Gold wedding ring

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gold wedding ring
gold wedding ring

The inscription inside this plain gold band reads "Shelley", but you can't recall marrying anyone of that name. The only Shelley you know is an eighteen-year-old waitress at a diner in... in...

In a town you've never been to. Arggh!

Type: accessory
Selling Price: 11000 Meat.
Cannot be traded

+1 Adventure(s) per day when equipped.
75% Chance of Preventing Negative Status Attacks

NOTE: You may not equip more than one of these at a time.

(In-game plural: gold wedding rings)
View metadata
Item number: 5909
Description ID: 139779467
View in-game: view

Obtained From

Twin Peak
Now It's Dark


See Also


"5909" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.