Crusty hula hoop

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crusty hula hoop
crusty hula hoop

This little number will make all of your hoop dreams come true. You can rotate it around literally ANY part of your body! What fun! You know, for kids.

Type: accessory
Mysticality Required: 200
(can also be used in combat)
Selling Price: 1600 Meat.
Cannot be traded

Mysticality +15%
Spell Damage +50
75% Chance of Preventing Negative Status Attacks

NOTE: You may not equip more than one of these at a time.

(In-game plural: crusty hula hoops)
View metadata
Item number: 4117
Description ID: 832063847
View in-game: view

Obtained From

big slimy cyst

When Used

You hurl the hula hoop at your opponent. It lands on his neck and spins in a circle, simultaneously strangling and beating him for 2000-6000 damage. Also, you win a kewpie doll.



See Also


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