Miniature suspension bridge

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miniature suspension bridge
miniature suspension bridge

You've made a sturdy little suspension bridge out of lightweight wood. Now you just need some toy cars to push across it, or some toy soldiers to warn against walking across it in step.

Cannot be traded or discarded
Quest Item

(In-game plural: miniature suspension bridges)
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Item number: 6661
Description ID: 781798485
View in-game: view


Balsa.gif 4 wood screws 4 balsa planks 2 blobs of wood glue surgical tape
Equals.gif miniature suspension bridge


  • When clicking on the partially-constructed bridge over The Orc Chasm:
    You use the miniature suspension bridge you made in shop class to partially bridge (so to speak) the chasm.
  • Increases Chasm bridge progress by 10 lumber and 10 fasteners.
  • This item is available only during a special challenge path. It will be removed from your inventory when you leave the path, either by breaking the prism to free King Ralph XI, or by dropping the path.