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666.gif Pressie.gif Coffeecup.gif Candycane.gif Stocking.gif Unclecrimbo.gif
Familiar26.gif Crimbo Familiar26.gif
Gingerbear.gif Crimbobox.gif Fruitcake.gif Bow.gif

Crimbo is the Kingdom of Loathing's most popular holiday; it shares the season with Hanukkimbo.



On December 25, 2003 (Martinus 8, Year 4), each player received a Crimbo pressie. When opened, it produced a fruitcake and some wrapping paper. The wrapping paper could be smithed into the components of the Crimbo Duds outfit.


On December 25, 2004 (Starch 6, Year 8), each player received a Crimbo stocking. When opened, it produced a candy cane, a gingerbread bugbear, some eggnog, and a small Crimbo Pressie. The small pressie, when opened, produced a bow and either a Hanukkimbo dreidl, an imitation nice watch, or a tiny plastic sword. The bow could be smithed into the components of the Bow Tux outfit.

In addition, the player Secret Santa was given 100 extra special Crimbo stockings to give out, due to his generous donations. When you opened these, you received a Mr. Accessory, in addition to the regular items.


(See also Crimbo Town (2005).)

On December 1, 2005 (Porktober 3, Year 11), Uncle Crimbo placed an Advent Calendar in each player's campground. Players were able to open one section of it each day; the calendar had one section for each of the 25 days up to, and including, Crimbo. The sections, when opened, initially yielded a small Crimbo gift, such as a candy cane, some eggnog, a fruitcake, or a gingerbread bugbear. In later weeks, the gift included other items, such as some aspirin, a fancy chocolate, sugar cookies in various shapes, and items from the Tiny plastic series 1C. Also, on the 20th, the gates to Crimbo Town opened; they closed on January 2, 2006.

On December 24, Uncle Crimbo placed a little present in everyone's equipment inventory. A new outfit, the Arboreal Raiment, was included. The items required to make it were a can of fake snow, a colored-light "necklace", and a tree skirt.


(See also Crimbo Town (Crimboween).)

On December 1, 2006, a Spooky Advent Calendar was placed in each player's campground. Also, Applejohn Pipeswaddler, the Lonely Crimbo Elf, appeared in the middle of the mountains, asking everyone to help get Uncle Crimbo's memory back.

On December 24, 2006, Uncle Crimbo gave out a tropical Crimbo pressie; when opened, it produced some tropical wrapping paper and an additional item. The item could have been a tiki lighter, a tropical paperweight, or a deck of tropical cards. If a player had completed the Save Uncle Crimbo! quest, they also got either a crimbo ukulele, a lucky Crimbo tiki necklace, or a bobble-hip hula elf doll. In addition, December 25th was Halloween, and trick-or-treating was enabled.


(See also Crimbo Town (2007).)

On November 30, 2007, Uncle Crimbo stopped by everybody's campsite in the dead of the night and dropped off a little calendar full of goodies. Perfectly normal, perfectly healthy goodies.

On December 7, a new moon appeared in the sky. It was a Crimbo miracle! It was noted that the moon oddly resembled The Sinister Dodecahedron, which was sighted in the sky a year and a half earlier at The LAAAAME Observatory.

On December 10, an announcement was posted in the Kingdom; it stated that some amateur astronomers with telescopes in their campsites had determined that the new object in the sky was no moon -- it was a space station!

On December 12, it turned out that the amateur astronomers were wrong - it wasn't a moon or a space station; it was a spaceship, and it had crash-landed somewhere in The Big Mountains.

In completely unrelated news, Crimbo Town re-emerged from the mists in The Big Mountains to bring joy and delight to adventurers everywhere. Unfortunately, the "Crimborg" had taken over this delightful place. Uncle Crimbo asked everyone to help deal with him, and in exchange, he helped players make toys from the spoils. He even offered to make toys from previous Crimbos! Provided a player had the items to make them, of course.

On December 25, Uncle Crimbo handed out an old-fashioned Crimbo Pressie.


(See also Crimbo Town (2008).)

