Mayor Ghost (Hard Mode)
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Mayor Ghost | |
Monster ID | unknown |
Locations | Dreadsylvanian Village |
Hit Points | 18000 |
Attack | 1500 |
Defense | 1500 |
Initiative | ∞ |
Meat | None |
Phylum | undead |
Elements | None |
Resistance | 100% |
Monster Parts | arm, ectoplasm, head, leg, torso |
Manuel Entry | |
refreshedit data |
You walk into the abandoned city hall, and wander around until you find an important-looking office door. You open it.
"Dammit, Laverne, I told you I was not to be disturbed!"
"I'm not Laverne," you reply. "Surely you can see that."
"Well then, dammit, whoever you are,"
"<Playername>," you interrupt.
"Ahem. Dammit, <Playername>, you can't just barge in here and interfere with the execution of important mayoral business! It's just not done! I guess we'll just have to move on to the next item on the agenda -- the execution of ... let's see, who's next up... <Playername>!"
"Let me just hang this sign first," he says, as he hangs a massive sign reading "EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY AND HENCEFORTH, NO HEALING ITEMS OR SKILLS MAY BE USED WITHIN DREADSYLVANIAN VILLAGE LIMITS" on the wall behind him. As he turns back toward you, he notices your badge.
"You're... you're with DRAC? I already told you jackals, it was an official yacht. I didn't buy it because I wanted it, I bought it because the village needed it!" A ghostly vein pops out on his ghostly forehead, and he begins to huff and puff as he advances on you with renewed vigor.
Hit Message(s):
He pulls out a pair of ceremonial scissors and cuts a ribbon. The ribbon in this production is played by your <eye>. Oof! Ow! Ow! Oof! Oof!
He hits you in the <calf> with an enormous ghostly gavel. You object! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Oof! Ooh!
He punches you in the face after declaring it a disaster area. Hey! Argh! Ooh! Ouch! Oof! Oof!
He holds out a large brass key. When you step forward to graciously accept it, he clocks you in the head. Ugh! Argh! Oof! Ugh! Eek!
His ghostly fist debates a bond issue with your <ankle>. Your <face> loses. Ugh! Ooh! Ooh! Ugh! Argh! (spooky damage)
He passes a new by-law requiring all adventurers to punch themselves in the <elbow>. You register a complaint, but it turns out you can't fight City Hall. Ugh! Oof! Argh! Ugh! Ouch!
Mayor Ghost declares a parade to celebrate the centennial anniversary of his election. You get trampled by a squad of ghost-horseback-mounted ghost police officers and three ghost high-school marching bands. (CRITICAL HIT!)
He tries to punch you in the face, but his fist goes right through it.
He tries to hit you in the <head> with a big ghostly gavel, but you overrule it.
He tries to hit you in the <eye> with a shovel, but accidentally uses it to break ground on a new construction project instead
He lunges to attack you, but is distracted by some other ghosts complaining about potholes. (Ghost potholes are the worst.)
He has to check the budget to make sure there's enough funds available to cover wear-and-tear on municipal property when he beats you in the head with various bits of it.
Mayor Ghost orders his secretary to take a memo to order the town council to form a committee to look into methods and options re: kicking your ass. "You're gonna be in real trouble eventually," he smirks.
not known
Mayor Ghost steps behind his official mayoral podium to issue a decree: "ALL ADVENTURERS WITHIN DREADSYLVANIAN VILLAGE LIMITS MUST IMMEDIATELY PERFORM <SKILL>."
Mayor Ghost steps behind his official mayoral podium to issue a decree: "ALL ADVENTURERS WITHIN DREADSYLVANIAN VILLAGE LIMITS MUST HAVE A <EQUIPMENT> EQUIPPED AT ALL TIMES."
Mayor Ghost steps behind his official mayoral podium to issue a decree: "ALL ADVENTURERS WITHIN DREADSYLVANIAN VILLAGE LIMITS MUST IMMEDIATELY USE A <COMBAT ITEM>."
