Patchouli oil bomb

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patchouli oil bomb
patchouli oil bomb

This is several vials of patchouli oil poured into a pipe bomb, with organic fertilizer for the detonator. It'll coat anything you throw it at with some serious stench, as well as filling your nostrils with pain and rage.

Type: combat item
Selling Price: 150 Meat.

Deals 65-80 Stench Damage

(In-game plural: patchouli oil bombs)
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Item number: 2040
Description ID: 338636112
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Battlefield (Frat Warrior Fatigues)
War Hippy Airborne Commander
War Hippy Sky Captain
The Hippy Camp (Wartime) (2 dimes)
Recover the Lighthouse Keeper's Gunpowder (As a War Hippy) (0-3)

When Used

  • In Combat:
You toss the bomb up into the air, and it explodes directly above your opponent, raining foul-smelling oil on it and dealing 65-80 damage.
  • If used on a frat soldier (or The Man) during the war:
One of the other frat soldiers walks up behind your opponent, says "Dude, you stink, bra!" and punches it for an additional 50-80 damage.


  • Can be purchased after recovering the Lighthouse Keeper's gunpowder as a Hippy.
  • A possible reward for said sub-quest upon completion as a Hippy.
  • The bonus damage from the other frat soldiers is affected by elemental form (e.g., Coldform) and follows elemental rules.


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