Stench is one of the five main elements that can be found in the kingdom. Damage from this element is called stench damage. Guano Junction requires stench resistance to be accessed. The Slug Lord's map also requires stench resistance.
- Stench does double damage against monsters with a type of spooky or hot.
- Stench does a total of 1 damage against monsters with a type of stench.
- Stench does normal damage against monsters with any other element type.
- Stench monsters take double damage from cold and sleaze attacks.
From Equipment
The following items give stench resistance when equipped:
- yabba dabba doo rag (Stupendous) (+4)
- aerated diving helmet (Serious) (+3)
- gasmask (Serious) (+3)
- hardened slime hat (Serious) (+3)
- orange peel hat (Serious) (+3)
- topeé (Serious) (+3)
- toy space helmet (Serious) (+3)
- Crown of Thrones with Bulky Buddy Box, Exotic Parrot, Holiday Log, Pet Rock, or Toothsome Rock enthroned (So-So) (+2)
- green traffic cone (So-So) (+2)
- lucky army helmet (So-So) (+2)
- moss mitre (So-So) (+2)
- slime-covered helmet (So-So) (+2)
- asshat (Slight) (+1)
- bum cheek (Slight) (+1)
- clingfilm cap (Slight) (+1)
- helm of the white knight (Slight) (+1)
- Knob Goblin harem veil (Slight) (+1)
- rusty diving helmet (Slight) (+1)
- palm-frond cloak (Slight) (+1)
- Hodgman's disgusting technicolor overcoat (Superhuman) (+5)
- Dragonscale breastplate (Serious) (+3)
- Radio Free Jersey (Serious) (+3)
- shark jumper (Serious) (+3)
- conquistador's breastplate (So-So) (+2)
- bat-ass leather jacket (Slight) (+1)
- gnauga hide vest (Slight) (+1)
- gatorskin umbrella (Serious) (+3)
- stained glass shiv (Serious) (+3)
- gunwale whalegun (Slight) (+1)
- titanium assault umbrella (Slight) (+1)
- Dallas Dynasty Falcon Crest shield (Superhuman) (+5)
- fiberglass fetish (Superhuman) (+5)
- six-rainbow shield (Serious) (+3)
- battered hubcap (So-So) (+2)
- Loathing Legion pizza stone (Slight) (+1)
- Microplushie: Hobomosome (Slight) (+1)
- polyalloy shield (Slight) (+1)
- Jeans of Loathing (Superhuman) (+5)
- Greatest American Pants with Super Structure activated (Superhuman) (+5)
- Chester's cutoffs (Serious) (+3) (Disco Bandit only)
- hardened slime pants (Serious) (+3)
- Crimbylow-rise jeans (So-So) (+2)
- pants of the Slug Lord (So-So) (+2)
- Whoompa Fur Pants (So-So) (+2)
- distressed denim pants (Slight) (+1)
- duct tape dockers (Slight) (+1)
- dungeoneer's dungarees (Slight) (+1)
- snailmail breeches (Slight) (+1)
- rainbow pearl earring (Sublime) (+9)
- Pocket Square of Loathing (Superhuman) (+5)
- Frosty's carrot (Serious) (+3) (Seal Clubber only)
- hardened slime belt (Serious) (+3)
- Ice-Cold Beerring (Serious) (+3)
- Mudflap-Girl Earring (Serious) (+3)
- plexiglass pinky ring (Serious) (+3)
- makeshift SCUBA gear (So-So) (+2)
- Pokëmann figurine: Hoboking (So-So) (+2)
- super-strong air freshener (So-So) (+2)
- musty moccasins (Slight) (+1)
- Pine-Fresh air freshener (Slight) (+1)
The following outfits give (additional) stench resistance when fully equipped:
- Arboreal Raiment (Serious) (+3)
- Slimesuit (Serious) (+3)
- Topiaria (So-So) (+2)
- Primitive Radio Duds (Slight) (+1)
From Effects
The following effects give stench resistance when active:
- Can't Smell Nothin' (Sublime) (+9)
- Rolando's Rondo of Resisto (Superhuman) (+5)
- The Sweats (Superhuman) (+5)
- Human-Elemental Hybrid (Serious) (+3)
- Oilsphere (Serious) (+3)
- Rainbow Bright (Serious) (+3)
- Cupshotten (So-So) (+2)
- Elemental Saucesphere (So-So) (+2)
- Hobo Flavor (So-So) (+2)
- Neutered Nostrils (So-So) (+2)
- Oiled-Up (So-So) (+2)
- Protection from Bad Stuff (So-So) (+2)
- Red Door Syndrome (So-So) (+2)
- Shirtless in Seattle (So-So) (+2)
- Stenchtastic (So-So) (+2)
- Astral Shell (Slight) (+1)
- Batigue (Slight) (+1)
- Celestial Sheen (Slight) (+1)
- Smelly Pants (Slight) (+1)
- Well-Oiled (Slight) (+1)
From Passive Skills
The following passive skill gives stench resistance when active:
- Olfactory Burnout (Serious) (+3)
- Diminished Gag Reflex (So-So) (+2)
- Dead Nostrils (Slight) (+1)
- Crimbo Training: Sanitation Consultant (Slight) (+1)
From House Furnishings
The following bed gives stench resistance as long as it is installed in your dwelling:
- filth-encrusted futon (So-So) (+2)
From Familiars
The following familiar gives stench resistance as long as it is your active familiar:
- Exotic Parrot (Slight (+1), 13-32 lbs) (So-So (+2), 33-52 lbs) (Serious (+3), 53+ lbs)
Given From Effects
The following effects allow you to deal additional stench damage:
- Benetton's Medley of Diversity (+15)
- Chauve-Souris Merde Fou (+50)
- Demonic Taint (+30)
- Drenched With Filth (+75)
- Frosty the Hitman (+0-2)
- Fustulent (+15)
- Guanified (+10)
- In the Slimelight (+50)
- Lapdog (+25)
- Rainbow Bright (+15)
- Sewer-Drenched (+100)
- Spirit of Garlic
- Stands Alone (+10)
- Stenchform
- Stenchtastic (+10)
- Stinky Weapon (+3)
- Tar-Struck (+20)
- What's That Smell? (+3)
Given From Spells
The following spells always deal stench damage:
These Pastamancer spells may be any element:
Using Flavour of Magic and casting Spirit of Garlic will set these pasta spells to stench damage. Otherwise, element is determined randomly.
The Pastamancer spell Weapon of the Pastalord will deal half physical and half elemental damage if tuned to a specific element.
Given From Items
The following items deal stench damage when used or equipped:
- 17-ball (+20)
- 6-ball (+5)
- aerogel attache case (+10)
- ant pitchfork (10-12)
- antique nutcracker beard (+3)
- asparagus knife (+1)
- astral shirt (+3)
- beer bong (+15)
- bejazzled eyepatch (+3)
- biomechanical crimborg helmet (+5)
- carob cannon (+5)
- chiffon chakram (+11)
- C.H.U.M. knife (+30)
- cod cape (+25)
- complicated device (+1)
- Crimbuccaneer tavern swab (+20)
- Crown of Thrones (+20) (with a Stinky Gravy Fairy enthroned)
- demon whip (+3)
- dirty hobo gloves (+2)
- dishrag (+3)
- Dr. Hobo's scalpel (+1)
- egg gun (+25)
- Elf Guard squirtgun (+20)
- filthy knitted dread sack (+3)
- Fetid feather (83-107?)
