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Robot bartender
mixes cocktails and starts fights.
What more do you need?

Improves meat drops, grants PvP fights, discovers new cocktail ingredients... and more?

Ability: Acts as a 1.0x Leprechaun, drops cocktail ingredients that make drinks, drinks the drinks it makes for extra effects, grants extra PvP fights

Throne/Bjorn: +20% Meat from Monsters, attacks enemies

Hatchling: Robotenderlarva.gif unpowered Robortender

Familiar-Specific Equipment: Toggleswitch2.gif toggle switch (Bartend), Toggleswitch1.gif toggle switch (Bounce)

Arena.gif Ultimate Cage Match Scavenger Hunt Obstacle Course Hide and Seek
Olive.gifOlive.gifOlive.gif Olive.gifOlive.gifOlive.gif Olive.gif Olive.gif

Mumming Trunk Abilities:

+30% Meat Drop 4-5 MP +3 Muscle statgain +15% Item Drop +4 Mysticality statgain 18-20HP +2 Moxie statgain
Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif
*Hover for details
Fish.gifCan breathe underwater
Combat Messages
  • After Combat, granting meat:
    <name> berates your fallen adversary for not tipping, and checks their pockets.
    <name> fishes some meat out of your foe's pockets, and puts it in his tip jar.
    <name> polishes a glass while winking at you.
    <name> winks at you with a click like a camera shutter.
  • After Combat, when granting PvP Fights:
    <name> teaches you some old bouncer tricks that might come in handy in PvP.
PvP FightsYou gain 1 PvP Fight.
  • After Combat, when giving special ingredients:
    "Allow Me To Recommend A Local Specialty," <name> says, and hands you a <something>.
    "Perhaps You Would Enjoy A Drink Relevant To The Current Circumstances," <name> says, and gives you a <something>.
    "This Reminds Me Of A Classic Recipe," <name> says as it gives you a <something>.
    "Why Not Celebrate The Occasion With A Drink?" <name> says, offering you a <something>.
    "Why Not Try A Popular Local Recipe?" <name> says as it hands you a <something>.
SomethingYou acquire... something. [[Data:{{{item}}}]]
  • After Combat, giving basic booze:
    "Fighting Works Up A Real Thirst," <name> comments, and hands you a <something>.
    "Freshen Your Drink, Sir or Madam?" <name> queries, handing you a <something>.
    "Have One For The Road," <name> suggests, and gives you a <something>.
    "I Hope I Am Not Enabling Any Addictions You Might Have," <name> says as it gives you a <something>.
    "It's Always Happy Hour Somewhere," <name> says as it hands you a <something>.
SomethingYou acquire... something. [[Data:{{{item}}}]]
  • After combat, giving cocktail mixers:
    <name> practices a complex cocktail juggling move. You catch a <something> as it whizzes past your face.
    <name> gives you a thumbs-up with a special thumb attachment it has for the purpose, and tosses you a <something>.
    "Have One On The House," <name> says, handing you a glass. Which is empty except for a <something>.
    "Please Enjoy A Complimentary Snack," <name> says, handing you a <something>.
    "How About This Weather We're Having, Eh?" <name> says, handing you a <something> for some reason.

1 of the following:

