Familiars by number

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This is a list of all familiars in the Kingdom of Loathing, ordered by number. Note that this total excludes the April Fools' Familiars, as well as the gaps in the sequence.

1 - 10

1. Familiar1.gif Mosquito
2. Familiar2.gif Leprechaun
3. Familiar3.gif Levitating Potato
4. Familiar4.gif Angry Goat
5. Familiar5.gif Sabre-Toothed Lime
6. Familiar6.gif Fuzzy Dice
7. Familiar7.gif Spooky Pirate Skeleton
8. Familiar8.gif Barrrnacle
9. Familiar9.gif Howling Balloon Monkey
10. Familiar10.gif Stab Bat

11 - 20

11. Familiar11.gif Grue
12. Familiar12.gif Blood-Faced Volleyball
13. Spacer.gif None
14. Familiar14.gif Ghuol Whelp
15. Familiar15.gif Baby Gravy Fairy
16. Familiar16.gif Cocoabo
17. Familiar17.gif Star Starfish
18. Familiar18.gif Hovering Sombrero
19. Familiar19.gif Ghost Pickle on a Stick
20. Familiar20.gif Killer Bee

21 - 30

21. Familiar21.gif Whirling Maple Leaf
22. Familiar22.gif Coffee Pixie
23. Familiar23.gif Cheshire Bat
24. Familiar24.gif Jill-O-Lantern
25. Familiar25.gif Hand Turkey
26. Familiar26.gif Crimbo Elf
27. Familiar27.gif Hanukkimbo Dreidl
28. Familiar28.gif Baby Yeti
29. Familiar29.gif Feather Boa Constrictor
30. Familiar30.gif Emo Squid

31 - 40

31. Familiar31.gif Personal Raincloud
32. Familiar32.gif Clockwork Grapefruit
33. Familiar33.gif MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech
34. Familiar34.gif Flaming Gravy Fairy
35. Familiar35.gif Frozen Gravy Fairy
36. Familiar36.gif Stinky Gravy Fairy
37. Sgfairy.gif Spooky Gravy Fairy
38. Familiar38.gif Inflatable Dodecapede
39. Familiar39.gif Pygmy Bugbear Shaman
40. Familiar40.gif Doppelshifter

41 - 50

41. Familiar41.gif Attention-Deficit Demon
42. Familiar42.gif Cymbal-Playing Monkey
43. Familiar43.gif Temporal Riftlet
44. Familiar44.gif Sweet Nutcracker
45. Familiar45.gif Pet Rock
46. Familiar46.gif Snowy Owl
47. Teddybear.gif Teddy Bear
48. Npzr.gif Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot
49. Slgfairy.gif Sleazy Gravy Fairy
50. Hare.gif Wild Hare

51 - 60

51. Chatteeth.gif Wind-up Chattering Teeth
52. Ghobo.gif Spirit Hobo
53. Badger.gif Astral Badger
54. Commacha.gif Comma Chameleon
55. Animskel.gif Misshapen Animal Skeleton
56. Orb.gif Scary Death Orb
57. Jitterbug.gif Jitterbug
58. Tick.gif Nervous Tick
59. Blackbird2.gif Reassembled Blackbird
60. Crane1.gif Origami Towel Crane

61 - 70

61. Snowflake.gif Ninja Snowflake
62. Teddybear.gif Evil Teddy Bear
63. Pettoothrock.gif Toothsome Rock
64. Spacer.gif None (Mysterious Idol)
65. Crimbotroll.gif Ancient Yuletide Troll
66. Dandylion.gif Dandy Lion
67. Oaf.gif O.A.F.
68. Goodfella.gif Penguin Goodfella
69. Hounddog.gif Jumpsuited Hound Dog
70. Pictsie.gif Green Pixie

71 - 80

71. Ragimp.gif Ragamuffin Imp
72. Parrot.gif Exotic Parrot
73. Waf.gif Wizard Action Figure
74. Ggg.gif Gluttonous Green Ghost
75. Cassagnome.gif Casagnova Gnome
76. Hunchback.gif Hunchbacked Minion
77. Pressiebot.gif Crimbo P. R. E. S. S. I. E.
78. Wcb.gif Bulky Buddy Box
79. Teddyborg.gif Teddy Borg
80. Robogoose.gif RoboGoose

