Hot is one of the five main elements that can be found in the kingdom. Damage from this element is called hot damage.
- Hot does double damage against monsters with a type of cold or spooky.
- Hot does a total of 1 damage against hot-based monsters.
- Hot does normal damage against monsters with any other element type.
- Hot monsters take double damage from sleaze and stench attacks.
It's noteworthy that the effect The Fire Inside grants +10% to all attributes for each level of hot resistance (with a maximum of +200%).
From Equipment
The following items give hot resistance when equipped:
- Goggles of Loathing (Superhuman) (+5)
- high-temperature mining mask (Stupendous) (+4)
- moist sailor's cap (Stupendous) (+4)
- cool iron helmet (Serious) (+3)
- Dolph Bossin's Crimbo hat (Serious) (+3)
- fireman's helmet (Serious) (+3)
- hardened slime hat (Serious) (+3)
- orange peel hat (Serious) (+3)
- topeé (Serious) (+3)
- blue traffic cone (So-So) (+2)
- cold water bottle (So-So) (+2)
- Crown of Thrones with Bulky Buddy Box, Exotic Parrot, Holiday Log, Pet Rock, or Toothsome Rock enthroned (So-So) (+2)
- lucky army helmet (So-So) (+2)
- plaid cowboy hat (So-So) (+2)
- raspberry beret (So-So) (+2)
- asbestos helmet turtle (Slight) (+1)
- clingfilm cap (Slight) (+1)
- helm of the white knight (Slight) (+1)
- turtle wax helmet (Slight) (+1)
- Lavalos's shell (So-So) (+2)
- rubber cape (So-So) (+2)
- palm-frond cloak (Slight) (+1)
- Hodgman's disgusting technicolor overcoat (Superhuman) (+5)
- asbestos apron (Serious) (+3)
- Dragonscale breastplate (Serious) (+3)
- Radio Free Jersey (Serious) (+3)
- shark jumper (Serious) (+3)
- conquistador's breastplate (So-So) (+2)
- bat-ass leather jacket (Slight) (+1)
- gnauga hide vest (Slight) (+1)
- moss mace (So-So) (+2)
- Saturday Night Special (So-So) (+2)
- gunwale whalegun (Slight) (+1)
- titanium assault umbrella (Slight) (+1)
- Dallas Dynasty Falcon Crest shield (Superhuman) (+5)
- iShield (Serious) (+3)
- six-rainbow shield (Serious) (+3)
- fireproof megaphone (So-So) (+2)
- battered hubcap (So-So) (+2)
- Loathing Legion pizza stone (Slight) (+1)
- polyalloy shield (Slight) (+1)
- bakelite breeches (Superhuman) (+5)
- Greatest American Pants with Super Structure activated (Superhuman) (+5)
- lava-proof pants (Superhuman) (+5)
- double-ice britches (Stupendous) (+4)
- Chester's cutoffs (Serious) (+3) (Disco Bandits only)
- hardened slime pants (Serious) (+3)
- Oscus's dumpster waders (Serious) (+3) (Pastamancers only)
- Crimbylow-rise jeans (So-So) (+2)
- demonskin trousers (So-So) (+2)
- snow pants (So-So) (+2)
- warbear long johns (So-So) (+2)
- duct tape dockers (Slight) (+1)
- dungeoneer's dungarees (Slight) (+1)
- snailmail breeches (Slight) (+1)
- rainbow pearl earring (Sublime) (+9)
- Pocket Square of Loathing (Superhuman) (+5)
- vial of hot blood (Stupendous) (+4)
- heat-resistant necktie (Stupendous) (+4)
- heat-resistant gloves (Stupendous) (+4)
- aerogel apron (Serious) (+3)
- combat lover's locket (Serious) (+3, reminiscing an elemental)
- hardened slime belt (Serious) (+3)
- Mudflap-Girl Earring (Serious) (+3)
- Nose Ring of Putrescence (Serious) (+3)
- plexiglass pinky ring (Serious) (+3)
- stained glass suspenders (Serious) (+3)
- oven mitts (So-So) (+2)
- perfume-soaked bandana (So-So) (+2)
- Pokëmann figurine: Galumpagump (So-So) (+2)
- red shoe (So-So) (+2)
- ring of fire resistance (So-So) (+2)
- The Lost Glasses (So-So) (+2)
- warbear warscarf (So-So) (+2)
- infernal insoles (Slight) (+1)
- molten medallion (Slight) (+1)
- patent leather shoes (Slight) (+1)
