Kegger in the Woods

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Kegger in the Woods
Kegger in the Woods
Zone Num 231
Location Map to the Kegger in the Woods
Unlocks using Map to the Kegger in the Woods
Recom Stat 40
Combat %  ?
ML 35 - 50
Terrain outdoor
refreshedit data

A primary stat of 40 is suggested. If your main stat isn't high enough, you'll see the following message:

There are few things more intimidating than a full-grown orc. One of those things is a teenage orc. They have all the murderous rage of the adults, but they're also marinating in a brew of hormones and cheap booze.
(It is recommended that you have at least 40 <mainstat> to adventure here.)

If you try to adventure here after turning in your phone numbers to the cops, you see this message:

The party's over, bra.

Combat Adventures

actual orcish frat boy This monster is an Orc -- (edit metadata)

jailbait orquette This monster is an Orc -- (edit metadata)

juvenile delinquent orquette This monster is an Orc -- (edit metadata)

orcish frat wannaboy This monster is an Orc -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: plastic cup of beer
  • Meat Drop: 8-12
  • Monster Level: 38 • Substat Gain: 9.5 • Moxie for No Hit*: 48
  • Monster Defense: 54
  • Hit Points: 90
  • Initiative: 40
  • Elemental Alignment: sleaze, weak against cold and spooky

orcish juvenile delinquent This monster is an Orc -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: plastic cup of beer
  • Meat Drop: 4-6
  • Monster Level: 35 • Substat Gain: 8.75 • Moxie for No Hit*: 45
  • Monster Defense: 40
  • Hit Points: 80
  • Initiative: 50
  • Elemental Alignment: sleaze, weak against cold and spooky

totally trashed orquette This monster is an Orc -- (edit metadata)

Non-Combat Adventures

Oh, No! Five-Oh!
Oh, No! Five-Oh!
  • Give him the X phone numbers you've collected: Receive bronze handcuffs, possibly also silver keg, possibly also bottle of Goldschnöckered. Consumes map.
  • Tell him you'll keep looking: Does nothing (does not consume an adventure).
  • Note: Your reward depends whether you have 1-9, 10-19 or 20+ orquette's phone numbers.


  • One strategy is to gather plastic cups of beer, and use them as combat items against orquettes, until you have 20 orquette's phone numbers.