Fish hatchet

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fish hatchet
fish hatchet

This is a hatchet where the handle is made out of live fish, and the head is made out of a slightly larger live fish.

Type: weapon (1-handed axe)
Damage: 20 - 40
Cannot be traded or discarded
This item will disappear at the end of the day.

Muscle +100%
Weapon Damage +50
+5 to Familiar Weight
Monsters will be much less attracted to you.

(In-game plural: fish hatchets)
View metadata
Item number: 9005
Description ID: 995098087
View in-game: view

Obtained From

VIP Lounge
Clan Floundry


  • Decreases the frequency of combats by 10%.
  • Has both an equip and a use link. Clicking use gives:
You head into the woods and find a small Smut Orc encampment. Using the hatchet, you thoroughly dismantle one of their gross buildings.
Plank1.gifYou acquire some morningwood planks
Plank2.gifYou acquire some raging hardwood planks
Plank3.gifYou acquire some weirdwood planks
Caulk.gifYou acquire some thick caulks
Longscrew.gifYou acquire some long hard screws
Buttjoint.gifYou acquire some messy butt joints
  • Using this gives you five "appropriate" pieces of lumber and five "appropriate" fasteners.
  • Is not consumed when used, but can only be used once per day:
You really don't want to go through that again. Wait until tomorrow.

See Also


"9005" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.