Spared in the Dark

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Spared in the Dark
Spared in the Dark

While sneaking through the alley, you encounter a group of ten magically animated, frightened-looking bowling pins. This strikes you as odd, and provides the opportunity for a pun.

"Help us! Save us! Help us! The Ball is coming!" they cry.

You quickly grab a handy can of black paint and paint both sides of each pin black, leaving the middle and head white. Just as you finish, a giant bowling ball rolls up.

"HEY, YOU THERE WITH THE PENGUINS... HAVE YOU SEEN ANY BOWLING PINS?" He asks. You respond that you haven't, barely holding back your mocksious laughter. The bowling ball rolls away, defeated.

You gain 2-3 Roguishness.

Occurred at The Sleazy Back Alley.