Lovecat tail
From TheKolWiki
Gather around children, and I'll tell you the tale of the lovecat (and its tail). All agree that this cat is wonderfully, wonderfully, wonderfully, wonderfully pretty. For some reason, even though it's a cute and cuddly animal, goth giants are irresistibly drawn to it. Its tail is rumored to bring good luck; obviously, in this case, not to the animal itself. (In-game plural: lovecat tails) |
Obtained From
- Items
- questionable taco
- Skills
- Just the Facts (after some combats, see this helpful tool made by Semenar.)
- During the time of the Gray Plague, could be taken to Doc Galaktik's Medicine Show to be made into Doc's Miracle Cure.
- The description is referencing 'The Lovecats', a song by The Cure, which includes the lyrics 'We're so wonderfully wonderfully wonderfully wonderfully pretty.'
- The tail bringing good luck, but "not to the animal itself," is a reference to rabbit's feet bringing good luck, and the joke "but not for the rabbit."
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