Parasitic tentacles

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parasitic tentacles
parasitic tentacles

This is something you use like a regular pair of pants, only instead of putting your legs through cloth tubes, you slide them into the moist interiors of some wriggling tentacles. Although given your laundry habits, maybe those two experiences aren't so different, after all.

Type: pants
Power: 30
Outfit: Mutant Couture
  (4 items)

Cannot be discarded

Combat Initiative +X%

(In-game plural: pairs of parasitic tentacles)
View metadata
Item number: 3625
Description ID: 619513279
View in-game: view
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Wad.gif unstable DNA pulsing flesh unstable DNA pulsing flesh  
Wad.gif wriggling tentacle wriggling tentacle  
Wad.gif mass of wriggling tentacles rigid carapace
Equals.gif parasitic tentacles


  • Normally X is equal to two times your level, capped at 30.
  • With Yuletide Mutations X is three times your level, capped at 45.

See Also


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