From TheKolWiki
This is what passes for money in the Gingerbread City. Like, literally, it passes from person to person in exchange for goods and services. (In-game plural: sprinkles) |
Obtained From
- Gingerbread Civic Center
- gingerbread convict
- gingerbread lawyer
- gingerbread mad dog
- gingerbread pigeon
- gingerbread rat
- Judge Fudge
- Gingerbread Industrial Zone
- gingerbread mugger
- gingerbread mutant
- gingerbread pigeon
- gingerbread rat
- gingerbread welder robot
- GNG-3-R
- Gingerbread Sewers
- gingerbread alligator
- gingerbread pigeon
- gingerbread rat
- gingerbread vigilante
- Gingerbread Train Station
- animal cracker
- gingerbread pigeon
- gingerbread rat
- gingerbread vagrant
- gingerbread wino
- Gingerbread Upscale Retail District
- gingerbread finance bro
- gingerbread gentrifier
- gingerbread pigeon
- gingerbread rat
- gingerbread tech bro
- Pulverize
- gingerbread tophat
- gingerbread waistcoat
- gingerbread trousers
- candy dress shoes
- candy necktie
- chocolate pocketwatch
- Items
- briefcase full of sprinkles
- Used as currency in Gingerbread City.
- Sprinkle earning strategy.
"9205" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.