turn of Shadow Affinity
Shadow Rift access, Rufus's shadow lodestone in inventory
unbreakable umbrella Off-Hand Item undamaged Unbreakable Umbrella -10% HC/SC Always   Must be in 'cocoon' configuration
Ballroom song ("Sono Un...") Special (The Haunted Ballroom) Choosing Sono un Amenten Non Un Combattente in Strung-Up Quartet -5% HC/SC   1 turn    
Become Superficially interested Effect Daily Affirmation: Be Superficially interested -5% SC 100 turns Potion   Effect may be toggled (in the effect description) to Become Intensely interested
Bent Knees Effect Bendable Knees (GN skill) -5% Path 10 turns 5 MP   Path-specific: Skill only available in a Gelatinous Noob run
Bram's choker Accessory Bram the Stoker -5% HC/SC     50 Mys
camouflage T-shirt Shirt Mercenary of Fortune -5% SC     25 Mus
Celestial Camouflage Effect celestial squid ink -5% Path⁴, SC 10 turns Potion    
Colorfully Concealed Effect Mer-kin hidepaint -5% The Sea 10 turns Potion   Underwater only
Crown of Thrones or Buddy Bjorn, holding Grimstone Golem Hat or Back Item -5% SC       (Your Golem can only be in one place at a time.)
dark horse Horse A Horsery -5% HC/SC Rollover 0 or 500 meat   First horse is free; switching costs 500 meat
discarded bowtie Accessory Elf Operative -5% HC/SC      
duonoculars Accessory biclops -5% HC/SC     17 Mys
Extended Toes Effect Retractable Toes (GN skill) -5% Path 20 turns 5 MP   Path-specific: Skill only available in a Gelatinous Noob run
Feeling Lonely Effect Feel Lonely -5% HC/SC 20 turns   Emotionally Chipped Usable 3 times a day
folder (skull and crossbones) Accessory scary pirate -5% Path³, SC       Only usable with a Folder Holder
Fresh Scent Effect -5% HC/SC 10 turns Potion    
Fuzzy Slippers of Hatred Accessory Yog-Urt (as a DB) -5% SC     125 Mox
  • Cannot equip more than one
  • Reduce enemy defense by 10%
  • Spell Damage +60%
  • Makes running more comfortable
Gummed Shoes Effect shoe gum -5% HC/SC 50 turns Item loss    
iFlail Weapon (1H) The Applecalypse Store -5% SC   35 Mox
Ink Cloud Effect Ink Gland (GN skill) -5% Path 40 turns 5 MP   Path-specific: Skill only available in a Gelatinous Noob run
Inky Camouflage Effect vial of squid ink -5% HC/SC¹ 20 turns Potion    
Jurassic Parka Shirt packaged Jurassic Parka -5% HC/SC Always   Must be in 'pterodactyl' mode
Kremlin's Greatest Briefcase Accessory suspicious package -5% HC/SC Always    
McHugeLarge left ski Accessory McHugeLarge duffel bag -5% HC/SC Always    
Mer-kin sneakmask Hat -5% The Sea     85 Mox
Obscuri Tea Effect cuppa Obscuri tea -5% HC/SC 30 turns Item loss    
pantogram pants Pants portable pantogram -5% HC/SC Always    
  • Obtained by choosing "some self-respect" as Sacrifice (Middle)
  • Can be customized upon summoning via Pantagramming
porkpie-mounted popper Hat Underground Fireworks Shop -5% SC/HC Always 500 meat  
protonic accelerator pack Back Item -5% SC/HC      
Quiets-Your-Steps Accessory -5% SC     100 Mox
Rational Thought Effect Intergnat -5% HC/SC 11 turns     Obtained by casting Science! Fight with Rational Thought when the Intergnat has the suffix: WITH SCIENCE!
red shoe Accessory red box (sometimes) -5% HC/SC Equipped   40 Mys
ring of conflict Accessory dead mimic -5% HC/SC²     25 Mys Cannot equip more than one
rusted-out shootin' iron Weapon (1H) Cowskeleton -5% SC/HC (during twitch events)   35 Mus
Scaredy Dog Food (Clan VIP Lounge) ghost dog -5% HC/SC 30 turns 3 fullness, the ability to eat any other fancy dog that day  
Silence of the God Lobster Effect God Lobster -5% HC/SC 33 turns     Obtained by defeating the God Lobster with the God Lobster's Ring equipped.
silent beret Hat A Silent Mime -5% SC      
Silent Running Effect Doing submarine sprints in An Olympic-Sized Swimming Pool (once a day) -5% HC/SC 50 turns      
Simply Invisible Effect invisibility potion -5% SC 20 turns Potion    
Smooth Movements Effect Smooth Movement (DB skill) -5% HC/SC 10 turns 10 MP    
Snow Shoes Effect snow cleats -5% HC/SC 30 turns Item loss    
The Sonata of Sneakiness Effect The Sonata of Sneakiness (AT buff) -5% HC/SC 5-20 turns 20 MP   Increased to 10% with the fiberglass fedora equipped
Space Trip safety headphones Accessory Ticket Redemption Counter -5% SC   1,000 Game Grid tickets 35 Mys
very pointy crown Hat Witchess Queen -5% SC/HC (with Witchess set)      
Xiblaxian stealth cowl Hat Xiblaxian 5D printer -5% SC/HC (with Xi Receiver Unit)   4 Xiblaxian circuitry
9 Xiblaxian polymer
5 Xiblaxian alloy
  Mysticality +20%
Xiblaxian stealth trousers Pants Xiblaxian 5D printer -5% SC/HC (with Xi Receiver Unit)   9 Xiblaxian circuitry
4 Xiblaxian polymer
5 Xiblaxian alloy
  Moxie +20%
Xiblaxian stealth vest Shirt Xiblaxian 5D printer -5% SC/HC (with Xi Receiver Unit)   5 Xiblaxian circuitry
4 Xiblaxian polymer
9 Xiblaxian alloy
  Muscle +20%
Peace Turkey Familiar Mr. Store -[wt/5]% HC/SC Always     Maximum of -10% @ 50 lbs
Disgeist Familiar Tall Grass, Very Tall Grass -[wt/7.5]% HC/SC Always     Maximum of -10% @ 75 lbs

