Plastic passion fruit

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plastic passion fruit
plastic passion fruit

This is a passion fruit made of plastic as purple as the nadir of night. Though it delights you like a diamond, you find it as hard to handle as a transparent tart.

Cannot be discarded

(In-game plural: plastic passion fruits)
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Item number: 1319
Description ID: 510934356
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Heap
I Refuse!
Baby Bugged Bugbear
Just the Facts (after some combats, see this helpful tool made by Semenar.)
Obsoleted Areas/Methods
Lemon Party Slot



  • Plastic Passion is a song by The Cure, from the album Boys Don't Cry. It contain lyrics such as "Plastic passion is a diamond delight / Plastic passion is the nadir of night".


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