Spider Queen

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If you were looking for information on the Tales of Spelunking monster, it's at Spider queen.

Spider Queen
Monster ID 2080
Locations The Spider Queen's Lair
Hit Points 300
Attack 600
Defense 100
Initiative 200
Meat None
Phylum dude
Elements None
Resistance 50% elemental, 50% physical
Monster Parts mandibles, thorax, abdomen
leggings of the Spider Queen
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
Spider Queen You're fighting the Spider Queen

She sticks one of her real arms out of the costume and shoots a squirtgun filled with green liquid into your mouth. Thankfully, that antivenin from the thieves' guild seems to render you immune to whatever she just poisoned you with. "Oh, great," she snarls. "First I gotta cover all of stupid Brenda's shifts, and now they're letting people just cheat?"

Hit Message(s):

She glumly kicks a rock, which hits you in the <kidney>. Eek! Oof! Argh!

She pulls out her headphones and puts them in your ear for a second. Her music is terrible! Eek! Ugh! Eek!

Critical Hit Message:

She smacks you in the <bung> with a big stuffed spider arm. It hurts way more than you'd expect it to. (CRITICAL HIT!) Ow! Ow! Ooh!

Miss Message(s):

She tries to smack you in the <face> with a big floppy stuffed spider arm, but you easily dodge it.

She flails a... wait, is she dancing? You're pretty sure she's dancing.

Fumble Message:

She tries to smack you in the <skull> with a big floppy stuffed spider arm, but you easily dodge it. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Spiderleggings.gifYou acquire an item: leggings of the Spider Queen (100% chance)*

Occurs at The Spider Queen's Lair.