On December 1, 2008, Uncle Crimbo managed to hobble into everybody's campsite and leave behind a little calendar. The calendar contained irradiated treats,which were the result of Grimacite radiation.

On December 8, 2008, Crimbo Town opened up. It had been irradiated, due to some dubious business decisions that Uncle Crimbo made.

In addition, adventurers had the opportunity to take down mutant elves or Mafia penguins... or both. Kills were tracked for both sides. Overall, more penguins were killed than elves, so Uncle Crimbo rewarded visitors at his fallout shelter, beginning on December 25, 2008.

On January 1, 2009, the elves suddenly mutated into one giant abomination. Adventurers had to expurgate bits of it using The Spirit of Crimbo and help the Penguin Mafia subjugate it.

On January 6, 2009, the penguins succeeded in containing the abomination in a crate. All players who helped to expurgate it were compensated with Crimbo crate items, which were compliments from the Don, the new monarch of Crimbo.


(See also Crimbo Town (2009).)

On December 1, 2009, Don Crimbo left each and every Adventurer a little present at his/her campsite.

In addition, he asked adventurers to join him at Uncle P's Antiques, where he had a little "request" for assistance waiting for them.

On December 15, Crimbo Town emerged from the mists. Don Crimbo sent adventurers to work on quelling the rebelliousness of his elves.

On December 19, an encounter with the leader of the rebellion put everything into question and revealed a sinister plot that could shake the Kingdom to its core.

On December 20, as a result of said revelation, adventurers started working with the elves and against the Don's sinister plot, merrily mowing down penguins with a fa-la-la-la-la in their hearts.

On December 24, adventurers confronted Don Crimbo and convinced him to give up the holiday. With Mafia control over Crimbo eliminated, attention turned to defeating the newly freed Crimbomination.

On December 25, adventurers confronted the Crimbomination. Through the ingenious use of seemingly worthless items dropped by previous Crimbo bosses, the Crimbomination was redeemed; it became the new ruler of Crimbo.


(See also CRIMBCO Headquarters.)

On December 1, 2010, adventurers received an Advent Calendar at their campsites, brought to them by CRIMBCO.

On December 3, 2010, Elf Alley was discovered; it was hidden in the bowels of Hobopolis, and it was full of unemployed Crimbo elves! Among them was the once-jolly and now-gritty Uncle Hobo.

On December 4, 2010, the Don presented a message to all players from his profile, urging them to send tainted mutant candies to him, but not without payment for their service. (As of the 12th, the Don is no longer offering recompense. He has also disparaged the KoL Wiki.)

On December 15, 2010, the CRIMBCO HQ, run by Mr. Crimbo Mination, emerged from the mists. Players were able to work up the corporate ladder to earn scrips and purchase gifts.

On December 22, the hobelves began to invade the HQ through its bathroom.

On December 25, 2010, Uncle Crimbo sent each player a message containing one of three gifts. After this, he made his way into Mr. Mination's office to try to take back Crimbo from CRIMBCO's greedy corporate hands. Players could choose to help either one, but regardless of their choice, Uncle Crimbo recovered his hat (and his holly-jolliness), unmutated Mr. Mination, and gifted the player appropriately, with Crimbo back in his control.

By January 1, 2011 most of CRIMBCO's operations had been suspended, save the Gift Shop, which continued business as usual. The building disappeared on January 14, 2011.

On January 14th, Uncle Crimbo sent a message containing Uncle Crimbo's Sack to those that gifted more items from the gift shop than they received during this Crimbo.


(See also Crimbo Town (2011).)

On December 1, 2011, the traditional Advent Calendar appeared at the campsite. However, this year it contained a Candy Diorama, instead of the usual consumable treats. The diorama contained new adventuring zones. Adventurers first adventured in the dense Lollipop Forest, home of the nefarious trollipop, which was added on December 7. On December 8, they could climb Fudge Mountain. On December 16, they could plumb the depths of The Gummi Mines.

On December 14, 2011, after being punched out of the calendar, The Fudge Wizard antagonized adventurers and "accidentally" revealed that they were ruining "Big Candy's" operation.

