Hobo fortress blueprints
From TheKolWiki
Because people were always disassembling his ramshackle fortress in order to make their own smaller dwellings from the parts, Hodgman always kept an extra set of blueprints handy in case he needed to build another one. (In-game plural: sets of hobo fortress blueprints) |
Obtained From
When Used
- When constructing:
You carefully consult the blueprints, gather a bunch of scrap lumber and old scrap metal, and go to town. To buy some nails. Which you use to assemble the stuff you just gathered into a fortress. |
- When resting:
- See resting.
- When replacing:
- You dismantle your hobo fortress and toss the parts back into the alley from whence they came.
- Creates a Hobo Fortress at your Campground. This will provide a base gain of 84-85 HP and 85 MP at rollover or when resting at your campsite.
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