Senate fly

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Senate fly
Monster ID 2328
Locations Fight in the Dirt
Hit Points 10
Attack 4
Defense 2
Initiative 50
Meat None
Phylum bug
Elements None
Resistance None
Monster Parts eye, leg, thorax, wing
senate fly thorax, bug juice
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
senate fly You're fighting a senate fly

Considering that there's only a hundred of these at any given time, you might expect they'd be less annoying than house flies. But somehow they're even more infuriating.

Hit Message(s):

It quickly drafts a bill calling for your ass to be kicked, which passes 1-0 (you don't get a vote). You take %dmg damage. Oof!

It beats nine kinds of hell out of you with a hickory walking stick, causing %dmg damage, regardless of this being a reference to the wrong house of congress. Ouch!

Critical Hit Message:

The senate fly passes a bill calling for the redistribution of your wealth, by which I mean blood, for %dmg damage. (CRITICAL HIT!) Ow!

Miss Message(s):

It pauses to adjust its little toga, which may or may not be represented in the art. Or in the senate.

It attacks you with a hickory walking stick, but you manage to defend yourself with some handy fireplace tongs, contrary to historical accuracy.

Fumble Message:

It seems to want to attack you, but can't break the partizan deadlock. Political jokes! (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Flythorax.gifYou acquire an item: senate fly thorax (50% chance)*
Bugjuice.gifYou acquire an item: bug juice (30% chance)*

Occurs at Fight in the Dirt.