On December 17, 2011, Crimbo Town, run by Uncle Crimbo, appeared in The Big Mountains asking adventurers to trade in candy for candy credits.

On December 25, 2011, players received a message, along with a fudge pocket square, lollipop cufflinks, or gummi bowtie, from Uncle Crimbo himself.


(See also Crimboku Town!.)

On December 1, 2012, the traditional Advent Calendar appeared at the campsite. Various wandering elves were seen building tacos, wearing tacos, and pointing at tacos.

On December 10, 2012, Don Pygoscelis sent a message to some – but not all – players pertaining to the end of the world, and what adventurers of the Kingdom can do about it. Some - but not all - players who mailed him three livers of any form received meat and some gifts on December 21, 2012.

On December 15, 2012, Crimbo(ku) Town appeared in The Big Mountains. This year Uncle Crimbo hired animelves to the work force, but an argument regarding subbed/dubbed anime caused the regular Crimbo elves to leave and work for Taco Dan. The animelves were producing only raw toy parts because they were secretly working on building a giant robot behind Uncle Crimbo's back. Adventurers stole the giant robot plans so that they could build their own giant robot to fight the animelves' giant robot.

On December 25, 2012, Uncle Crimbo and the adventurers finished constructing the Super Crimboman Crimbo Type to battle the MechaElf, which was finished the same day. One mecha battle later, MechaElf was destroyed, and Crimbo was saved for another year. The same day, shortly after rollover, all players received a message from Uncle Crimbo, along with a Super Crimboman Ultra Mega Hypersword.

On December 26, 2012, Taco Dan finished its aggressive, kingdom-wide advertising.

On January 4, 2013, Uncle Crimbo sent another message to the players who helped defeat the MechaElf, along with a Deactivated MiniMechaElf and Bodacious MechaElf Hunter Saga:Relay Wolf.


(See also Crimbo Town (2013).)

On December 1, 2013, the traditional Advent Calendar appeared at the campsite.

On December 15, 2013, Crimbo Town reappeared from the misty mists of... mist. This time, ol' Uncle Crimbo used some Animelf tech from last year to fully automate all the gift-making labor, but it turns out this new manufacturing process was just technologically advanced enough to attract an intergalactic race of warbears. It's up to adventurers to bear through the supercoldness and gravity and defeat the warbears to save Crimbo. Again.

On December 25, 2013, the Warbear General with a really long name shows up and is promptly beaten, and at the same time it appears Uncle Crimbo also finally finished his War Machine: a greenhouse gas generator, which would warm up the planet enough to drive the Warbears away and guarantee a less snowy Crimbo next year. Also, Uncle Crimbo sent a message that contained a festive warbear bank to all those who helped him make his War Machine.


(See also Crimbo Town (2014).)

On December 1, 2014, the Advent Calendar appeared at the campsite as usual. The Crimbonium Mining Camp and Crimbonium Mine also appeared at Desert Beach, but remained mysterious and inaccessible for the time being. Also, to commemorate Crimbo's concurrency with St. Sneaky Pete's Day, sneaky wrapping papers were sold in the General Store, which allowed players to hide gifts for other players for the entirety of December (2014 only).

Once the Mining Camp opened on the 8th, players discovered the highly radioactive mine was operated by elves turned into cyborgs against their will. Players were able to collect their High-Radiation Mining Gear and use it to mine for nuggets of Crimbonium and make Crimbonium fuel rods, though to what end was yet to come.

A few (lucky) players around the Kingdom also began finding schematics for parts of a "Crimbot". Plans for its left and right arms, legs and head were discovered, but Adventurers did not know the purpose of these plans, for the time being.

On December 15th, Crimbo Town once again emerged from the mountain mists. Unfortunately, Uncle Crimbo's plan to automate toy production had gone awry: the robots from last year had kidnapped him and taken over the toy factory! With the factory filled with deadly gas, adventurers were forced to fight robots with robots, assembling them from parts described by Crimbot schematics and powering them with Crimbonium fuel rods, while the elves were too busy squabbling over politics to do any of the legwork.