The following outfits give (additional) hot resistance when fully equipped:
- Slimesuit (Serious) (+3)
- Hot and Cold Running Ninja Suit (So-So) (+2)
- Topiaria (So-So) (+2)
- Primitive Radio Duds (Slight) (+1)
From Effects
The following effects give hot resistance when active:
- Fireproof Lips (Sublime) (+9)
- Cold as Ice (Superhuman) (+5)
- Rolando's Rondo of Resisto (Superhuman) (+5)
- Extra-Wet (Serious) (+3)
- Frozen Shoulders (Serious) (+3)
- hotcaked (Serious) (+3)
- Human-Elemental Hybrid (Serious) (+3)
- Icy Demeanor (Serious) (+3)
- Rainbow Bright (Serious) (+3)
- Cupshotten (So-So) (+2)
- Deep-Fried (So-So) (+2)
- Demonic Flavor (So-So) (+2)
- Elemental Saucesphere (So-So) (+2)
- Hot Blooded (So-So) (+2)
- Oiled-Up (So-So) (+2)
- Protection from Bad Stuff (So-So) (+2)
- Red Door Syndrome (So-So) (+2)
- Astral Shell (Slight) (+1)
- Batigue (Slight) (+1)
- Flame-Retardant Trousers (Slight) (+1)
- Well-Oiled (Slight) (+1)
From Passive Skills
The following passive skills give hot resistance:
- Asbestos Heart (Serious) (+3)
- Tolerance of the Kitchen (So-So) (+2)
- Eternal Flame (Slight) (+1)
- Crimbo Training: Coal Taster (Slight) (+1)
From House Furnishings
The following bed gives hot resistance as long as it is installed in your dwelling:
- bed of coals (So-So) (+2)
From Familiars
The following familiars gives hot resistance as long as they are your active familiar:
- Exotic Parrot (Slight (+1), 1-20 lbs) (So-So (+2), 21-40 lbs) (Serious (+3), 41+ lbs)
- Trick-or-Treating Tot wearing a li'l candy corn costume (Superhuman) (+5)
Given From Effects
The following effects allow you to deal additional hot damage:
- Abyssal Blood (+50)
- Benetton's Medley of Diversity (+15)
- Big Flaming Whip (+20)
- Blessing of Charcoatl (+10)
- Burning Heart (+10)
- Disco Inferno (+3)
- Dragged Through the Coals (+100)
- Flaming Weapon (+3)
- Flamingly Floral (+50)
- Frosty the Hitman (+0-2)
- Gaze of the Volcano God (+25)
- Heart Aflame (+50)
- Heart of Orange (+5 and +5 to hot spells)
- Hot Blooded (+10)
- Hotform
- Human-Demon Hybrid (+20 and +20 to hot spells)
- Pyromania (+15)
- Rainbow Bright (+15)
- Spirit of Cayenne
- Solar Flair (+20)
Given From Spells
The following spells always deal hot damage:
- Awesome Balls of Fire
- Chronic Indigestion
- Conjure Relaxing Campfire
- Firegate
- Hot Breath
- Noodles of Fire
- Rise From Your Ashes
- Start Trash Fire
These Sauceror spells can deal hot damage:
Saucestorm deals Cold damage on the first hit, and Hot damage on the second hit.
Saucegeyser deals either Hot or Cold damage, depending on which element the monster is weak to. Else, it deals either Hot or Cold damage in whichever element has more bonus spell damage, or a 50/50 chance if both are equal.
These Pastamancer spells may be any element:
Using Flavour of Magic and casting the Spirit of Cayenne (skill) will set these pasta spells to hot damage. Otherwise, element is determined randomly.
The Pastamancer spell Weapon of the Pastalord will deal half physical and half elemental damage if tuned to a specific element.
Given From Items
The following items deal hot damage when used in combat...:
- ballpark hot daub (450-500)
- bottle of alcohol (45-65)
- Colon Annihilation Hot Sauce (6-8 per round)
- cursed voodoo skull (special)
- exploding hacky-sack (75-100)
- hair spray (3-4)
- flaming feather (80-120)
- flaregun (rarely)
- Miniborg Destroy-O-Bot (10-15)
- miniborg laser (10-15)
- molotov cocktail cocktail (65-80, 115-160 against hippies)
- Ol' Scratch's stove door(40-50, when attacked)
- spectre scepter (8-10, sometimes)
- soup turtle (6-10)
- unstable laser battery (200-250)
...or equipped.
