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Hot deals extra damage to enemies with a cold or spooky subtype, and negligible damage to hot-based monsters.

Hot is one of the five main elements that can be found in the kingdom. Damage from this element is called hot damage.


  • Hot does double damage against monsters with a type of cold or spooky.
  • Hot does a total of 1 damage against hot-based monsters.
  • Hot does normal damage against monsters with any other element type.
  • Hot monsters take double damage from sleaze and stench attacks.


It's noteworthy that the effect The Fire Inside grants +10% to all attributes for each level of hot resistance (with a maximum of +200%).

From Equipment

The following items give hot resistance when equipped:








The following outfits give (additional) hot resistance when fully equipped:


From Effects

The following effects give hot resistance when active:

From Passive Skills

The following passive skills give hot resistance:

From House Furnishings

The following bed gives hot resistance as long as it is installed in your dwelling:

From Familiars

The following familiars gives hot resistance as long as they are your active familiar:


Given From Effects

The following effects allow you to deal additional hot damage:

Given From Spells

The following spells always deal hot damage:

These Sauceror spells can deal hot damage:

Saucestorm deals Cold damage on the first hit, and Hot damage on the second hit.

Saucegeyser deals either Hot or Cold damage, depending on which element the monster is weak to. Else, it deals either Hot or Cold damage in whichever element has more bonus spell damage, or a 50/50 chance if both are equal.

These Pastamancer spells may be any element:

Using Flavour of Magic and casting the Spirit of Cayenne (skill) will set these pasta spells to hot damage. Otherwise, element is determined randomly.

The Pastamancer spell Weapon of the Pastalord will deal half physical and half elemental damage if tuned to a specific element.

Given From Items

The following items deal hot damage when used in combat...:

...or equipped.

The following items add additional hot damage to hot spells when used or equipped:

Equipping a Codex of Capsaicin Conjuration will change the element of all Pastamancer and Sauceror combat spells (with the exception of Weapon of the Pastalord and Fearful Fettucini) to hot.

Equipping a snapdragon pistil will make all spells Hot.

Given From Outfits

The following outfits allow you to deal additional hot damage when equipped:

  • None

Given From Familiars

The following familiars deal hot damage:

Received From Items

These items deal hot damage to the player when used:

Received From Monsters

The following are hot monsters and usually deal hot damage:

The following are not hot monsters but occasionally deal hot damage:

See Also