On December 25th, the Elves finally managed to cut through all the red tape to come up with a plan to rescue Uncle Crimbo: Lure the biggest Crimbot out of the factory with a press of a switch. Although the resulting destruction of the factory released its deadly gas into the atmosphere, Uncle Crimbo was saved. After his dealings with calamitous contraptions that ended disasterously for the past three Crimbos, Uncle Crimbo decided to call it quits on technology and decided to live out a much more natural life, au naturel.
(Adventures could still build robots and explore the factory despite its complete destruction afterwards, because you know.)


(See also Crimbo Town (2015).)

At rollover on November 30th, the annual Advent Calendar appeared above the top row of every player's campground.

On December 14th, Crimbo Town once again emerged from the eldritch mists of the Big Mountains. This year, it seems Uncle Crimbo had adopted the way of the Hippies, as did his workers. They seem to have adjusted pretty well, and while Uncle Crimbo is off meditating in his trailer, his workers want Adventurers to spread the word of the beauty of nature and the advantages of a collectivist society to every creature of the Kingdom. (Oh, there's some robots left in the old factory from last year, but that's not important to this year's plot.)

...And while Adventurers were off doing that, the Elves are creating a prayer ritual to commune with the Earth Mother Gaia'ajh-dsli Ak'lwej and summon her to the mortal realm, while Rudolph the Red, who was actually a remnant of the Crimborg Collective (since 8 years ago), was assimilating the reindeers into the Collective under the guise of creating a communist utopia.

On December 24th, things happened. Gaia'ajh-dsli Ak'lwej had awakened and Rudolphus of Crimborg had completed the assimilation. The two forces fight it out, until Uncle Crimbo finally emerges from his year-long meditation as Crimbuddha (short for Crimbodhisattva). Using his newfound enlightenment-based powers, he banishes them, then goes off to spread peace and love. And in a puff of deus ex machina, Crimbo was saved.

On December 30th, Crimbuddha had given out an eco-friendly gift to all Adventurers.


(See also Crimbo Town (2016).)

At rollover on November 30th, the annual Advent Calendar appeared above the top row of every player's campground.

On December 13th, Crimbo Town appeared in The Big Mountains. The Crimbuddha (a.k.a. the Crimbodhisattva, a.k.a. Uncle Crimbo) appeared trapped in his meditation. Over several days, it was up to Adventurers to align their six Chakras, battle their own brains, then help cleanse Uncle Crimbo's Chakras, culminating in a rousing bathe with The Krampus. After which, Uncle Crimbo have transcended mortal form, becoming the pure energy of charity and goodwill to all. He also sends all players who defeated Krampus his hat.


(See also The Silent Night and Tammy's Camp.)

At rollover on November 30th, the annual Advent Calendar appeared above the top row of every player's campground.

On December 15th, Tammy's Camp appeared on the Right Side of the Tracks, and The Silent Night appeared in The Big Mountains. Tammy warned of mimes extracting unfiltered Crimbo cheer. Over successive days, adventurers may or may not have climbed a Cheerless Spire (It's unclear, the mimes may have simply been pretending about the elevator.)

When adventuring through the Kingdom, mouthless murmurs, silent screams, and voiceless whispers could be heard (or not heard) dropping silent letters.

On December 24th, The Silent Nightmare, the world's largest and most off-putting ventriloquist's dummy, came to being, threatening Crimbo once again, but was defeated by adventurers.

On January 1st, Tammy sent a silent nightlight to all adventurers.


(See also Crimbo Town (2018).)

At rollover on November 30th, the annual Advent Calendar appeared above the top row of every player's campground.

On December 14th, Crimbo Town (Under Construction) appeared in The Big Mountains. Tammy explained that the elves had decided to go really traditional this year and sent adventurers off on various tasks to help rebuild Crimbo Town. The first task involved going to The Canadian Wildlife Preserve to help gather some reindeer.

