Filth-encrusted futon

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filth-encrusted futon
filth-encrusted futon

I know what you're thinking -- you're thinking that all futons are filth-encrusted. Well, you're right, but this one is especially filth-encrusted, because rather than sitting for years in an apartment that looked like a landfill, it sat for years in an actual landfill. Having it in your dwelling will burn out so many of your nasal receptors that other bad smells won't bother you as much.

Type: usable
Cannot be discarded

(In-game plural: filth-encrusted futons)
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Item number: 3346
Description ID: 776771033
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Heap
Stench hobo

When Used

You don't have a dwelling to put the filth-encrusted futon in.
  • Used without a filth-encrusted futon in your dwelling:
You install the filth-encrusted futon in your dwelling.
  • Used with a filth-encrusted futon in your dwelling:
You've already got a filth-encrusted futon at your campsite.
Installing this in your dwelling will destroy your [furniture] -- are you sure you want to proceed?
  • After clicking [Yes!]:
You toss your [furniture] aside and install the filth-encrusted futon in your dwelling. The [furniture] is immediately stolen (and subsequently urinated on) by a hobo. Yech.


  • Having the Filth-encrusted futon in your dwelling provides So-So Stench Resistance.
  • A filth-encrusted futon placed in your housing will be destroyed when you change housing.

See Also


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