Pecan pie

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pecan pie
pecan pie

This is a pie filled with a congealed sugary pecan slurry. Whoever made it should apologize for doing so instead of making a better kind of pie.

Type: food (good)
Size: 3
Level required: 5
Selling Price: 16 Meat.
Effect: Pecan Pied Piper (30 Adventures)+25% Candy Drops from Monsters

(In-game plural: pecan pies)
View metadata
Item number: 7109
Description ID: 169369859
View in-game: view
View market statistics


Ezcook.gif candied pecan pie crust
Equals.gif pecan pie

When Consumed

You eat the pecan pie, because it is very slightly better than not eating any pie at all.
AdventuresYou gain 7-9 Adventures.
You gain 20-25 Fortitude.
Pecanpie.gifYou acquire an effect: Pecan Pied Piper
(duration: 30 Adventures)
(You gain 3 Fullness.)


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