81 - 90

81. Megadrone.gif El Vibrato Megadrone
82. Hatrack.gif Mad Hatrack
83. Seallarva.gif Adorable Seal Larva
84. Untamed.gif Untamed Turtle
85. Macaroniduck.gif Animated Macaroni Duck
86. Cheezblob.gif Pet Cheezling
87. Discoball.gif Autonomous Disco Ball
88. Chihuahua.gif Mariachi Chihuahua
89. Hobomonkey.gif Hobo Monkey
90. Llama.gif Llama Lama

91 - 100

91. Cccarnie.gif Cotton Candy Carnie
92. Dishand.gif Disembodied Hand
93. Blackcat2.gif Black Cat
94. Uniclops.gif Uniclops
95. Dancebear.gif Psychedelic Bear
96. Rattlesnake.gif Baby Mutant Rattlesnake
97. Fireant.gif Mutant Fire Ant
98. Cactusbud.gif Mutant Cactus Bud
99. Gilamonster.gif Mutant Gila Monster
100. Cuddlefish.gif Cuddlefish

101 - 110

101. Sugarfairy.gif Sugar Fruit Fairy
102. Crab.gif Imitation Crab
103. Raggedclaws.gif Pair of Ragged Claws
104. Dragonfishfam.gif Magic Dragonfish
105. Bandersnatch.gif Frumious Bandersnatch
106. Midgetclownfish.gif Midget Clownfish
107. Syncturtle.gif Syncopated Turtle
108. Grinturtle.gif Grinning Turtle
109. Purserat.gif Purse Rat
110. Turtle.gif Wereturtle

111 - 120

111. Babyworm.gif Baby Sandworm
112. Slimeling.gif Slimeling
113. Heboulder.gif He-Boulder
114. Rocklobster.gif Rock Lobster
115. Urchin.gif Urchin Urchin
116. Grouper2.gif Grouper Groupie
117. Gibberer.gif Squamous Gibberer
118. Dancfrog.gif Dancing Frog
119. Chauvpig.gif Chauvinist Pig
120. Smimic.gif Stocking Mimic

121 - 130

121. Snowangel.gif Snow Angel
122. Jackinthebox.gif Jack-in-the-Box
123. Brickochick.gif BRICKO chick
124. Babybugbug.gif Baby Bugged Bugbear
125. Mmgoblin.gif Money-Making Goblin
126. Lower e sm.gif Floating Eye
127. Jubjubbird.gif Vampire Bat*
128. Hare2.gif Oyster Bunny
129. Egg.gif Egg Benedict
130. Bankpig.gif Bank Piggy

131 - 140

131. Larva.gif Worm Doctor
132. Snowhitman.gif Snowhitman
133. Grocbag.gif Plastic Grocery Bag
134. Uwbonsai.gif Underworld Bonsai
135. Tronguy.gif Rogue Program
136. Minihipster.gif Mini-Hipster
137. Sp owl.gif Pottery Barn Owl
138. Hippofam.gif Hippo Ballerina
139. Organgoblin.gif Knob Goblin Organ Grinder
140. Pianocat.gif Piano Cat

141 - 150

141. Dramahog.gif Dramatic Hedgehog
142. Smilerat.gif Smiling Rat
143. Roboreindeer.gif Robot Reindeer
144. Holidaylog.gif Holiday Log
145. Spacer.gif None (Shambling Monstrosity)
146. Obtuseangel.gif Obtuse Angel
147. Blackbird1.gif Reconstituted Crow
148. Lilxeno.gif Li'l Xenomorph
149. Dataspider.gif Dataspider
150. Stompboots.gif Pair of Stomping Boots

151 - 160

151. Kobold.gif Feral Kobold
152. Pantscrow2.gif Fancypants Scarecrow
153. Spacer.gif
154. Groose.gif Bloovian Groose
155. Kloop.gif Blavious Kloop
156. Pep rhino.gif Peppermint Rhino
157. Emiliofam.gif Tickle-Me Emilio
158. Cheerleader.gif Steam-Powered Cheerleader
159. Medium 0.gif Happy Medium
160. Crayongoth.gif Artistic Goth Kid

