Model train set

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model train set
model train set

A model train set which includes water towers, multiple silos, bridges, a factory, a refinery, and many more scale models! There's also a large two-tiered tunnel and mountain terrain piece. Almost as an afterthought, there's also a small train. Your worktrain shed will be filled from locomotive to caboose with consistently-sized fun!

Type: usable
Cannot be traded or discarded

Installs a toy train in your workshed

(In-game plural: model train sets)
View metadata
Item number: 11045
Description ID: 959599372
View in-game: view

Obtained From

packaged model train set

When Used

You place the model train set in your workshed.


  • Creates a Model Train Set in Your Workshed.
  • As of a trivial update on Dec 22, 2022, it is automatically placed in your inventory for you at the beginning of your run, with the message:
    What kind of self-respecting adventurer leaves their model train site behind?
    Modeltrain.gifYou acquire an item: model train set


"11045" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.