On December 17th, Tammy asked adventurers to find the Cafe Elf so the Crimbo Cafe could be re-opened. Once the Cafe Elf was found, Tammy had adventurers search the kingdom to gather elves with the help of a Yule Hound.

On December 20th, Tammy sent adventurers to gather toy parts throughout the kingdom by using a Toyleporter.

On December 24th/25th, adventurers had to break the news to Tammy that dolphins had stolen all the toys that had been collected. Tammy flew into a rage and was ready to declare war on the dolphins but Abuela Crimbo appeared suddenly to scold Tammy and talk some sense into her with the promise that they'd get Crimbo right next year. Tammy still seemed to guarantee that the dolphins would get their retribution.

Abuela Crimbo also sent adventurers some hand-knitted Crimbo socks with a message of thanks for helping Tammy out the past few years.


(See also Crimbo Town (2019) and Tammy's Offshore Platform.)

At rollover on November 30th, the annual Advent Calendar appeared above the top row of every player's campground.

At some point on December 13th or prior everything in The Big Mountains was silently moved a bit to the left and more water appeared off the coast.

On December 15th, Crimbo Town appeared in The Big Mountains and Tammy's Offshore Platform appeared off the coast. Abuela Crimbo promised adventurers that this year would be a good old-fashioned Crimbo with no ruckuses and asked us to go find Tammy who was supposed to be getting the Toy Factory up and running.

Upon visiting Tammy in Tammy's Platform and speaking with her, Tammy explained that she was out there to find the dolphins and teach them a lesson for masquerading as orphans and stealing all the toys during the previous Crimbo. Tammy asked for adventurers to help her out and gave them an oxygenated eggnog helmet then sent them off to track some dolphins in the Gingerbread Reef.

In underwater locations throughout the Kingdom, Dolphin "orphan"s could also occasionally be found, bearing bits of waterlogged debris.

On December 16, 2019, The Crimbo Cafe was reopened with some fishy recipes. for aiding underwater adventuring.

On December 17, 2019, Tammy pointed adventurers to The Wreck of the H. M. S. Kringle for more of those rotten dolphins, and occasionally an opportunity to turn waterlogged debris into useful equipment.

On December 18, 2019, The Toy Factory opened and began handing out giftboxen bearing toys from Crimbos past.

On December 19, 2019, Tammy found more dolphin "orphans" in The Impenetrable Kelp-Holly Forest.

On December 20, 2019, Abuela Crimbo gave each player some hand-knitted diving booties to help out with perfectly innocent offshore swimming.

On December 21, 2019, Tammy gave each player a peppermint harpoon gun for dolphin hunting.

On December 22, 2019, Abuela Crimbo gave each player three bowls of concentrated fish broth.

On December 23, 2019, Tammy gave each player three bottles of liquid SONAR, while Abuela Crimbo handed out a Baja sopapilla.

On December 24, 2019, Tammy gave each player the map to Dolph Bossin's hideout to really teach those dolphins a lesson.

On December 25, 2019, Tammy and the player discover the truth about the dolphin "orphans". Abuela Crimbo also gave each player a skillbook.


(See also Crimbo Town (2020).)

At rollover on November 30th, the annual Advent Calendar appeared above the top row of every player's campground.

On December 15, Crimbo Town appeared in The Big Mountains. Adventurers could Spread Crimbo Spirit in Seaside Town, choosing whether to spread Cheer, Carols, or Commerce. A note left on Abuela Crimbo's Cottage tallied the Kingdom-wide totals for each type of Crimbo Spirit, and listed three potential gifts. Adventurers could also collect donations of food, booze, or candy to spend on assorted seasonal goodies.

On December 19, Abuela Crimbo sent everyone in the Kingdom an overflowing gift basket, because adventurers had spread more Cheer than Carols or Commerce. She also listed three new gifts at her cottage. (Notably, the tallies were cumulative and did not reset.)

On December 22, Abuela Crimbo sent everyone in the Kingdom a shining star cap, because adventurers had sung more Carols. She again listed three new gifts at her cottage.

