Mt. McLargeHuge
From TheKolWiki
When you reach level 8, the Council of Loathing sends you on a quest to Mt. McLargeHuge in The Big Mountains to help John the Trapper. He will set you a series of tasks that unlock successive areas of the mountain.
Here you can find:
- The Trapper's Cabin (formerly The L33t Tr4pz0r's C4b1n)
- Itznotyerzitz Mine
- The Goatlet
- The eXtreme Slope
- Lair of the Ninja Snowmen
- The Icy Peak (replaces the Mist-Shrouded Peak after finishing the Mt. McLargeHuge Quest)
- Shadow Rift (starting from February 11, 2023)
- Prior to the revamp on July 24, 2012, Mt. McLargeHuge looked like this:
- Mt. McLargeHuge is a reference to Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode #820, "Space Mutiny". One of the names Mike and the Bots came up with for the film's overly-muscular hero was "Big McLargeHuge."