Eight Days a Week Pill Keeper
From TheKolWiki
(In-game plural: Eight Days a Week Pill Keepers) |
Obtained From
- When hit for the first time, once per fight:
- Your opponent hits you with a solid blow, but your pill keeper pops out a neat little pill, which you pop, and you pop right back up as good as new. Poppin!
- In inventory, has a [use] link, which takes you to Take your Pills. This allows you to select from a selection of 8 effects. First time per day is free, and every subsequent one uses 3 spleen. Can be used with 0 spleen remaining.
- Is automatically placed in your inventory for you at the beginning of your run, with the message:
- Eight Days A Week is a song by The Beatles
- Come Together and Don't Let Me Down are also songs by The Beatles
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