As he fades away, Mayor Ghost clutches at your badge, which fades away with him. Rats.
![]() | An item drops: Mayor Ghost's khakis |
![]() | An item drops: Mayor Ghost's cloak |
![]() | An item drops: Mayor Ghost's toupee |
![]() | An item drops: Mayor Ghost's scissors |
![]() | An item drops: Mayor Ghost's sash |
![]() | An item drops: Mayor Ghost's gavel |
![]() | An item drops: 1-4 ghost pepper |
You acquire a clan trophy: | ![]() | Ghost Diploma |
You gain ??? <substat>. |
Occurs as an outcome of You're About to Fight City Hall in the Dreadsylvanian Village, if you were to fight Mayor Ghost, but are wearing a Dreadsylvania Auditor's badge.
- This monster cannot be copied.
- To fight Mayor Ghost in hard mode, you must wear a Dreadsylvania Auditor's badge into the fight. The badge will be consumed if (and only if) you win.
- Immune to physical damage.
- You may not use any form of healing, or you will lose the fight. This includes all items, skills, and familiars.
- Hard Mode Mayor Ghost will issue a decree every round requiring that you wear a certain item, or use a certain combat item, or use a certain skill.
- If you do not follow the decree, he will instantly kill you with the message:
The mayoral execution squad arrives and beheads you.
- Possible equipment: Choker of the Ultragoth, clown wig, giant gym membership card, leotarrrd, oven mitts, plush hamsterpus, spork, and white snakeskin duster.
- Possible skills: Inappropriate Backrub, Chronic Indigestion, Snowclone, Spooky Breath, Tango of Terror, Stream of Sauce, Sing, Disco Dance of Doom, Ravioli Shurikens, Spectral Snapper, Harpoon!.
- Possible items: poltergeist-in-the-jar-o, brick of sand, sparking El Vibrato drone, blue plastic oyster egg, hot clusterbomb, tequila grenade, sharpened hubcap, fetid feather, onion shurikens, stone frisbee.
- When he decrees an item, you can funksling a second item of your choice at the same time.
- Multiple of the same item may be demanded.
- But recall, funkslinging a healing item is still a "VIOLATION!"
- If you do not follow the decree, he will instantly kill you with the message:
- If you violate the rule on the turn on which you get him to 0 HP, you still lose the fight.
- If have Chilled to the Bone he will issue decree after each attack starting round 2. Only the last decree matters.
- He will only decree Disco Dance of Doom once per fight.
- Stats at 1 kiss: 1500 attack, 1500 defense, 10000 HP, hard damage cap 1353.
- Stats at 2 kisses: 2000 attack, 2000 defense, 12000 HP, hard damage cap ?.
- Stats at 3 kisses: 2500 attack, 2500 defense, 14000 HP, hard damage cap 1161.
- Stats at 4 kisses: 3000 attack, 3000 defense, 16000 HP, hard damage cap ?.
- Stats at 5 kisses: 3500 attack, 3500 defense, 18000 HP, hard damage cap 1073.
- Stats at 6 kisses: 4000 attack, 4000 defense, 20000 HP, hard damage cap ?.
- The number of ghost peppers depends on the total number of kisses across all zones of the Dreadsylvania instance as with the regular boss.
- You get 1 consumable for killing the boss in Hard Mode.
- You get 1 consumable for having more than 2300-3700 kisses (random each time).
- You get 1 consumable for having more than 6900 kisses.
- You get 1 consumable for having more than 11000 kisses.
- Will drop a second hard-mode-exclusive loot if a total of ~18 000 kisses have been earned in this dungeon before fighting him.
- Prior to a trivial update on March 2, 2014, the Ghost could ask for Disco Dance of Doom more than once per fight. This was fine at the time of release, but after the Disco Bandit revamps, the skill became once/fight, so it was impossible to finish the fight if he asked for it twice.