Pressurized potion of pulchritude

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pressurized potion of pulchritude
pressurized potion of pulchritude

This is a glass globe filled with a high-pressure lychee concoction. At first you were nervous about going swimming in it, but upon inspection it doesn't look particularly leechy.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 500 Meat.
Effect: Pulchritudinous Pressure (5 Adventures)Moxie +300%

(In-game plural: pressurized potions of pulchritude)
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Item number: 3563
Description ID: 506086645
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Potion10.gif globe of Deep Sauce sea lychee
Equals.gif pressurized potion of pulchritude

When Used

With no other pressure effects active

You pop the cork on the potion and it blasts down your throat. It reminds you of a beer bong, which in turn reminds you how much you hate frat boys.
Potion14.gifYou acquire an effect: Pulchritudinous Pressure
(duration: 5-15 Adventures)


You're already under the influence of a high-pressure sauce potion. If you took this one, you'd explode. And not in a good way.


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