Poison Damage

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Poison damage is a special, decaying form of passive damage that can result from the use of certain combat items, familiars, spells and weapons. Some items do poison damage on their own, while others give a chance to inflict poison damage with weapon attacks.

Poison damage recurs in subsequent rounds of combat, decreasing in each round by 50% rounded down until there is no inflicted damage. Poison damage is treated as physical damage and can be decreased by the enemy's physical resistance.

Most poisons do not stack, and only the last poison to take effect will be used for poison damage. (Thus if you cast Stringozzi Serpent, a Mutant Cactus Bud attacked from a Buddy Bjorn, and a Mutant Gila Monster attacked as your familiar, only the Gila Monster's poison would have an effect.)

Source Source
Duration Cost Prereq Notes
adder Combat Item 30-40 Instant Item Loss None Does not stack.
ancient poisoned dart Combat Item 8-10 Instant Item Loss None Stacks.
Attacking with a poisoned weapon Skill Varies Instant   None Stacks. Attacking with a weapon and a chance to poison enchantment may result in poison damage being inflicted
Baby Mutant Rattlesnake Familiar 80% of familiar attack Instant None None Does not stack. Can also poison from the Crown of Thrones
blowdart Combat Item 20-30 Instant Item Loss None Stacks.
clutch of dodecapede eggs Combat Item 20-25 Instant Item Loss None Does not stack. Also delevels
ear poison Combat Item 80-100 Instant Item Loss None Stacks
Fire a poison arrow Skill 80% of skill damage Instant None Obtuse Angel as your current familiar Does not stack. Limited to 10 uses per day
Mutant Cactus Bud Familiar 80% of familiar attack Instant None None Does not stack. Can also poison from the Crown of Thrones
Mutant Fire Ant Familiar 80% of familiar attack Instant None None Does not stack. Can also poison from the Crown of Thrones
Mutant Gila Monster Familiar 80% of familiar attack Instant None None Does not stack. Can also poison from the Crown of Thrones
noxious gas grenade Combat Item 100-120 Instant Item Loss None Does not stack. Also deals 200-300 damage, calculated separately
Poison Dart Combat Skill 50% of Monster HP Instant None Access to Your SpinMaster™ lathe Available with a beechwood blowgun equipped, can only use once per combat
Poisonsettia Combat Item 25 Instant None None Poisons an enemy for 25 and then doubles the amount of poison (spading needed)
pygmy blowgun Combat Item 20-30 Instant Item Loss None Stacks
Spider Plant Florist Friar plant 10-15 Instant None Access to The Florist Friar's Cottage Poisons at start of combat. Can only be planted in indoor zones.
Stringozzi Serpent Combat Skill (P) 50% of skill damage Instant 13 MP None Does not stack. Mys is buffed Mysticality, capped at 120
Vermincelli Pasta Thrall ceil(X/2)-X Instant None Vermincelli of level 5 or higher Stacks. X is thrall's level.
Venomous Riff Combat Skill (JA) 100% of skill damage Instant 13 MP Jazz Agent

Chance to Poison

Specific weapons and effects have a weapon poison enchantment, which grants a chance to deal poison damage to your opponent each time you strike with your weapon.

Poison damage will be W/6 to W/4, where W is the total amount of physical damage caused, not including percentage-based bonus weapon damage. Elemental damage is also not included.


Pufferfish spines and candycaine powder also describe themselves as poisoning one's opponent, but damage is listed separately, and increases rather than decreases.

Poison that affects the player are negative status effects and use an entirely different mechanic. See Poison for list of other poison effects.

Dressing Up

Mus · Mys · Mox · HP · MP · WDmg · SDmg · Init
DA · DR · Res · FightStats · ML · Items · Meat · HP Regen · MP Regen
Adv · PvP · Fam Wt · Crit · Diving


Mus · Mys · Mox · HP · MP · WDmg · SDmg · Init
DA · DR · Res · FightStats · XPBoost · ML · Items · Meat · HP Regen · MP Regen
Adv · PvP · Fam Wt · Crit · Diving

PrismDmg · RDmg · SCrit · Fumb · Stun · Passive Dmg
MP Cost · Spell Elts · Combat% · Hobo · Smith · Poison
Stat Limit

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