Grapefruit.gifYou acquire an item: grapefruit
Lemon.gifYou acquire an item: lemon
Olive.gifYou acquire an item: olive
Orange.gifYou acquire an item: orange
Sodawater.gifYou acquire an item: soda water
Sberry.gifYou acquire an item: strawberry
  • At start of combat, after drinking nothingtini or Phil Collins:
    <name> cracks his knuckles -- or at least, it makes that gesture while knuckle_crack.mp3 plays from its internal speakers. Your foe seems a little nervous.
    <name> gets your opponent in a half-nelson and says "Unruly Patrons Will Be Forcibly Ejected."
Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by X
Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by X
  • During combat, after drinking great old fashioned or R'lyeh:
    <name> shows your opponent a 6000-meat bar tab, causing X%[sic] points of shock and alarm.
    <name> startles your opponent with a novelty skull-shaped tiki glass, causing X%[sic] damage.
  • During combat, after drinking Churchill or gunner's daughter:
    <name> asks your opponent if they'd like a "Slippery Nipple", and they get X%[sic] points worth of flustered.
    <name> offers your opponent a "Sex on the Beach", and they take X%[sic] damage from embarrassment.
  • During combat, after drinking Phlegethon or reverse Tantalus:
    <name> lights a shot of cheap whiskey on fire and chucks it at your opponent, causing X%[sic] damage.
    <name> lights your opponent on fire with a crème brûlée torch, causing X%[sic] damage.
  • During combat, after drinking vodka stinger or vodka barracuda
    <name> splashes your opponent with the bucket that leftover half-full glasses get emptied into. They take X%[sic] damage.
    <name> whips a mouldering old bar towel at your foe, causing X%[sic] damage to their sinuses.
  • During combat, after drinking Siberian sunrise or elemental caipiroska
    <name> dumps a tumbler-full of ice cubes down the back of your foe's trousers (or whatever), causing X%[sic] damage.
    <name> hoses your opponent down with ice-cold soda water for X%[sic] damage.
  • During combat, after drinking Gnomish sagngria or Gnollish sangria
    <name> offers your opponent a free shot -- to the gonads, for X%[sic] damage.
    <name> pitches an empty beer bottle at your opponent's head. Its aim is impeccable, and results in X%[sic] damage.
  • During combat, after drinking London frog or Simepore slime
    <name> distracts your opponent with a spray from its soda gun.
    <name> distracts your opponent with the offer of a free beer.
  • After combat, after drinking eighth plague or literal grasshopper
    <name> wipes your brow with a bar towel and gives your shoulders a quick rub before sending you back into the ring.
    <name> mixes you up a quick protein shake.
You gain X Strongness.
  • After combat, after drinking soilzerac or dirt julep
    <name> gives you some sage advice. Or rather bartender advice, which is pretty similar.
    <name> offers you some homespun wisdom gleaned from years of bartending. It's pretty good.
You gain X Magicalness.
  • After combat, after drinking shroomtini or moreltini:
    <name> teaches you some smooth pick-up lines.
    <name> tells you a joke, which is too dirty to relate here but it's really funny, trust me.
You gain X Smarm.
  • After combat, after drinking morning dew or hell in a bucket
    <name> passes you a glass of soda water. "It Is Important To Stay Hydrated."
MPYou gain X Mana Points.
  • After combat, after drinking extremely slippery nipple or Mysterious Island iced tea:
    <name> passes you a free shot of something green, which turns out to be aloe. Blech. But also ahhh.
    <name> passes you a shot glass full of bandaids.
    <name> pours you a shot of red potion.
HPYou gain X hit points.
  • After combat, after drinking whiskey squeeze or Newark:
    "I Believe You Dropped This, Sir/Madam," <name>, handing you something.
SomethingYou acquire... something. [[Data:{{{item}}}]]
SomethingYou acquire... something. [[Data:{{{item}}}]]
  • Enthroned in the Crown of Thrones:
    <name> hurls an empty beer bottle from of your hat, dealing X damage. You Owe Five Meat For The Deposit, it calls down to your opponent.
  • Bjornified in the Buddy Bjorn:
    <name> pitches an empty whiskey bottle over your shoulder, hitting your opponent for X damage and just barely missing your ear.
  • With lucky Tam O'Shanter equipped:
    <name> tips his Tam to you and gives you an extra-broad wink.
  • With miniature gravy-covered maypole equipped:
    <name> does a merry (though clanky) jig around the maypole.
  • With wax lips equipped:
    <name> gives you a smile with the wax lips pasted to its front panel.


  • Grants a cocktail mixer after combat 5% of the time, 10% of the time with the toggle switch (Bartend) equipped.
  • Grants a PvP fight after combat 5% of the time, 10% of the time with the toggle switch (Bounce) equipped.
    Each of the Robortender's abilities activate independently from each other, and multiple abilities can trigger in the same combat.
  • After combat, the Robortender drops cocktailcrafting ingredients, based on the monster's phylum. Beasts, Constructs, Dudes, and Undead do not have phylum-specific drops, and will instead result in either basic bottles of booze or basic fruit. Other ingredients are shown in the table below.
    Otherwise, the Robortender has a decaying chance to give a phyla-specific mixer to make tier 1 Robortender booze. According to initial spading, this drop rate is 100% for the first drop, 50% for the second to fourth, 40% for the fifth to seventh, 30% for the eighth to tenth, and 20% for the rest of the day.
  • You can give the Robortender drinks mixed from its ingredients up to five times per day. This gives it an additional ability from each drink for the day, as shown in the table.
  • Drinks from the same phylum do not stack. Instead, the Robortender will provide the ability of the strongest drink received.
  • When being given a drink from inventory:
    "I Am Much Obliged," <name> says, pouring the cocktail into a funnel on its chest.
    "I Do Not Mind If I Do," <name> says as it accepts the cocktail and pours it into a funnel on its chest.
    "One Should Never Drink Alone, After All," <name> comments, pouring the cocktail down a funnel on its front panel.
    "That's Very Kind Of You, Sir Or Madam," <name> says, dumping the cocktail into its front panel.
    "The More The Merrier, Am I Not Correct?" <name> says, and pours the drink into its chest tank.
  • When being given a drink from inventory, that it has already been given today:
    It looks like your Robortender doesn't want another of those today.
  • When being given a drink from inventory, after having been given five drinks today:
    It looks like your Robortender has had enough for the day.
  • When trying to URL manipulate consumption of other items:
    That's not something you can give to your Robortender.
  • When given drinks made with cans of cherry-flavored sterno (Hobos), not all items from I Refuse! can drop. For example, ten-leaf clovers, bottles of Ralph IX cognac, and dead guy's pieces of double-sided tape are blacklisted.

