
Meat is the currency used in the Kingdom of Loathing. It can be used to purchase items from the various markets and shops, or to purchase items from other players. It is also used to create meat pastes, meat stacks, and dense meat stacks. You'll gain meat from combat and regular adventures throughout the kingdom. A wise player keeps his mind on their Meat, and his Meat on his mind. Replace all instances of "his" in the previous sentence with "his or her," if you're the kind of person who's bothered by that sort of thing.
Meat is necessary to complete some quests: bitchin' meatcar components (sweet rims cost 300) or a bus pass (5,000) are needed to get to Desert Beach, forged identification documents (5,000) and a shore trip (500 and 3 adventures) are needed to get your father's MacGuffin diary, and a photograph of a red nugget (500) and photograph of God (500) in order to fight Dr.Awkward. Other items are not strictly necessary for quests, but are very helpful for doing them quickly or skipping them: a hermit permit (100) and chewing gums on strings (50 each) in order to get clovers, a spooky sapling (100), two more shore trips (500 and 3 adventures each) for dinghy plans and a UV-resistant compass, dingy planks (400), a can of black paint, and two fortune cookies every 160 adventures (40 apiece). New players will spend most of their meat on guild skills in an ascension, while old players who've got all the skills will splurge on MP restorers to maintain various buffs. Monsters in some zones are meatier than others, so putting on +meat equipment while adventuring there can ensure a smart player doesn't waste time farming it in-run Some players farm meat in aftercore, so it can be pulled in softcore (max 1,100 per day , as of 01 Jan 2022), in order to buy content unlockers or for the sheer joy of it.
It is not edible (no one in their right mind would eat money) so most food in the kingdom is meat-free. Exceptions do exist, like sausage and fish meats. Why? Well, why not?
According to Jick, the reason why Meat is the currency of KoL is that, when he was developing the game, he did not have a picture of "gold" uploaded. However, there was a picture of meat he made earlier, so he used it instead. It is suspected that it was to get rid of the illogical "finding money on a monster".
- There is a cap on the Meat you can carry equal to (264) - 1, or 18,446,744,073,709,551,615. Any Meat in excess of this placed into your inventory, via any mechanism, is lost with no hope of return (although that will be pretty unlikely now!). Extremely rich players may wish to convert liquid Meat into meat paste, meat stacks, or dense meat stacks, keeping in mind item creation limits also exist. Another solution would be to invest in valuable items, or put meat in your closet.
- As a reminder, the item limit is (224) - 1, or 16,777,215, capable of holding an additional 18,622,708,650 meat (as paste, stacks, and dense stacks) for the fabulously wealthy.
- There are other forms of currency besides Meat, but their use is limited. Only one — the Crimbuck — could be directly converted from Meat, and most cannot be converted directly back into Meat:
- There are some currencies that can still be obtained and spent:
- BACON (Internet Meme Shop)
- Beach Bucks (The three stores in Spring Break Beach)
- buffalo dimes (The three stores in the LT&T Gift Shop)
- BURTs (Reynolds) (Available in Bugbear Invasion)
- Chroner (Used in every store in The Time-Twitching Tower)
- Coins-spiracy (Conspiracy Island stores)
- cop dollars (Precinct Materiel Division)
- fat loot tokens (A Vending Machine)
- pieces of filthy lucre (The Bounty Hunter Hunter's Shack)
- Freddy Kruegerands (The Terrified Eagle Inn)
- FunFunds™ (Dinseylandfill)
- Game Grid tickets (Ticket Redemption Counter)
- hobo nickels (Hobopolis)
- Ka coins (Actually Ed the Undying)
- Karma (Valhalla)
- lunar isotopes (Elvish Paradise stores)
- Mr. Accessories and Uncle Bucks (Mr. Store)
- odd silver coins (Paul's Boutique)
- priceless diamonds (The Black Market, Red Zeppelin ticket only, Meat used for other items)
- Quarters (Frat) and Dimes (Hippy)
- sand dollars (Big Brother's; can be autosold for Meat)
- Shore Inc. Ship Trip Scrip (The Shore, Inc. Gift Shop)
- sprinkles (Various non-combats in Gingerbread City)
- store credit (Ye Wizard's Shack Game Shoppe)
- Swagger (The Swagger Shop)
- Volcoinos (That 70s Volcano stores)
- Wal-Mart gift certificates (The Glaciest stores)
- worthless gewgaws, worthless knick-knacks, and worthless trinkets (The Hermitage)
- yeti furs (The Trapper's Cabin; can be autosold for Meat)
- Various items in various shops, including Let's Brew!, Winter Gardening, Shop Class (After School) and other KOLHS shops, and several "stores" in Rumpelstiltskin's Workshop.
- The items used in Grandma's store
- There are some currencies that can no longer be obtained but still spent:
- A. W. O. L. commendations (A. W. O. L. Quartermaster, reached by using the commendation)
- FDKOL commendations (FDKOL Tent, reached by using the commendation)
- crystalline cheer (Cheer-o-Vend 3000, reached by using the cheer)
- There are some currencies that can still be obtained, but not spent:
- Crimbux (The Crimbo Cartel and The Crimbo Casino; obtained only through faxing after Crimbo 2009 was over))
- electrical thingamabobs and plastic ingots (Uncle Crimbo's Futuristic Trailer; obtained only through faxing after Crimbo 2012 was over)
- warbear whosits (warbear black box shop (can still be traded in), K.R.A.M.P.U.S. facility (now gone); obtained only through faxing after Crimbo 2013 was over)
- Finally, there are some currencies that can no longer be obtained nor spent:
- CRIMBCO scrip (CRIMBCO Gift Shop)
- handfuls of bone chips (The Altar of Bones; can be autosold for Meat)
- All the components for Toymaking, Toolmaking, Spooky Toymaking, Assimilating, and Crimborg Toymaking, as well as Candy Credits
- On rare occasions, The Traveling Trader appears in the Market Square. On all but one occasion, he has traded items for twinkly wads (which can be autosold for Meat). On that one exception, he traded for a previous item he sold: strange shiny discs.
- There are some currencies that can still be obtained and spent:
- There are other items — including fat stacks of fat stacks of cash and piles of gold coins — which look like currency, but cannot be used as such in the Kingdom. These can be sold and traded, but cannot currently be used to buy anything.
- There exists a stuffed version of this currency.
- Prior to 2024/08/04, the meat cap was (232) - 1, or 4,294,967,295 to the current number (18.5 quintillion). The item quantity cap was not changed at this time.