Samurai turtle

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samurai turtle
samurai turtle
Best not call him a ninja
He'll kill for honor.

(Meatsmithing component)
Type: combat item (reusable)
Selling Price: 5 Meat.

Does various ninja things

(In-game plural: samurai turtles)
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Item number: 3986
Description ID: 239325614
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Haiku Dungeon
Turtle in peril

When Used

The turtle grabs a handful of frigid ninja stars from your sack and hurls them at your opponent, dealing 60-75 damage.
The turtle grabs a star throwing star from your sack and hurls it at your opponent, dealing 150-225 damage.
The turtle grabs some teeny-tiny ninja stars from your sack and hurls them at your opponent, dealing 200-300 damage.
  • Otherwise:
The turtle pulls out a tiny sword, and slashes at your opponent's knees, dealing 5-10 damage. Where does he keep that sword when he's not using it?
  • Every sixth use:
The turtle looks at you, shakes his head, bows, and disappears into the shadows. Looks like you asked too much of him.



  • The stars thrown by the turtle are consumed. The turtle is consumed only on the fifth, sixth or seventh use, regardless of which attacks it uses. Five successful uses followed by turtle quitting on sixth use has been repeatedly observed, but quitting on fifth or on seventh use has also been observed.


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