Booze Drops

Type Robortender Mixer Base Booze Mixer Weak Booze Weak Effect Weak Robortender Ability Improved Mixer Strong Booze Strong Effect Strong Robortender Ability
Bugs Locust1.gif pickled grasshopper Bottle.gif bottle of tequila Hoppertini.gif literal grasshopper Wings of the Grasshopper (+50% Initiative) +3 muscle substats per combat Olive.gif olive Hoppercock.gif eighth plague Wings of the Dragonfly (+100% Initiative) +5 muscle substats per combat
Constellations Fancybrew.gif bottle of anís Bottle.gif bottle of tequila Bloodymary.gif double entendre Space Cadet (Maximum MP +50%) Increases item drops like a Fairy with 0.5x weight Lemon.gif lemon Perf dark.gif single entendre Pounded by the Actual Stars (Maximum MP +100%) Increases item drops like a Fairy with 1.0x weight
Demons Ww sauce.gif bottle of novelty hot sauce Bottle.gif bottle of rum Bloodtini.gif Phlegethon Flambé-a-thon (+20 Hot Damage, +20 Damage to Hot Spells) Deals (weight/2 to weight) Hot Damage during combat. Orange.gif orange Jarl stout.gif reverse Tantalus It Is So Hot In Your Guts, So So Hot (+40 Hot Damage, +40 Damage to Hot Spells) Deals (weight to 2*weight) Hot Damage during combat.
Elementals Cube.gif elemental sugarcube Bottle.gif bottle of vodka Seadrink.gif Siberian sunrise Sugar, Hello (Mysticality +20) Deals (weight/2 to weight) Cold Damage during combat. Grapefruit.gif grapefruit Perf paloma.gif elemental caipiroska Magically Delicious (Mysticality +40) Deals (weight to 2*weight) Cold Damage during combat.
Elves Peppersprig.gif peppermint sprig Issuebox.gif boxed wine Redwine.gif mentholated wine Christmessy (+5 to Familiar Weight) Grants random Candy occasionally after combat Orange.gif orange Pep drink3.gif Feliz Navidad Wassailing You (+5 to Familiar Weight) Grants random Candy more often after combat (25% chance)
Fish Ade.gif bottle of clam juice Bottle.gif bottle of vodka Martini.gif low tide martini Floundering (+5 Fishing Skill) Familiar can breathe underwater Olive.gif olive Bloodymary.gif Bloody Nora Fishtacular Vernacular (+10 Fishing Skill) Familiar can breathe underwater
+10 to Familiar weight underwater
Goblins Sleightshroom.gif cocktail mushroom Bottle.gif bottle of gin Martini2.gif shroomtini Mushroom Samba (+25% Item Drops from Monsters) +3 moxie substats per combat Olive.gif olive Martini2.gif moreltini Truffle Tango (+50% Item Drops from Monsters) +5 moxie substats per combat
Hippies Granolashot.gif shot of granola liqueur Bottle.gif bottle of rum Pebblebrau.gif morning dew Granolarrrgh (+20 Stench Damage, +20 Damage to Stench Spells) Restores (weight/4) to (weight/2) MP after combat Sodawater.gif soda water Pail.gif hell in a bucket Hell ib a Hambasked (+40 Stench Damage, +40 Damage to Stench Spells) Restores (weight/2) to (weight) MP after combat
Hobos Balm.gif can of cherry-flavored sterno Bottle.gif bottle of whiskey Rocks.gif whiskey squeeze Hobo Powers Activate! (+10 Hobo Power) Grants items from I Refuse! occasionally after combat Orange.gif orange Perf cosmo.gif Newark Hobo Powering Up! (+10 Hobo Power) Grants items from I Refuse! more often after combat (25% chance)
