Gilt perfume bottle

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gilt perfume bottle
gilt perfume bottle

This is a bottle of perfume used by a decomposing jilted mistress, before she was jilted and/or deceased.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 5 Meat.
Effect: Something's Amistress (30 Adventures)Makes you look like the remains of a jilted mistress

(In-game plural: gilt perfume bottles)
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Item number: 5828
Description ID: 320032645
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Obtained From

The Haunted Bedroom
animated rustic nightstand
One Rustic Nightstand
remains of a jilted mistress
Obsoleted Areas/Methods
The Haunted Bedroom
One Nightstand (Wooden)
remains of a jilted mistress

When Used

You spray some of the perfume on yourself. It smells like shame and infidelity, and a little bit of lavendar.[sic]
Jperfume.gifYou acquire an effect: Something's Amistress
(duration: 30 Adventures)


  • Only drops to players with Monster Manuel installed in their Quest Log.


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