161 - 170

161. Flameface.gif Flaming Face
162. Frankengnome.gif Reagnimated Gnome
163. Talkskull.gif Hovering Skull
164. Minidozer.gif Mini-Skulldozer
165. Jungman.gif Angry Jung Man
166. Uc.gif Unconscious Collective
167. Nanorhino.gif Nanorhino
168. Woim.gif Oily Woim
169. Homemadebot.gif Homemade Robot
170. Mechaelf.gif MiniMechaElf

171 - 180

171. Gcube.gif Gelatinous Cubeling
172. Starbuddy.gif Adorable Space Buddy
173. Nosynose.gif Nosy Nose
174. Miniadv0.gif Mini-Adventurer
175. Mechbird.gif Mechanical Songbird
176. Reanimator.gif Reanimated Reanimator
177. Wbdronefam.gif Warbear Drone
178. Grimgolem.gif Grimstone Golem
179. Grimbrother.gif Grim Brother
180. Smguy.gif Miniature Sword & Martini Guy

181 - 190

181. Puttybuddy.gif Putty Buddy
182. Spacebeastlet.gif Twitching Space Critter
183. Galgrill.gif Galloping Grill
184. Spacer.gif
185. Foss amm.gif Helix Fossil
186. Holobuddy.gif Xiblaxian Holo-Companion
187. Babyzrex.gif Baby Z-Rex
188. Fistturkey.gif Fist Turkey
189. Crimboshrub.gif Crimbo Shrub
190. Minicrimbot.gif Mini-Crimbot

191 - 200

191. Topiskunk.gif Topiary Skunk
192. Goldmonkey.gif Golden Monkey
193. Spelunker.gif Adventurous Spelunker
194. Sludgepuppy.gif Sludgepuppy
195. Mayowasp.gif Baby Mayonnaise Wasp
196. Puckman.gif Puck Man
197. Mspuckman.gif Ms. Puck Man
198. Barrelmimic.gif Lil' Barrel Mimic
199. Machelf.gif Machine Elf
200. Choctopus.gif Choctopus

201 - 210

201. Rockinrobin.gif Rockin' Robin
202. Cowskull.gif Restless Cow Skull
203. Intergnat.gif Intergnat
204. Softwarebug.gif Software Bug
205. Barkscorp.gif Bark Scorpion
206. Tottot.gif Trick-or-Treating Tot
207. Chocolab.gif Chocolate Lab
208. Lilbadvibe.gif Bad Vibe
209. Spacejelly.gif Space Jellyfish
210. Opticandle.gif Optimistic Candle

211 - 220

211. Robotender.gif Robortender
212. Cutemeteor.gif Cute Meteor
213. Xoskeleton.gif XO Skeleton
214. Dumpsterfire.gif Garbage Fire
215. Pokefam1.gif Globmule
216. Pokefam2.gif Bluzzard
217. Pokefam3.gif Faux
218. Pokefam4.gif Sledgehamster
219. Pokefam5.gif Pimpsqueak
220. Pokefam6.gif Pillowbug

221 - 230

221. Pokefam7.gif Dressage
222. Pokefam8.gif Sequestrian
223. Pokefam9.gif Carpricorn
224. Pokefam10.gif Turpin
225. Pokefam11.gif Morphan
226. Pokefam12.gif Cycloney
227. Pokefam13.gif Peaclock
228. Pokefam14.gif Turtive
229. Pokefam15.gif Lepardner
230. Pokefam16.gif Aiolion

231 - 240

231. Pokefam17.gif Waifuton
232. Pokefam18.gif Gorillape
233. Pokefam19.gif Wendtigo
234. Pokefam20.gif Snoutlet
235. Pokefam21.gif Ruffalo
236. Pokefam22.gif Vaporpoise
237. Pokefam23.gif Ghosprey
238. Pokefam24.gif Straypler
239. Pokefam25.gif Flan
240. Pokefam26.gif Mustardigrade

241 - 250

241. Pokefam27.gif Ched
242. Pokefam28.gif Gazelleton
243. Pokefam29.gif Mechamelion
244. Pokefam30.gif Bicycle
245. Pokefam31.gif Vamprey
246. Pokefam32.gif Wullabye
247. Pokefam33.gif Nursine
248. Pokefam34.gif Cantelope
249. Pokefam35.gif Ungulant
250. Pokefam36.gif Caramel