On December 25, Abuela Crimbo sent everyone in the Kingdom a gilded trumpet, because adventurers had encouraged more Commerce. Donated goods also became available for purchase in exchange for elemental wads or ten-leaf clovers.


(See also Site Alpha Research Facility, North Pole.)

At rollover on November 30th, the annual Advent Calendar appeared above the top row of every player's campground.

On December 15th, Crimbo Town appeared in The Big Mountains. Abuela Crimbo explained that Crimbo Town's cheer generator had stopped working. She sends you off to meet Tammy at the North Pole, which can be reached via the Monorail. Adventurers investigating the Site Alpha Dormitory could encounter grey goo-infected elves and dog-things, requiring an ever-increasing amount of Cold resistance to encounter.

On December 16th, the Food Lab unlocked and could be fed 5 gooified animal matters to turn into experimental crimbo food.

On December 17th, adventurers investigating the Site Alpha Greenhouse could encounter gooified flowers and gooified trees.

On December 18th, the Nog Lab unlocked and could be fed 5 gooified vegetable matters to turn into experimental crimbo booze.

On December 19th, adventurers investigating the Site Alpha Quarry could encounter gooified rock slabs.

On December 20th, the Chem Lab unlocked and could be fed 5 gooified mineral matters to turn into experimental crimbo spleen items.

On December 21st, the Gift Lab unlocked and could be fed gooified matter for various rewards.

On December 22nd, adventurers were given the goo magnet when visiting the North Pole Bonfire. When equipped, it gives the adventurer a random gooified matter after combat in any of the Site Alpha zones.

On December 23rd, adventurers could be given the cozy scarf when visiting the bonfire.

On December 24th, adventurers could enter the Site Alpha Primary Lab to battle massive goo constructs for large quantities of gooified matter and recover the Cheer Core.

On December 25th, Abuela Crimbo sent everyone in the Kingdom a refurbished air fryer and 3 huge Crimbo cookies with the message: It's going to take a while to get the Cheer Core reinstalled, but in the meantime, I found a bunch of gifts from a few years back in a storage room. Between the "new" appliance and these gigantic cookies, you ought to be able to cobble together a Crimbo feast.


(See also Crimbo Town (2022).)

At rollover on November 30th, the annual Advent Calendar appeared above the top row of every player's campground.

On December 15th, Crimbo Town appeared in The Big Mountains, with a train going around the camp. Abuela Crimbo explained that train's robots had gone haywire, locked the train down, which trapped the elves. She sends you to board the train, fighting your way from the caboose to the engine, and rescuing elves along the way. She also hinted that after a few days, the elves may resort to eating each other.

From the caboose, adventurers could rescue elves, create armor usable during the event, or learn to be deadly experts in ping-pong.

On December 16th, Abuela Crimbo and Tammy gave each adventurer a single chapter from the Crimbo training manual, which Tammy had hastily stapled together from scorched pages blown from the train's smokestack. Each chapter was one of eleven chapters, each which granted a unique skill, which they could use to learn and to help train others.

On December 17th, Tammy found a way to get more stuff from each pile of Trainbot parts.

On December 18th, Tammy announced that the elves broke into the passenger car. In addition, Tammy gave a Crimbo training manual to adventurers who missed their copy on December 16th.

On December 19th, Abuela Crimbo welded a special magnet and tossed it to each adventurer, to help them pick up additional robot parts.

On December 20th, Abuela received proof that the elves had fought their way to the dining car, meaning that they may not have to eat each other, or at least if they do, they'd have at least have wine and side-dishes. (Elves don't handle stress well.)

On December 21st, Abuela and Tammy were hoping to have the door to the coal car open, but no luck. (Unless "AHHH HELP US AHHHH" is some sort of special hacker elf code?, probably not.)

On December 22nd, the elves managed to work their way into the coal car, shoveling diamonds and crystal items as they went.

On December 23rd, Abuela suggests that given the whole setup for the event that tomorrow is probably going to be the big boss fight and suggests adventurers might wanna adventure hard today because who knows what'll happen after that boss fight - the whole train could blow up. (!!!)

