Ring of telling skeletons what to do

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ring of telling skeletons what to do
ring of telling skeletons what to do

This little silver ring looks like a skull, and it also apparently makes you look like the kind of Adventurer a skull should listen to. A skull attached to a skeleton, specifically.

(When you're wearing this, a new skill will be available to you in combat.)

Type: accessory
Cannot be discarded

All Attributes +2
Lets you tell skeletons what to do

(In-game plural: rings of telling skeletons what to do)
View metadata
Item number: 8179
Description ID: 897859404
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

The Skeleton Store
"Temporarily Out of Skeletons"



  • This item parodies a certain class of D&D magical object, such as the Potion of Dragon Control and Trident of Fish Command.


"8179" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.