Monsters by number (1200-1299)

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1200 - 1299

1200. Black Crayon Spiraling Shape
1201. Black Crayon Crimbo Elf
1202. Black Crayon Mer-kin
1203. Black Crayon Slime
1204. Black Crayon Penguin
1205. Black Crayon Elemental
1206. Black Crayon Constellation
1207. Black Crayon Hobo
1208. brushfire
1209. snakefire in the grassfire
1210. blazing bat
1211. Servant of Lord Flameface
1212. Lord Flameface
1213. zombie-huntin' feller
1214. Norville Rogers
1215. Peacannon
1216. Scott the Miner
1217. Father McGruber
1218. Herman East, Relivinator
1219. Angry Space Marine
1220. Deputy Nick Soames & Earl
1221. Father Nikolai Ravonovich
1222. Charity the Zombie Hunter
1223. Special Agent Wallace Burke Corrigan
1224. Hank North, Photojournalist
1225. Rag-tag band of survivors
1226. Wesley J. "Wes" Campbell
1227. The Free Man
1228. panicking Knott Yeti
1229. Rene C. Corman (Zombie Slayer)
1230. smut orc jacker
1231. smut orc pipelayer
1232. smut orc nailer
1233. smut orc screwer

1234. smut orc pervert
1235. oil slick
1236. oil tycoon
1237. oil baron
1238. oil cartel
1239. skulldozer
1240. Bubblemint Twins
1241. Big Wheelin' Twins
1242. Mismatched Twins
1243. Creepy Ginger Twin
1244. Troll Twins
1245. spider (duck?) topiary animal
1246. bearpig topiary animal
1247. elephant (meatcar?) topiary animal
1248. little blob of gray goo
1249. largish blob of gray goo
1250. enormous blob of gray goo
1251. plastic-extruding animelf
1252. tiny-screwing animelf
1253. circuit-soldering animelf
1254. Claybender Sorcerer Ghost
1255. Dusken Raider Ghost
1256. Space Tourist Explorer Ghost
1257. Battlie Knight Ghost
1258. Whatsian Commando Ghost
1259. quality control animelf
1260. toy assembling animelf
1261. sign-twirling Crimbo elf
1262. taco-clad Crimbo elf
1263. tacobuilding elf
1264. Anger Man
1265. rage flame
1266. ticking time bomb
1267. frustrating knight

1268. Fear Man
1269. morbid skull
1270. animated possessions
1271. natural spider
1272. Doubt Man
1273. work hat
1274. reproachful heart
1275. judgmental eye
1276. Regret Man
1277. contemplative ghost
1278. lovesick ghost
1279. ancient ghost
1280. spider conspirator
1281. goblin conspirator
1282. tin can conspirator
1283. canned goblin conspirator
1284. tin spider conspirator
1285. spider-goblin conspirator
1286. Fnord the Unspeakable
1287. bacon snake
1288. pork butterfly
1289. groast
1290. salaminder
1291. cold cutter
1292. The Beefhemoth
1293. Whisk of Misery
1294. Butterknife of Regret
1295. Spatula of Despair
1296. Cookie Cutter of Loneliness
1297. Creme Brulee Torch of Fury
1298. carton of Eggs of Confidence
1299. loaf of Bread of Wonder

Monsters (By Number)
1-99 | 100-199 | 200-299 | 300-399 | 400-499 | 500-599 | 600-699 | 700-799 | 800-899 | 900-999 | 1000-1099 | 1100-1199 | 1200-1299 | 1300-1399 | 1400-1499 | 1500-1599 | 1600-1699 | 1700-1799 | 1800-1899 | 1900-1999 | 2000-2099 | 2100-2199 | 2200-2299 | 2300-2399 | 2400-2499