The Daily Dungeon can be found inside
The Dungeoneers' Association in
the Big Mountains.
Once per day, you can traverse the fifteen rooms of the dungeon. Most rooms contain a monster, or test your skill or elemental resistance, but fear not, for there are also three treasure filled chests to reward you for your courage! The order of the rooms is randomised for each player (with the exception of the treasure rooms, which are always in rooms five, ten, and fifteen) and is re-randomised when they ascend, however, there will always be four of each (non-treasure) room type in the Dungeon. The contents of the rooms reset after rollover.
There are three types of obstacles in the Dungeon: door rooms, trap rooms, and monster rooms. Monster rooms are simple enough; there is an enemy to be fought, and, by defeating them, you can progress to the next room. Trap rooms are a little trickier — advancing through the room will trigger a trap, which will deal 50% of your maximum HP in elemental damage. Having resistance for the element the trap is aligned with will not decrease the damage you take, however, you will gain stats proportional to the level of resistance you have. These traps can be skipped, however, simply by having an eleven-foot pole in your inventory when the trap is triggered. This will allow you to not take any damage, and not spend an adventure, but will also not let you gain any stats from the trap.
In Door rooms, there are many potential options. You can try the doorknob, which will allow you to pass, but may cost HP or a few adventures. You may bash the door down, magic it open, or sneak past it, which allows you to get past with a lower chance of a trap if your stats are high enough. You can use a skeleton key, a set of Pick-O-Matic lockpicks or even a Platinum Yendorian Express Card to get past for no adventure cost, and never set the trap off. The treasure rooms themselves also have interesting mechanics; with a Ring of Detect Boring Doors equipped, you may skip ahead three rooms (including the treasure room).
A primary stat of 15 is suggested. If your main stat isn't high enough, you'll see the following message:
- You approach the entrance to the Daily Dungeon, and feel a strange sensation in your midsection. The sensation spreads throughout your entire body, and when it finally gets to your nose, you recognize it by its smell -- fear.
(It is recommended that you have at least 15 <mainstat> to adventure here.)
dairy ooze -- (edit metadata)
- Item Drops: mana curds
- Meat Drop: 10-14
- Monster Level: 13 • Substat Gain: 3.25 • Moxie for No Hit*: 23
- Monster Defense: 11
- Hit Points: 8
- Initiative: 60
- Elemental Alignment: None
- Damage Resistance: 50%
pencil golem -- (edit metadata)
- Item Drops: pencil stub
- Meat Drop: None
- Monster Level: 15 • Substat Gain: 3.75 • Moxie for No Hit*: 25
- Monster Defense: 13
- Hit Points: 11
- Initiative: 60
- Elemental Alignment: None
Other Rooms
I Wanna Be a Door
- Try the doorknob: Suffer trap effects
- Use a skeleton key: Successfully unlocks the door every time (breaks the key most times), no adventure cost
- Use your lockpicks: Successfully unlocks the door every time, no adventure cost
- Bash it down: Muscle stat test, may trigger trap
- Magic it open: Mysticality stat test, may trigger trap
- Sneak past it: Moxie stat test, may trigger trap
- Use your credit card to open the door: Successfully unlocks the door every time, no adventure cost
- Leave the way you came in.: Leaves the adventure
- Note: The choice to use a skeleton key only appears when you have one in your inventory.
- Note: The choice to use your lockpicks only appears when you have a Pick-O-Matic lockpicks in your inventory.
- Note: The choice to use your credit card only appears when you have a Platinum Yendorian Express Card in your inventory.
It's Almost Certainly a Trap
- Proceed forward cautiously: Take elemental damage (without eleven-foot pole), gain stats proportional to resistance
- Use your eleven-foot pole: Pass the room, no adventure cost
- Proceed backwards cautiously: Leaves the adventure
- Note: The choice to use an eleven-foot pole only appears when you have one in inventory.
Treasure Rooms
- Noblesse Oblige maintains a calendar noting the dungeon challenges that players will face each day. The revamp made this inoperable.
- On August 17, 2013, The Daily Dungeon had a major revamp. History of what it was previously like is in The Daily Dungeon/Retired.