251 - 260

251. Pokefam37.gif Oppossum
252. Pokefam38.gif Amanitee
253. Pokefam39.gif Smashmoth
254. Pokefam40.gif Vulgure
255. Pokefam41.gif Squib
256. Pokefam42.gif Trafikoan
257. Pokefam43.gif Slotter
258. Pokefam44.gif Shudder
259. Pokefam45.gif Glamare

261 - 270

260. Pokefam46.gif Unspeakachu
261. Pokefam47.gif Stooper
262. Pokefam48.gif Disgeist
263. Pokefam49.gif Bowlet
264. Pokefam50.gif Cornbeefadon
265. Pokefam8675309.gif Mu
266. Godlob.gif God Lobster
267. Catburglar.gif Cat Burglar
268. Partymouse.gif Party Mouse
269. Yulehound.gif Yule Hound
270. Saugrindgolem.gif Sausage Golem

271 - 280

271. Elfopelf.gif Elf Operative
272. Pr rogerskull.gif Plastic Pirate Skull
273. Petcoral.gif Pet Coral
274. Lilprofessoron.gif Pocket Professor
275. Redsnapper2.gif Red-Nosed Snapper
276. Nutcfigure.gif Antique Nutcracker
277. Piranhaplant.gif Piranha Plant
278. Righthandbody.png Left-Hand Man
279. Camelfam.gif Melodramedary
280. Cghost carols.gif Ghost of Crimbo Carols

281 - 290

281. Cghost cheer.gif Ghost of Crimbo Cheer
282. Cghost commerce.gif Ghost of Crimbo Commerce
283. Shortchef.gif Shorter-Order Cook
284. Vampvint.gif Vampire Vintner
285. Arachnelf.gif Arachnelf
286. Synthrock.gif Synthetic Rock
287. Greygoose.gif Grey Goose
288. Bbat fam.gif Cookbookbat
289. Tbot on.gif Mini-Trainbot
290. Hobosheep.gif Hobo in Sheep's Clothing

291 - 300

291. Pixelrock.gif Pixel Rock

292. Spacer.gif Cursed Monkey

293. Pateagle.gif Patriotic Eagle
294. Darkjill2f.gif Jill-of-All-Trades
295. Al ant.gif Flaming Leafcutter Ant
296. Rigsnake.gif Rigging Snake
297. Anchor.gif Pet Anchor

298. Spacer.gif None

299. Mimicchest.gif Chest Mimic
300. Kiwi kiwi.gif Mini Kiwi

301 - 310

301. Protoproto.gif Proto-Protozoa
302. Bacteria.gif Evolving Organism
303. Bodyguard.gif Burly Bodyguard
304. Molldoll.gif Doll Moll
305. Emberbird.gif Emberiza Aureola
306. Pto fam.gif Peace Turkey
307. Qf.gif Quantum Entangler
308. Ts goldrock.gif Golden Pet Rock


310. Ts parrot2.gif Profane Parrot

311 - 320

311. Cr sbit.gif Significant Bit
312. Heatwave.gif Heat Wave
313. Coldcut.gif Cold Cut
314. Shamespiral.gif Shame Spiral
315. Phantomlimb.gif Phantom Limb
316. Foulball.gif Foul Ball
317. Direcasanim.gif Dire Cassava
318. Observer.gif Observer
319. Coolcuke.gif Cool Cucumber
320. Kidstaplerbad.gif Defective Childrens' Stapler

321 - 330

321. Glover.gif Glover
322. Zapperbug.gif Zapper Bug



  • There is no familiar number 13 because of Jick's dislike for that number.
  • On the March 26th, 2007, radio show, Mr Skullhead indicated that there would be no familiars 59 and 64, as the database had been advanced by accident. However, familiar number 59 came into existence through changes that occurred when NS13 was implemented.
  • The correct numbers for familiars 125 to 133, the April Fools' Familiars, were determined from a (now-fixed) game bug. On a related note, the game internally refers to the Vampire Bird as the "Vampire Bat," yet another reference to Wesley Willis (like the Vampire bat monster itself).
  • Through a bug in the rollout of the 2021 Quantum Terrarium special challenge path, familiars 64 and 145 had their names revealed as "Mysterious Idol" and "Shambling Monstrosity", respectively. The Quantum Terrarium (Campground) would accidentally list these two familiars as options by their names even though they had not been implemented.
  • The familiar 292 was instead released as an item, cursed monkey's paw.
  • The familiar 298 was planned to be available from the Crimbo Town (2023) elves but was scrapped.