¹ The vial of squid ink is a quest item only available to Accordion Thieves who pursue their Nemesis.
² The ring of conflict is technically available in a Hardcore run, but the chances of acquiring one are slim.
³ The Folder Holder is only available in Hardcore during a KOLHS run.
⁴ The celestial squid ink is only available in Hardcore to Avatars of Jarlsberg.


  • Jick had said that combat modifiers will not go higher than 25% either way. However, he has since added more modifiers and stated that there are diminishing returns beyond 25%.
    • For noncombats and combats, a +30% modifier is reduced to +26%. It should probably be assumed that any 5% modifier over a net 25% is scaled to 1%.[1]
  • Determining (spading) your combat frequency modifier can be done several ways:
    • The message displayed by the Head down to the galley choice in the Random Lack of an Encounter adventure in the Airship is determined by your noncombat frequency.
    • In some PvP seasons, the Information Booth will display your combat frequency modifier directly.
    • You can adventure in a zone with known combat frequency and collect enough data to determine your modifier.
  • For more information on how encounters are chosen, see Encounters.
  • As of 2020/01/09, some Combat Frequency modifying items and effects started gaining adverbs to describe their effectiveness (Monsters will be very very very much less attracted to you, etc).
Dressing Up

Mus · Mys · Mox · HP · MP · WDmg · SDmg · Init
DA · DR · Res · FightStats · ML · Items · Meat · HP Regen · MP Regen
Adv · PvP · Fam Wt · Crit · Diving


Mus · Mys · Mox · HP · MP · WDmg · SDmg · Init
DA · DR · Res · FightStats · XPBoost · ML · Items · Meat · HP Regen · MP Regen
Adv · PvP · Fam Wt · Crit · Diving

PrismDmg · RDmg · SCrit · Fumb · Stun · Passive Dmg
MP Cost · Spell Elts · Combat% · Hobo · Smith · Poison
Stat Limit

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