Fancy chocolate

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fancy chocolate
fancy chocolate

This is a fancy little chocolate in a fancy little accordion-folded paper cup. The outer shell reveals nothing about the contents -- looks like you're just gonna have to eat it if you want to know what's inside.

Type: potion
Cannot be discarded

(In-game plural: fancy chocolates)
View metadata
Item number: 1382
Description ID: 862055780
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

bindlestocking (sometimes)
hotel minibar key (rarely)
Obsoleted Areas/Methods
Crimbo 2005
Advent Calendar (December 14-16)
battered Crimbo Crate (Before December 14, 2009)

When Used

  • You gain a random "effect":
You eat the fancy chocolate. It's filled with maple syrup. No, wait. Maple syrup and dirt.
Mapleleaf.gifYou acquire an effect: Canadianity
(duration: 10 Adventures)
You eat the fancy chocolate. It's filled with something you can't identify, no matter how hard you try.
Confused.gifYou acquire an effect: Confused
(duration: 5 or 10 Adventures)
You eat the fancy chocolate. It's filled with chocolate so dark it tastes like tears.
Gothy.gifYou acquire an effect: Gothy
(duration: 10 Adventures)
You eat the fancy chocolate. It's filled with a bittersweet dark chocolate filling. It makes you think about life, and what a bittersweet symphony it is. Sigh.
Raincloud.gifYou acquire an effect: Rainy Soul Miasma
(duration: 5 Adventures)
You eat the fancy chocolate. It's filled with aloe vera! Ewwww, and... ahhhh.
HPYou gain all hit points.
You eat the fancy chocolate. It's filled with broken glass, and... nougat?! Talk about adding insult to injury!
HPYou lose 18 hit points.
You eat the fancy chocolate. It's filled with boiling root beer. Ow! How did that thing even stay solid?
HPYou lose 5 hit points.
MPYou gain all Mana Points.
You eat the fancy chocolate. It's filled with ham and pineapple. Delicious and nutritious!
You gain 20-24 Strongness.
You gain 20-24 Wizardliness.
You gain 20-24 Chutzpah.
  • And possibly some adventures as well:
  • When the first (per day) is eaten you receive the following:
AdventuresYou gain 5 Adventures.
  • When the second (per day) is eaten you receive the following:
This one doesn't taste as good as the last one did.
AdventuresYou gain 3 Adventures.
  • When the third (per day) is eaten you receive the following:
You're starting to get tired of eating chocolate.
AdventuresYou gain 1 Adventure.
  • Eating four or more (per day) yields the following message:
You didn't enjoy that chocolate at all.



  • "It makes you think about life, and what a bittersweet symphony it is" is a reference to the song "Bittersweet Symphony" by The Verve.
  • The consumption text about nougat may be a reference to the Terry Pratchett novel Thief of Time, in which Susan, one of the main characters, detests getting nougat in chocolate.
  • The text in which the chocolate is filled with ham and pineapple is a reference to the so-called "Hawaiian pizza," which is topped with both of those ingredients and famously despised by KoL co-creator Mr Skullhead. Judging from the effect, it's a safe bet that he didn't write it.

See Also


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