On December 25th, the elves finally broke into the locomotive, setting up the final boss battle. Abuela Crimbo also sent everyone in the Kingdom a train whistle with the message: After dealing with all of that robot nonsense, I'll bet you'd like to stop thinking about trains for a while. Well, too bad! I already made all of these, and it's too late to change it.


(See also Crimbo Town (2023).)

At rollover on November 30th, the annual Advent Calendar appeared above the top row of every player's campground. It contained pirate-themed food that produced some kinds of pirate encryption keys (four different types) when eaten.

On December 15th, Crimbo Town appeared in The Big Mountains, where adventurers encountered a large-scale conflict between pirates and the elves. A distressed Tammy explained that pirates had invaded Crimbo Town to take over it, and that Abuela Crimbo was taking a neutral position rather than fighting the pirates, and that Tammy herself would organize elf forces and would be in the Command Tent when the elves were winning.

Adventurers who went to the Command Tent may have instead encountered an enthusiastic pirate elf named Sammy, who looks remarkably similar to Tammy in oversized pirate clothes (and was later revealed to be Tammy's twin sister). The pirate leader explained that the pirates were going to take over Crimbo to make it cooler. She invited adventurers to fight against the elves and side with the pirates, though adventurers were left to their own discretion.

In the following days, the fighting went on and off in several town zones (the Cafe, the Bar, the Armory, the Factory, and even Abuela's Cottage), with zones switching between elf-controlled, pirate-controlled, and contested states (two zones switched at a preset time, at rates slightly more often than every 24h). Zone control was determined based on the total number of kills of a single faction. The faction with the most kills by the time the zone became peaceful controlled that zone. Peaceful zones were shops where adventurers could trade the currency of the faction currently in control of that zone for various items like food, booze, and equipment. The Armory allowed adventurers to exchange equipment dropped in these contested zones for scrap parts, which could be traded in at the Armory as well for an item that randomly gives one of the rare drops from the enemies in these zones. Abuela also provided a faction-specific buff to the faction that currently controlled her Cottage.

On January 11th, every single zone became simultaneously contested as Tammy and Sammy waged an all-out war (for fun) to conclude the battle between elves and pirates once and for all. By January 15th, the pirates were deemed the final victors, giving the pirates control over next year's Crimbo. This left some town zones available for a couple final days of shopping before Crimbo Town disappeared on January 17th.


(See also Crimbo... Island?.)

At rollover on November 30th, the annual Advent Calendar appeared above the top row of every player's campground.

Starting December 15th, Crimbo Town appeared as usual in the Big Mountains, but, unusually, led to Crimbo... Island?, a location in the mysterious Holiday Archipelago. There, Tammy the elf, Sammy the pirate elf, and Abuela Crimbo were preparing to make Pirate Crimbo more "real," as it were, by waging war on bizarre foreign holidays, each with its own island:

On December 25th, with victory secured, Sammy, Tammy, and Abuela Crimbo mailed out bejazzled eyepatches as thanks "for helping us defend Crimbo against all them holiday interlopers."

Pirate Crimbo Island faded into the mists after rollover on January 5th.


  • A Crimbo Tale now holds the Official Crimbo Story.
  • Starting on December 28, 2015, this message was displayed above the main map during Crimbo season:
Candycane.gif Wreath.gif Candycane.gif Wreath.gif
It's Crimbo! Head over to Crimbo Town, in the Big Mountains!
Wreath.gif Candycane.gif Wreath.gif Candycane.gif
  • In the December 27th, 2018 episode of the podcast, a listener asked how during Crimbo 2018 adventurers were able to inform Tammy that dolphins had stolen all the toys when the dolphins had never come up. It was revealed that there had been intentions to implement an orphanage in town which would contain this exposition but then they had forgotten to fully implement it.


  • "Crimbo" is a British slang term for Christmas, partially used to avoid the religious connotations of the holiday.
  • On the January 3rd, 2013, radio show, a listener noted that the word "elf" is German for "eleven". The Asymmetric Staff said that this was a total coincidence.