Frigid hankyū

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frigid hankyū
frigid hankyū

This is an ancient bamboo shortbow, which the ninja snowmen treat with no small reverence. It's so cold that it never runs out of ammo on account of the new icicles constantly forming on it.

Type: ranged weapon (2-handed bow)
Damage: 8 - 16
Moxie Required: 25
Selling Price: 65 Meat.

+6 Cold Damage
Moxie +2

(In-game plural: frigid hankyūs)
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Item number: 3868
Description ID: 884475284
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Lair of the Ninja Snowmen
Ninja Snowman Weaponmaster


You fire a bolt from your frigid hankyū, doing X damage, hankyu very much. WHACK! WHAMMO! SPLAT!
You hit for X damage with your frigid hankyū, then offer <it> a hankie. WHAM! ZAP! POW!
You hit for great justice, and X damage, with your frigid hankyū. KERBLAM! BOINK! BAM!


See Also


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