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Monster ID 1157
Locations The Mist-Shrouded Peak
Hit Points 250
Attack 120
Defense 108
Initiative 50
Meat None
Phylum beast
Elements cold
Resistance  ?
Monster Parts head, arm, leg, wing
dense meat stack, dense meat stack, dense meat stack, dense meat stack, dense meat stack
Quest Groar's fur
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
Groar You're fighting Groar

You finally reach the summit of Mt. McLargeHuge, and start searching through the mists for the source of the mists. What you find instead is the source of the sudden startled feeling you get as a massive winged yeti-like creature startles you -- a massive winged yeti-like creature.

"Hey, little fella!" you say, in a tone you hope is gentle and reassuring but is probably just patronising. "What's your name, buddy?"

"GROAR." growls the creature, answering your question and sending two chills down your spine: One metaphorical, because he's scary and about to attack you, and the other physical, because he also blasted you with a cloud of intensely cold mist when he roared.

I guess that answers the question of where the mists are coming from. And what you're going to be doing for the next few minutes.

Hit Message(s):

He licks your <lower back>. It's like when you get your tongue stuck to a flagpole, only you're the flagpole, and also the flagpole is in a lot of pain. Brrrrrrrrrrrrr. (cold damage)

He roars, exhaling a cloud of frigid mist. It freezes your <calf>, and then you accidentally touch your <skull> with your <solar plexus>, so that gets frozen too. Brrrrrrrrrrrrr. (cold damage)

He blows you over with a blast of mist. You avoid the worst of the cold, but hit your <neck> on a rock, so it kinda evens out. Ow! Ouch! Ouch!

You think he's about to blast you with frigid mist, but he surprises you by just slashing open your <eye> with his huge sharp claws. Thanks, Groar! Argh! Ow! Ouch!

Critical Hit Message:

He blasts you with a gout of frigid mist, totally encasing you in a block of ice. Then he carries the block of ice hundreds of feet up in the air and drops it (and you) on a rock. Brrrrrrrrrrrrr. (cold damage)

Miss Message(s):


He tries to you[sic] in the <shoulder>, but misses.

After Combat

With Groar's last breath, he sucks back in all the mist he's been exhaling for the last few weeks, completely clearing up the air around the Icy Peak. Cool.

Furfur.gifYou acquire an item: Groar's fur (100% chance)*
Meatstack.gifYou acquire 5 dense meat stacks (100% chance)*

Occurs at The Mist-Shrouded Peak


  • Always hits, unless forced to miss by something like The Crown of Ed the Undying.
  • Groar has a soft damage cap that kicks in if your attack would do more than 50 damage. The actual damage done in that case is (X-50)^.7 + 50, where X is the damage your attack would have done without the cap. This applies to all sources of damage - combat items, regular attacks, spells, and passive damage.
    • The soft damage cap applies after the doubling of hot or spooky damage.
  • This monster cannot be copied.


  • Groar is one of the surviving winged yetis that both skeleton and adventurers mounted during the Valhalla Invasion.