- 17-ball (+20)
- 5-ball (+5)
- ant rake (10-12)
- antique nutcracker beard (+3)
- astral shirt (+3)
- bejazzled eyepatch (+3)
- buffalo blade (+3)
- chiffon chaps (+11)
- combat lover's locket (+25, reminiscing a demon)
- complicated device (+1)
- club of the five seasons (+5)
- demon buckler (+3)
- demon whip (+3)
- fire (+7)
- fire poi (+15)
- flagstone fez (+5)
- flamin' bindle (+25)
- flaming cardboard sword (+3)
- flaming crutch (+3)
- flaming juggler's balls (+10)
- flaming sword (+20)
- flaming talons (+5)
- foot-long hot daub (+9)
- gabardine garland (+10)
- grease cannon (+20)
- happiness (+12)
- Hodgman's disgusting technicolor overcoat (+15)
- hot cross bow (+5)
- hot daub bun (+9)
- hot daub stand (+9)
- hothammer (+50)
- icy-hot katana (+3)
- immense cyborg hand (+3)
- imp unity ring (+5)
- liar's pants (+10)
- malevolent medallion (+10)
- Microplushie: Ermahgerdic Acid (+2)
- murderbot plasma rifle (+25)
- ninja hot pants (+4)
- oil lamp (+5)
- obsidian dagger (+3)
- Ol' Scratch's stove door(+20)
- paraffin punching bag (+10)
- pirate radio ring (+2)
- poodle skirt (+25)
- porcelain plus-fours (+4)
- potato jacket (+20)
- primitive alien spear (+25)
- rainbow crossbow (+5)
- rainbow pearl ring (+40)
- red-hot medallion (+30)
- Ring of Fire (+40)
- Satan hat (+30)
- sawed-off blunderbuss (+3)
- sequin-encrusted sweater (+9)
- Staff of the Grand Flambé (+35-40 when jiggled)
- Staff of the Greasefire (+8-12 when jiggled)
- stained glass suspenders (+5)
- steaming evil (+6)
- Sword of Dark Omens (+3)
- terra cotta tongs (+5)
- tiny plastic Lord Flameface (+20)
- tiny plastic coal car (+5)
- toy ray gun (+5)
- war tongs (+10)
- wings of fire (+25)
- wrought-iron waders (+5)
- yohohoyo (+1)
- Yuleviathan necklace (+15)
The following items add additional hot damage to hot spells when used or equipped:
- 17-alarm Saucepan (+15)
- 5-ball (+5)
- ancient Elf dessert spoon (+20)
- Beach ball marble (+35)
- Beige clambroth marble (+30)
- chalk chalice (+20)
- chiffon chaps (+11)
- combat lover's locket (+25, reminiscing a hobo)
- complicated device (+11)
- demonskin jacket (+5)
- enchantlers (+10)
- foon of fulmination (+8)
- foot-long hot daub (+9)
- hot daub bun (+9)
- hot daub stand (+9)
- imp unity ring (+5)
- nozzle of the Phoenix (+50)
- Pendant of Fire (+40)
- ram-battering staff (+10)
- Red China marble (+40)
- Staff of the Greasefire (+10)
- Staff of the Peppermint Twist (+20)
- stained glass stetson (+5)
- war tongs (+10)
- wings of fire (+25)
Equipping a Codex of Capsaicin Conjuration will change the element of all Pastamancer and Sauceror combat spells (with the exception of Weapon of the Pastalord and Fearful Fettucini) to hot.
Equipping a snapdragon pistil will make all spells Hot.
Given From Outfits
The following outfits allow you to deal additional hot damage when equipped:
- None
Given From Familiars
The following familiars deal hot damage:
- Flaming Gravy Fairy
- Jill-O-Lantern
- Knob Goblin Organ Grinder
- MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech
- Mini-Hipster
- Mutant Fire Ant
- Pottery Barn Owl
- Ragamuffin Imp
- Rock Lobster
Received From Items
These items deal hot damage to the player when used:
- brain-meltingly-hot chicken wings (5-8)
- flaregun (17-23)
- Great Ball of Frozen Fire and items produced from it (5% of your maximum hit points):
- knob pasty (1-3)
- scroll of ancient forbidden unspeakable evil (21-29)
- thermos full of Knob coffee (1-2)
- Ol' Scratch's salad fork (1000, inversely preportional to hot resistance)
Received From Monsters
The following are hot monsters and usually deal hot damage:
- Cobb's Knob oven
- flame-broiled meat blob
- Knob Goblin Barbecue Team
- overdone flame-broiled meat blob
- swarm of fire ants
- All monsters in the Copse of the Deep Fat Friars and Pandamonium
- All monsters in The Back 40 at McMillicancuddy's Farm
- All monsters in Burnbarrel Blvd. in Hobopolis
The following are not hot monsters but occasionally deal hot damage:
- Angels of Avalon
- Astronomer
- Axe Wound
- Beaver
- Box
- Bush
- Camel's Toe
- Chowder Golem
- demonic icebox
- Flaming Troll
- Flange
- ghastly organist
- Knob Goblin Harem Girl
- Little Man in the Canoe
- Lumpy, the Sinister Sauceblob
- mariachi calavera
- Muff
- One-Eyed Willie
- vampire bat
- War Hippy Fire Spinner
- Weretaco