Shaking skull

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shaking skull
shaking skull

This skull is vibrating in the exact way that things vibrate just before they explode.

Type: usable
Cannot be traded or discarded
Cannot be pulled from Hagnk's

(In-game plural: shaking skulls)
View metadata
Item number: 6412
Description ID: 638617403
View in-game: view


Asterisk.gif 100 skeleton
Equals.gif shaking skull

Obtained From

The Cake-Shaped Arena
Every 2nd win with a Comma Chameleon equipped (Sometimes)

When Used

  • If out of adventures:
You don't have time to play with a skull right now.
  • Else, if overdrunk:
You're too drunk to play with anything that similar to a pair of skulls.
  • Else:
You crack the skull against the side of a frying pan, and it erupts in a violent shower of bones!
The bones skitter and clatter as they assemble into a giant bulldozer.
skulldozer This monster is Undead -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: 20 skeletons, 10 skeleton bones, skulldozer egg
  • Meat Drop: unknown
  • Monster Level: unknownSubstat Gain: unknownMoxie for No Hit*: unknown
  • Monster Defense: unknown
  • Hit Points: unknown
  • Initiative: 0
  • Elemental Alignment: spooky, weak against hot and stench
  • Damage Resistance: ?


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