Industrious construct

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are the drop rates for both monster versions the same?

Industrious construct
Monster ID 666
Locations A Shimmering Portal
Hit Points 300
Attack 350
Defense 270
No-Hit 360
Initiative 50
Meat None
Phylum construct
Elements None
Resistance None
Monster Parts trapezoid, triangle
El Vibrato punchcard (88 holes), El Vibrato punchcard (129 holes)
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
industrious construct You're fighting an industrious construct

You step through the shimmering portal and find yourself in a long, dimly-lit hallway. You pick a direction and start walking. And walking. And walking... and walking... And the hallway remains the same. Long, dimly-lit, and nearly featureless.

Just when you think this is the single most boring hallway you've ever encountered, a section of the wall behind you slides open with a low hum. A strange construct hovers out into the hallway and begins polishing the floor with a wide brush attached to its underside. Grateful for the sudden increase in visual variety, you watch it clean, fascinated, until it swings its sensor-apparatus toward you and bellows "PULA KROZAK NOGACHA. FUCHANOKCHA CHA-BEZEVEHO LAKUZ," as it advances on you.

Hit Message(s):

It bowls you over and gives your <nipple> a thorough polishing.

Its whirling brush kicks up a tiny pebble from the ground and whips it into your <lower back> at a painful velocity.

Critical Hit Message:

"CHASOM BEZEVEHO ZEVE NOBUFU," bellows the construct. It glides toward you, knocks you down, and polishes a path from your <bung> to your <forehead> and then moves on to your <neck>. Ugh! Ugh! Ooh! Ouch! Ouch! Oof! Argh!

Miss Message(s):

It glides toward you, brush spinning, but gets distracted at the last minute by a speck of dirt further down the hall.

"TASOM KUZGA NOGACHA ZAK TABUFU BEZEVEHO ZEVE. TAHOSOM," it bellows, as it fires a beam of energy at you. You duck out of the way, and the only harm you suffer is a singed eyelash.

It rushes at you, trying to buff you to a mirror sheen, but you brush some dirt from your shoulder onto the floor to distract it. And since you're feelin' like a pimp, it works!

Fumble Message:

"ZAKNO CHAZEVE GAKRONO HOSOMNO. NILA FUCHANO," it bellows, before leaning against the wall and doing nothing for several minutes. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Punchcard.gifYou acquire an item: El Vibrato punchcard (88 holes) (14.9% chance)*
Punchcard.gifYou acquire an item: El Vibrato punchcard (129 holes) (14.9% chance)*
You gain 87-88 <substat>.

Occurs at A Shimmering Portal.


Command Sequences

The construct presses its brush against the wall and polishes it to a mirror sheen.
The construct presses its brush against the floor and polishes it to a mirror sheen.
The construct lifts its floor brush and polishes you to a mirror sheen. It burns a little.
HPYou lose 20-30 hit points.
The construct lifts its floor brush and polishes itself to a mirror sheen. It appears to sustain 25 damage in the process.