Horrors Chocolump.gif lump of black ichor Bottle.gif bottle of whiskey Perf oldf.gif great old fashioned Creepin' Up on You (+20 Spooky Damage, +20 Damage to Spooky Spells) Deals (weight/2 to weight) Spooky Damage damage during combat. Sberry.gif strawberry Rlyeh.gif R'lyeh The Effect Man Was Not Meant to Have (+40 Spooky Damage, +40 Damage to Spooky Spells) Deals (weight to 2*weight) Spooky Damage damage during combat.
Humanoids Jarl lambic.gif bottle of gregnadigne Issuebox.gif boxed wine Wine.gif Gnomish sagngria Stregngth of the Gnome (Muscle +20) Deals (weight/2 to weight) physical damage during combat. Sberry.gif strawberry Redwine.gif Gnollish sangria Strength of the Gnoll (Muscle +40) Deals (weight to 2*weight) physical damage during combat.
Mer-Kin Champagne.gif bottle of Crème de Fugu Bottle.gif bottle of vodka Perf negroni.gif vodka stinger Mer-kindliness (So-so (+2) Resistance to all elements) Deals (weight/2 to weight) Stench Damage during combat. Lemon.gif lemon Rocks.gif vodka barracuda Mer-kinkiness (Stupendous (+4) Resistance to all elements) Deals (weight to 2*weight) Stench Damage during combat.
Orcs Bubblebottle.gif baby oil shooter Bottle.gif bottle of tequila Perf cosmo.gif extremely slippery nipple Slippery Tongue (+20 Sleaze Damage, +20 Damage to Sleaze Spells) Restores (weight/4) to (weight/2) HP after combat Sodawater.gif soda water Icedtea.gif Mysterious Island iced tea Orcmouth (+40 Sleaze Damage, +40 Damage to Sleaze Spells) Restores (weight/2) to (weight) HP after combat
Penguins Fishhead.gif fish head Issuebox.gif boxed wine Jarl chunkymary.gif piscatini You Drank Fish Wine (+20 Cold Damage, +20 Damage to Cold Spells) Increases meat drops like a Leprechaun by an additional 0.5x weight (for a total of 1.5x) Grapefruit.gif grapefruit Chamflute.gif drive-by shooting Drive-By Shot (+40 Cold Damage, +40 Damage to Cold Spells) Increases meat drops like a Leprechaun by an additional 1x weight (for a total of 2x)
Pirates Limepatch.gif limepatch Bottle.gif bottle of rum Perf oldf.gif Churchill Big Ol' Glass of Rum (Moxie +20) Deals (weight/2 to weight) Sleaze Damage during combat. Grapefruit.gif grapefruit Fruitym.gif gunner's daughter Kissed the Gunner's Daughter (Moxie +40) Deals (weight to 2*weight) Sleaze Damage during combat.
Plants Powderpile2.gif pile of dirt Bottle.gif bottle of whiskey Jarl sauerlager.gif soilzerac Here's Mud in Your Eye (+50% Meat from Monsters) +3 mysticality substats per combat Lemon.gif lemon Granolashot.gif dirt julep Here's Some More Mud in Your Eye (+100% Meat from Monsters) +5 mysticality substats per combat
Slimes Shot.gif slime shooter Bottle.gif bottle of gin Seasaltdrink.gif London frog Slime Time (Maximum HP +100%) Sometimes blocks opponent, like a potato. Sberry.gif strawberry Scotchrocks.gif Simepore slime The Secret of the Ooze (Maximum HP +200%) Blocks opponent, like a potato.
Weird Imaginarylemon.gif imaginary lemon Bottle.gif bottle of gin Nontini.gif nothingtini Nothing Happened (+20 to Monster Level) Delevels by (weight/2) on some combats. Sodawater.gif soda water Collins.gif Phil Collins Hello, I Must Be Going (+40 to Monster Level) Delevels by (weight/2) before every combat.
Beasts Basic booze and mixers N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Constructs Basic booze and mixers N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Dudes Basic booze and mixers N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Undead Basic booze and mixers N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