- flagstone fez (+5)
- Gaia beads (+10)
- giant discarded torn-up glove (+5)
- goatskin umbrella (+15)
- grungy bandana (+10)
- halibut (+100)
- immense cyborg hand (+3)
- jar of swamp gas (20-30)
- leftovers of indeterminate origin (6)
- Loathing Legion double prism (+2)
- Lockenstock™ sandals (+7)
- longhaired hippy wig (+20)
- Love song of Sugary Cuteness (varies) (when used in combat)
- malevolent medallion (+10)
- Microplushie: Hippylase (+2)
- moist sailor's cap (+20)
- obsidian dagger (+3)
- paraffin palazzos (+10)
- pestoblade (+3)
- pirate radio ring (+2)
- poncho de azucar (+30)
- porcelain plus-fours (+4)
- primitive alien loincloth (+25)
- Ring of the Sewer Snake (+40)
- sawed-off blunderbuss (+3)
- sebaceous shield (+1)
- sequin-encrusted sweater (+9)
- sewer turtle (+1)
- Staff of the November Jack-O-Lantern (+5-10) (when jiggled)
- Staff of the Kitchen Floor (+35-40) (when jiggled)
- stained glass shiv (+5)
- stinkin' bindle (+25)
- Sword of Dark Omens (+3)
- Tarrrnished charrrm bracelet (+10)
- terra cotta tongs (+5)
- Whoompa Fur Pants (+10)
- wrought-iron waders (+5)
- yohohoyo (+1)
- Yuleviathan necklace (+15)
The following items add additional stench damage to stench spells when used or equipped:
- 6-ball (+5)
- ancient Elf dessert spoon (+20)
- brown crock marble (+35)
- chiffon chakram (+11)
- complicated device (+11)
- flowing hippy skirt (+15)
- foon of foulness (+8)
- Gaia beads (+10)
- green peawee marble (+30)
- Putrid Pendant (+40)
- Rain-Doh green lantern (varies)
- smoldering staff (+11)
- Staff of the Kitchen Floor (+20)
- Staff of the November Jack-O-Lantern (+10)
- stained glass stetson (+5)
- Tarrrnished charrrm bracelet (+10)
Having Cookbook of the Damned equipped in the off-hand will change the element of all Pastamancer combat spells (with the exception of Weapon of the Pastalord and Fearful Fettucini) to stench when equipped.
Equipping a chiffon chamberpot deals 11 stench damage each round.
Given From Outfits
The following outfits allow you to deal additional stench damage when equipped:
- Filthy Hippy Disguise (+5)
- Glad Bag Glad Rags (+5)
- War Hippy Fatigues (+15)
- Toxic Togs (+20)
Given From Familiars
The following familiars deal stench damage:
Received From Items
These items deal stench damage to the player when used:
- bottle of Ooze-O (71)
- bottle of sewage schnapps (30-38)
- scroll of ancient forbidden unspeakable evil (5-6)
- stinky cheese ball and its derivatives (5% of max HP)
Received From Monsters
The following are stench monsters and usually deal stench damage:
- business hippy
- crusty pirate
- eXtreme cross-country hippy
- drunken half-orc hobo
- fiendish can of asparagus
- hung-over half-orc hobo
- revolting bugbear
- All monsters at The Hippy Camp
- All monsters at The Hippy Camp (Bombed Back to the Stone Age)
- All filthworms.
- Many monsters at The Battlefield (have stench resistance, may sometimes deal stench damage)
- Bailey's Beetle
- Green Ops Soldier
- Mobile Armored Sweat Lodge
- War Hippy Airborne Commander
- War Hippy Baker
- War Hippy Dread Squad
- War Hippy Elder Shaman
- War Hippy Elite Fire Spinner
- War Hippy Elite Rigger
- War Hippy F.R.O.G.
- War Hippy Green Gourmet
- War Hippy Homeopath
- War Hippy Infantryman
- War Hippy Naturopathic Homeopath
- War Hippy Rigger
- War Hippy Shaman
- War Hippy Sky Captain
- War Hippy Windtalker
- C.A.R.N.I.V.O.R.E. Operative
- Glass of Orange Juice
- Neil
- Slow Talkin' Elliot
- Zim Merman
The following are not stench monsters but occasionally deal stench damage: