spinning wheel
This is no ordinary spinning wheel -- unless the ordinary spinning wheels where you come from can sit in your workshed and spin air into Meat. In that case, it is an ordinary spinning wheel, and also can I borrow some Meat?
Type: usable Cannot be traded or discardedTurns air into Meat (once per day) (In-game plural: spinning wheels) | |
Obtained From
- Other
- Coming first on the "Largest New Gnome Families" leaderboard (one time drop).
When Used
You don't have anywhere to put this, so you go dig through the dumpster behind a lumber yard and hastily construct a workshed in your campsite.
- If you have changed your workshed today:
You've already rearranged your workshed once today. You should wait until the dust settles before you mess with it more. The dust will settle tomorrow.
- If you have not changed your workshed today:
You spinning wheel in your workshed.
- Once in your workshed, the spinning wheel has a "Use" button that, when clicked, produces level3 meat, where level is your current level and capped at 30, and this message:
- You work the spinning wheel and spin some air into Meat.
- Attempting to "Use" it subsequent times before rollover produces the message:
- You can't spin any more air into Meat today.
"7140" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.